The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program seeks to categorically shift the federal focus from reactive disaster spending toward research-supported, proactive investment in community resilience so when the hurricane, flood or wildfire comes, communities are better prepared. BRIC provides funds on an annual basis for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster.
Fiscal Year 2020 Selections
On July 1, 2021, FEMA announced the selections of subapplications for the $700 million available in Fiscal Year 2020 (FY 2020) for BRIC and FMA grant funding. This includes 38 tribes that have been selected for planning, project and management costs totaling $26.1 million total project costs.
The BRIC FY 2020 application period opened on Sept. 30, 2020, and closed on Jan. 29, 2021. Eligible applicants applied using the new FEMA Grants Outcome (FEMA GO), which is now the grant management system for FMA and BRIC.
This announcement is not an award; it’s a decision on the status of all subapplications.
FEMA reviewed each subapplication to ensure eligibility and minimum program requirements were met. BRIC competitive subapplications then went through a two-part scoring process. In addition, a National Technical Review (NTR) team reviewed all eligible project subapplications for cost-effectiveness and engineering feasibility for FMA and the top ranked $1 billion federal share requested for BRIC.
All eligible projects must also go through an Environmental and Historic Preservation review.
Based upon its review, FEMA has placed each subapplicant in one of three categories: Identified for Further Review, Not Selected or Did Not Meet Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Requirements.
FEMA will work with applicants selected for “Further Review” to conduct programmatic reviews of the selected subapplications before making a final decision for funding. While FEMA has announced the selections of subapplications for FY 2020, the actual awards are anticipated to be made in the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system beginning late December 2021.
For additional information or to ask questions, grant applicants should contact their FEMA regional office.
The data shown below represents a summary of the subapplications received by FEMA to apply for the funding available through BRIC ($500 million). Scroll down the page to see specific information about BRIC selections by state.
Summary of Total Subapplications
FEMA received 1,227 subapplications that requested an estimated $4 billion in funding across the BRIC and FMA grant programs.
91 applicants, including 38 Tribes have subapplications that are selected for further review.
The number of subapplications requesting FY2020 BRIC and FMA funding continues the trend of oversubscription to HMA grant programs and helps demonstrate the true need for hazard mitigation in the United States.
BRIC Selected Subapplications
- FEMA received 991 subapplications for BRIC funding of which 406 have been selected for further review.
- For FY 2020, the total number of projects selected total the $500 million that was made available for funding with total project costs exceeding $1.18 billion.
Geography Summary
- 53 states and territories applied for BRIC. Of these, 25 states submitted projects that totaled $50 million or more federal share.
- Five states submitted projects with over $200 million federal share: California, New Jersey, New York, Texas and Virginia.
- Tribes submitted 73 subapplications requesting an estimated $22.1 million in federal funding.
Subapplications Summary
- States, territories and tribes submitted requests for the use of BRIC assistance that includes Mitigation Projects, Capability and Capacity Building Activities and Management Costs.
- FEMA also selected projects submitted by 46 small and impoverished communities totaling $39.2 million in total project costs.
Types of Subapplications
Uses of BRIC Assistance | Number of Subapplications Selected | Total Amount of Project Costs | % of Total Dollars Requested | % of the Subapplications Selected |
Mitigation Projects | 65 | $766.1 Million | 15.2% | 19.3% |
Capability and Capacity Building Activities | 272 | $36.72 Million | 80.7% | |
Management Costs | 69 | $78.3 Million | ||
Direct Technical Assistance | 8 |
NOTE: FEMA received seven large project applications with project amounts that reached the maximum in federal share of $50 million.
Project Types Summary
There are various types of projects eligible for BRIC funding. The lists below reflects the top five project types selected by Total Project Cost and Number of Subapplications that do not include Management Costs.
