Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
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Join us for a panel discussion to cap off the HMA grant closeout training series. This session will recap the key takeaways from the first three sessions and offers you the chance to connect directly with closeout specialist who will share their knowledge and best practices for applying the information covered in the first three installments of this training series.
FEMA Event
The Federal Emergency Management Agency will be sending more than $1.1 million to the State of New Hampshire to reimburse the City of Laconia for part of the cost of replacing an undersized culvert with a larger bridge to help avoid future flood damage.
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FEMA has approved $1.7 million in Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding to the city of Louisville to upgrade and replace three existing generators.
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Have you had multiple floods or filed multiple insurance claims on your property? Did your property sustain damages from Helene or a prior storm? You may be eligible for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). HMGP is a grant program administered by FEMA with the goal of rebuilding better, stronger and safer to become more resilient to future disasters. HMGP can fund voluntary elevations, property buyouts, and relocation of homes that have been impacted by flooding. HMGP can also help pay for projects that benefit an entire community.
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Nach einer Überschwemmung sind viele Immobilienbesitzer unentschlossen, ob sie ihr überschwemmungsgefährdetes Eigentum reparieren oder wiederaufbauen sollen. Für einige könnte die Teilnahme an einem freiwilligen Immobilienankauf durch ihre örtliche Gemeinde eine Option sein.
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