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Home Elevation Works in Skagit County

SKAGIT COUNTY, WA - When Mischke built his rental home a year ago he elevated it a little higher than County regulations demanded. So when the October 20 and 21 flooding came to Skagit County, the home was a safe 5 feet above the floodwaters.


Acting as a general contractor, Mischke elevated his house as County regulations instructed. The 100-year flood level is gauged at 43 feet, and the County insists that new homes be elevated to 44 feet, one foot above flood stage.


Mischke took no chances; he elevated his house 45 feet. And it was a good investment. “My renter has a dry home, and my rental income is uninterrupted,” he said. “Elevation worked as advertised.”


His renter was displaced for a couple of days, but there were no property losses associated with the flood. “Just a little washing after the water receded,” Mischke said. “I’m delighted, and so is my renter.” By going an extra foot, Mischke saved his investment and his renter’s roof.