Top Five Project Types by Total Project Cost
- Flood Control = $550 million
- Utility/Infrastructure Protection = $91.3 million
- Wildfire Management = $49.3 million
- Relocation = $21.9 million
- Safe Room/shelters = $15.2 million
Top Five Project Types by Number of Subapplications
- Plan Updates = 123 subapplications
- Engineering, Environmental, Feasibility, and/or Benefit-Cost Analysis = 72 subapplications
- Planning Related Activities = 20 subapplications
- Flood Control = 16 subapplications
- New Plan = 16 subapplications
Highlights of BRIC’s FY 2020 Selections
- During FY 2020, FEMA allocated a maximum amount of $600,000 available for each state.
- Another $20 million was set aside for federally recognized tribes.
- For the tribal set-aside, FEMA received submittals by 40 federally recognized tribes, in which 38 tribes have been selected for further review for more than $26.1 million in total project costs.
- FEMA selected the remaining non-tribal set-aside BRIC funds on a nationally competitive basis:
- 22 projects were selected in the national competition based upon cumulative scores and rankings
- $17.17 million is the average federal share
- 2 Small and Impoverished Communities have project selected
- 12 Phased Projects were selected (7 Flood Control, 1 Wildfire, 1 Utility and Infrastructure Protection, one Relocation, one Stabilization and restoration, and one Floodproofing)
- 12 Flood Control Projects were selected
- 4 Utility and Infrastructure Protection Projects were selected
- 2 Relocation Projects were selected
- And 1 of each of the following were selected:
- Elevation (Roadway)
- Floodproofing
- Safe Room/Shelter
- Wildfire
- For FY 2020 FEMA selected 272 Capability and Capacity Building Activities for $36.72 million and 65 are projects with total project costs of $766.1 million.
- Also under Capability and Capacity Building Activities, FEMA selected 12 building code activities to support efforts in increasing community resiliency.
- All of the projects selected under the national competition came from applicants that had mandatory statewide adopted building codes of either the 2015 or 2018 International Building Code (IBC®) and International Residential Code.
- Also, under the national competition 18 out of the 22 projects selected include nature-based solutions into the mitigation projects.
BRIC Small and Impoverished Community Information
- FEMA is committed to delivering our programs with equity, and this increase in applications from small, impoverished communities is an encouraging sign.
- A small impoverished community is a community of 3,000 or fewer individuals identified by the Applicant that is economically disadvantaged, with residents having an average per capita annual income not exceeding 80% of the national per capita income, based on best available data.
- Of the 991 BRIC submissions, FEMA received subapplications from 98 small and impoverished communities. After further review, 75 were found eligible not including management costs.
- FEMA selected 46 project subapplications, 36 under the Tribal Set Aside, 8 under the Allocation, and 2 under the national competition.
- From 2005 to 2019, small impoverished communities represented an average of about 6% of all subapplications submitted each year. For FY20, the number of small impoverished submissions represents about 9.3% of all non-management cost subapplications submitted.
BRIC Non-Financial Direct Technical Assistance
- FEMA in consultation with applicants will deliver Direct Technical Assistance to eight communities across the nation selected from letters of interest submitted from communities. All the FEMA regions who submitted at least one letter of interest will receive Direct Technical Assistance. Letters of interest were received from all but two regions (2 and 6).
- FEMA may prioritize Direct Technical Assistance for communities that:
- Have not received a project award under Pre-Disaster Mitigation, FMA or Hazard Mitigation Grant Program within the past 5 years
- Have not received an Advance Assistance or Capability- and Capacity-Building subaward under BRIC, PDM, FMA or HMGP within the past 5 years
- Are Tribal governments
- Are designated as small impoverished
- Have demonstrated a compelling need (e.g., communities with significant social vulnerability, communities with multiple major disaster declarations within the past 5 years, etc.)
- FEMA’s provision of Direct Technical Assistance will depend on its ability to perform the requested services. Should the demand for the services exceed FEMA’s organizational capacity, FEMA may refer the community to other technical assistance offerings.
Wildfire Mitigation
- To ensure states, local communities, tribes and territories have what they need to respond wildfires and have capacity to address mitigation, there is a renewed focus on building the capability to take advantage of mitigation funding offered by FEMA.
