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New Jersey Remnants of Hurricane Ida

New Jersey

Giai đoạn Xảy ra Biến cố: Th9 1, 2021 - Th9 3, 2021

Ngày Công bố: Th9 5, 2021

Local Resources Custom Text

FEMA Assistance for Hurricane Ida is Closed

The application period for homeowners & renters of Bergen, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Passiac, Somerset, Union and Warren counties ended on Jan. 5th, 2022.

How To Appeal Your FEMA Determination

If you disagree with a FEMA decision about your eligibility for disaster assistance, you have the right to submit an appeal within 60 days from the date FEMA has on the determination letter.

An appeal is a written request to FEMA to review your file again, and an opportunity to provide new or additional information not previously submitted that may affect the decision. You may appeal any decision from FEMA regarding your application for Individual Assistance, such as your initial eligibility decision, the amount or type of assistance provided to you, late applications, requests to return money, or a denial of Continued Temporary Housing Assistance.

In your appeal provide documentation of the damage that affected your essential living space or made your home uninhabitable. That includes home repair estimates and receipts, insurance information (settlements/denial of claim letter), contractor bids or photos. And be sure to include any information or documents that FEMA requests in the decision letter.

Keep in mind that after FEMA receives your letter, you may receive a phone call or a follow-up letter asking for more information.

If you have questions regarding the determination letter you received or how to file an appeal, you may contact a FEMA Helpline agent at 1-800-621-3362 (FEMA), or (TTY) 1-800-462-7585. You may also choose to request a copy of your file from FEMA to help you understand why you received the decision you want to appeal.

For more information and advice on the appeals process, see the: Tips for Appealing a Decision from FEMA Press Release.

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

You may receive a phone call to advise you of ways to apply for the Small Business Administration (SBA). If referred to the SBA, a loan application must be completed and returned in order to be considered for a loan, as well as for certain types of FEMA assistance.

Applying for an SBA loan assures that all available disaster assistance options remain open to you. If SBA find that you cannot afford a loan, they will automatically refer you to FEMA’s Individuals and Households program. Your file will be reviewed to determine if you qualify for additional grant assistance.

Applicants may apply online using SBA’s secure website at or call SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955. Individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing may call 800-877-8339. For more information, email

More Information

Clean Up After A Disaster 

If you have a mold problem caused by Hurricane Ida, call your insurance company to file a claim. Mold can pose serious health risks and should be removed as soon as possible. If you live in one of the twelve counties listed above, you may be eligible for a one-time $300 Cleaning and Sanitizing grant to help with Ida cleanup costs. Inquire about this grant as you go through the FEMA application process. Find tips about mold remediation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at Homeowner’s and Renter’s Guide to Mold Cleanup After Disasters | CDC.

Mitigation Funding for Homeowners & Subapplicants

Swift Current Initiative

FEMA's Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program is launching a disaster initiative called Swift Current that will distribute funding in alignment with the survivor experience.

The intent for the Swift Current Initiative is to explore how to make flood mitigation assistance available within the disaster recovery timeframe, for repetitively flooded and substantially damaged buildings insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in advance of the annual grant process. Learn more: Swift Current Initiative |

Subapplicants: New Jersey local governments, including cities, townships, counties, special district governments and tribal governments (including federally recognized tribes that choose to apply as subapplicants) are considered subapplicants and must submit subapplications to their state applicant agency. Requirements as follows:

  • Structures identified in the subapplication must have an NFIP policy (including Group Flood Insurance Policy) in effect prior to the opening of the application period that must be maintained through the life of the building, regardless of the flood zone.
  • Subapplicants must have a FEMA-approved Local or Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan by the application deadline and at the time of obligation of grant funds for projects.
  • All subapplicants must be participating in the National Flood Insurance Program, and not be withdrawn, on probation, or suspended.

Homeowners: Interested New Jersey homeowners should contact their local municipality or county emergency management agency for more information. The local government in which the property is located is considered the sub-applicant and will work with interested property owners to develop a sub-application. The local government will submit the sub-application to the state on property owner’s behalf, and the state will submit the application to FEMA. FEMA will select projects based on eligibility and funding available.

