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FEMA approves $4.69 million for Florida Division of Emergency Management Hurricane Michael recovery

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Release Date:
Jen 22, 2021

PENSACOLA, FlaFEMA has approved a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) grant of $4,695,468 to the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) for costs associated with implementing the State Administrative Plan for Hurricane Michael. The State Administrative Plan is a procedural guide that details how FDEM will administer the HMGP, such as activities and costs for eligible salaries, benefits, and contractual support.

The HMGP is an important source of federal disaster assistance. Program funding may become available after the president declares a major disaster, with a goal of helping communities eliminate or reduce disaster-related damage and by improving resilience. A 2018 report by the National Institute of Building Sciences found that one dollar spent on hazard mitigation saves more than six dollars of recovery and rebuilding costs.

Generally, the HMGP may provide a state, tribe or territory with additional grants up to 15 percent of the total disaster grants awarded by FEMA for a federally declared disaster. States such as Florida that meet advanced mitigation planning criteria may qualify for a higher percentage.

Florida has a FEMA-approved Enhanced Mitigation Plan, making the state eligible for HMGP funding not to exceed 20 percent of the estimated total amount of grant money awarded by FEMA for Hurricane Michael recovery expenses. From this amount, the HMGP reimburses the state up to 75 percent of eligible costs for hazard mitigation projects. The remaining amount comes from other sources such as state and local assets and a combination of cash and in-kind sources.