- One project that FEMA selected represents an innovative systems methodology to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. The methodology works simultaneously at large wildland and neighborhood scales to build more resilient communities.
- The total project cost is $49.3 million. FEMA estimates that 4,103 structures will opt into the defensible program that provides cost-share to property owners to implement defensible space and ignition resistant construction activities.
- The project would also fund hazardous fuels reduction activities across 5,410 acres within three proposed project areas. The number of structures protected by hazardous fuels reduction activities is estimated to be 6,498.
FY 2020 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Subapplicant Status
The below table lists the submitted planning and project subapplications and the status of each alphabetically by applicant.
Most of the Flood Mitigation Assistance funding goes towards elevation, acquisitions, and mitigation reconstruction of repetitively flood-damaged buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Learn about the definition of each status description:
Applicant State | Subapplication Title | Subapplication ID | Funding Category | Small Impoverished Community | Status | Federal Share Requested | Total Project Cost |
Georgia | State Management Costs | EMA-2020-BR-001-0005 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $896,163.75 | $1,194,885.00 |
Kentucky | State Management Costs | EMA-2020-BR-002-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $2,837,552.00 | $2,837,552.00 |
Alabama | State Management Costs | EMA-2020-BR-010-0017 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,348,741.89 | $1,348,741.89 |
North Carolina | State Management Costs | EMA-2020-BR-100-0021 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $11,940,730.00 | $11,940,730.00 |
Florida | State Management Costs | EMA-2020-BR-182-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $19,537,036.13 | $19,537,036.13 |
South Carolina | State Management Costs | EMA-2020-BR-194-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $11,116,973.57 | $11,116,973.57 |
Tennessee | State Management Costs | EMA-2020-BR-241-0005 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $5,761,540.15 | $7,682,053.54 |
Connecticut | State Management Costs | EMB-2020-BR-001-0021 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,813,673.17 | $13,813,673.17 |
Massachusetts | State Management Costs | EMB-2020-BR-002-0023 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,550,000.00 | $1,550,000.00 |
Vermont | State Management Costs | EMB-2020-BR-003-0009 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $65,500.00 | $65,500.00 |
Rhode Island | State Management Costs | EMB-2020-BR-071-0004 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $329,459.80 | $439,279.73 |
Massachusetts | State Management Costs | EMB-2020-BR-124-0002 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $48,600.00 | $54,000.00 |
New Hampshire | State Management Costs | EMB-2020-BR-125-0004 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $165,278.90 | $165,278.90 |
Maine | State Management Costs | EMB-2020-BR-126-0004 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $80,000.00 | $80,000.00 |
Wisconsin | State Management Costs | EMC-2020-BR-009-0009 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $4,620,000.00 | $4,620,000.00 |
Indiana | State Management Costs | EMC-2020-BR-038-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $182,160.49 | $242,880.65 |
Ohio | State Management Costs | EMC-2020-BR-051-0003 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $6,478,229.86 | $6,478,229.86 |
Minnesota | State Management Costs | EMC-2020-BR-141-0003 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $196,669.11 | $262,225.48 |
Michigan | State Management Costs | EMC-2020-BR-154-0011 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $390,533.18 | $390,533.18 |
Illinois | State Management Costs | EMC-2020-BR-160-0019 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $14,967,450.98 | $14,967,450.98 |
Utah | State Management Costs | EMD-2020-BR-065-0013 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $640,474.23 | $640,474.23 |
Colorado | State Management Costs | EMD-2020-BR-094-0008 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $2,038,700.25 | $2,718,267.00 |
Wyoming | State Management Costs | EMD-2020-BR-099-0003 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $3,627,000.00 | $3,627,000.00 |
South Dakota | State Management Costs | EMD-2020-BR-119-0006 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $171,939.64 | $171,939.64 |
North Dakota | State Management Costs | EMD-2020-BR-120-0008 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $2,967,787.60 | $3,957,050.14 |
South Dakota | State Management Costs | EMD-2020-BR-122-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $12,087.37 | $16,116.50 |
Montana | State Management Costs | EMD-2020-BR-123-0008 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $2,292,600.00 | $3,056,800.00 |
California | State Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-001-0006 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $54,877,011.88 | $73,169,349.17 |
