The FEMA Building Code Strategy organizes and prioritizes FEMA activities to advance the adoption and enforcement of hazard-resistant building codes and standards for FEMA programs. It promotes integrating building codes and standards across FEMA, strengthening nationwide capability and expertise, and driving public action.
The Building Code Strategy is comprised of three goals and 14 objectives that focus on:
Leveraging partnerships to promote current hazard-resistant building codes
Understanding stakeholder needs to identify opportunities that advance building code adoption and enforcement
Amplifying future conditions messaging to increase public demand for building codes and standards
Targeting building code adoption outreach to achieve a more resilient nation
Strategy Goals
FEMA encourages the use of natural hazard-resistant codes in the construction of new and existing buildings. The following goals will help drive future actions.
Goal 1

Integrate building codes and standards across FEMA.
Goal 2

Strengthen nationwide capability for superior building performance.
Goal 3

Drive public action on building codes.

Have a question or feedback about the strategy? Send the Building Codes team an email.