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Information about the Community Rating System

Since 1990, the Community Rating System (CRS) has been a voluntary program for recognizing and encouraging community floodplain management activities exceeding the minimum NFIP standards. Flood insurance premiums for policyholders in a CRS-participating community are reduced to reflect the added flood risk protection that results from community activities supporting the following three goals: 

  1. reduce and avoid flood damage to insurable property;
  2. strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the flood insurance programs; and
  3. encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain management. 

The implementation of these goals includes activities such as: ensuring newly built structures are elevated above minimum levels required by the NFIP to reduce potential flood damage; providing premium lowering CRS credit to communities that promote the purchase of flood insurance; and protecting portions of the floodplain from development. These credited activities are practical community-based floodplain management practices which recognize resilience investments that reduce risk and increase pre-disaster mitigation. 

Thirty years after its creation, the CRS program continues to evolve to integrate continuous learning, improvement, and innovative resilience practices.

Community Rating System by State Bar Graph