Individual flood mitigation projects are eligible under the FMA Swift Current. Eligible individual flood mitigation projects include the following:

  • Property Acquisition and Structure Demolition/Relocation
  • Structure Elevation
  • Dry Floodproofing of Historic Residential Structures or Non-Residential Structures
  • Non-Structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings and Facilities
  • Mitigation Reconstruction
  • Structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

The application period for Swift Current closes Oct. 3, 2022

Learn more: Swift Current Initiative |

Additional Resources

Disaster Distress Helpline

It is normal to feel sad, stressed or overwhelmed after a major disaster. For adults and children having negative feelings or thoughts, free crisis counseling is available through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline.

The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 via telephone (1-800-985-5990) and SMS (text 'TalkWithUs' to 66746) to residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or man-made disasters.

Disaster Legal Services

Disaster Legal Services (DLS) can provide free legal help to low-income disaster survivors. If you are not able to get adequate legal services for your disaster-related needs, DLS may be able to help.

DLS can help with the following:

  • Insurance claims for medical bills, loss of property, and loss of life
  • New wills, powers of attorney, and other legal papers lost during the disaster
  • Home-repair contracts and contractors
  • Problems with landlords
  • Proof of homeownership
  • FEMA appeals

Disaster Legal Services attorneys are not FEMA employees. Their services are confidential and they do not share information with FEMA. Learn more: Legal Services of New Jersey

Cách để Giúp

Tình nguyện viên và quyên góp

Việc phục hồi có thể mất nhiều năm sau một thảm họa. Có nhiều cách để giúp đỡ như quyên góp tiền mặt, vật phẩm cần thiết hoặc thời gian của quý vị. Tìm hiểu thêm về cách giúp đỡ những người gặp khó khăn.

Đừng tự mình đến các khu vực thiên tai. Các tổ chức có uy tín trong những khu vực bị ảnh hưởng biết nơi nào cần tình nguyện viên. Làm việc với một tổ chức đã được thành lập để đảm bảo rằng quý vị có được sự an toàn, được đào tạo phù hợp và các kỹ năng cần thiết để ứng phó.

FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaisons (VALs) xây dựng các mối quan hệ và phối hợp nỗ lực với các tổ chức tình nguyện, cộng đồng và tín ngưỡng đang hoạt động trong các thảm họa.

Giao dịch với FEMA

Nếu quý vị quan tâm đến việc cung cấp các dịch vụ và hàng hóa phải trả tiền để cứu trợ thiên tai thì hãy truy cập trang Giao dịch với FEMA của chúng tôi để bắt đầu.

Nếu quý vị có doanh nghiệp làm việc trong lĩnh vực dọn dẹp mảnh vỡ và muốn nỗ lực dọn dẹp ở những khu vực bị ảnh hưởng thì vui lòng liên lạc với chính quyền địa phương ở những khu vực bị ảnh hưởng để cung cấp dịch vụ của quý vị.


Các Cam kết Tài trợ

Hỗ trợ Cá nhân Số tiền
Tổng Hỗ trợ Nhà ở (HA) - Số tiền được Duyệt $229,921,671.11
Tổng Hỗ trợ Nhu cầu Khác (ONA) - Số tiền được Chấp thuận $25,547,557.20
Tổng Số Tiền Được Duyệt cho Chương trình Hỗ trợ Cá nhân & Hộ Gia đình $255,469,228.31
Số Đơn xin Hỗ trợ Cá nhân đã Duyệt 45018
Hỗ trợ Công cộng Số tiền
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated $80,408,044.77
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated $178,917,820.57
Tổng Số Tiền Trợ cấp Công cộng đã Cam kết $285,463,162.03
Hỗ trợ Giảm thiểu Nguy cơ Số tiền
Chương trình Trợ cấp Giảm thiểu Nguy cơ (HMGP) - Số tiền Đã Cam kết $25,807,054.16