Nevada | State Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-090-0006 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,679,839.30 | $1,679,839.30 |
California | State Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-129-0003 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $29,395.95 | $29,395.95 |
Hawaii | State Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-143-0007 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $6,962,000.00 | $6,962,000.00 |
Guam | Guam Technical Assistance Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-149-0003 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $3,320,254.83 | $3,320,254.83 |
California | Pala Trujillo Creek Flood Mitigation Project Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-177-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $64,500.00 | $64,500.00 |
Northern Mariana Islands | State Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-180-0004 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $59,997.20 | $59,997.20 |
California | Trinidad Rancheria Drought Mitigation Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-185-0002 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $27,000.00 | $30,000.00 |
American Samoa | State Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-189-0001 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $46,018.16 | $46,018.16 |
Arizona | State Management Costs | EMF-2020-BR-193-0014 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,684,050.00 | $1,684,050.00 |
Missouri | State Management Costs | EMK-2020-BR-001-0009 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $311,891.43 | $415,855.24 |
Iowa | State Management Costs | EMK-2020-BR-010-0011 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,089,329.00 | $1,089,329.00 |
Nebraska | State Management Costs | EMK-2020-BR-013-0003 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $2,169,964.25 | $2,169,964.25 |
Kansas | State Management Costs | EMK-2020-BR-038-0004 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $45,000.00 | $60,000.00 |
New Jersey | State Management Costs | EMN-2020-BR-056-0001 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $47,614,822.49 | $47,614,822.49 |
New York | State Management Costs | EMN-2020-BR-063-0014 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $28,100,000.00 | $28,100,000.00 |
West Virginia | State Management Costs | EMP-2020-BR-002-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,000.00 | $30,000.00 |
Maryland | State Management Costs | EMP-2020-BR-005-0013 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $5,278,480.80 | $7,037,974.40 |
Virginia | State Management Costs | EMP-2020-BR-036-0006 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $6,630,000.00 | $8,840,000.00 |
District Of Columbia | State Management Costs | EMP-2020-BR-069-0006 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $5,422,272.00 | $5,422,272.00 |
Delaware | State Management Costs | EMP-2020-BR-074-0003 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $100,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | State Management Costs | EMP-2020-BR-084-0017 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $12,197,755.57 | $12,197,755.57 |
Idaho | State Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-001-0013 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,924.54 | $112,924.54 |
Alaska | State Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-002-0001 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $43,579.51 | $43,579.51 |
Washington | State Management Costs Sub-Application | EMS-2020-BR-102-0013 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $14,197,608.09 | $14,197,608.09 |
Alaska | Koyukuk Village Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-121-0001 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $60,000.00 | $60,000.00 |
Washington | State Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-125-0001 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $66,666.00 | $66,666.00 |
Alaska | Levelock Village Management Cost | EMS-2020-BR-126-0002 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $60,000.00 | $60,000.00 |
Alaska | Ugashik Village Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMS-2020-BR-128-0002 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $4,455.00 | $4,950.00 |
Washington | Lummi Indian Business Council Project Scoping Nooksack Estuary Hydraulic Modeling | EMS-2020-BR-129-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $24,243.10 | $24,243.10 |
Alaska | Knik Tribe Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-132-0001 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $60,000.00 | $60,000.00 |
Alaska | Nikolai Edzeno Village Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-133-0002 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $60,000.00 | $60,000.00 |
Alaska | Alatna Village Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-136-0002 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $60,000.00 | $60,000.00 |
Alaska | Akiak Native Community Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-140-0002 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $12,015.00 | $13,350.00 |
Washington | Swinomish Subapplication Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-141-0005 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $53,998.60 | $59,998.45 |
Alaska | Village of Shungnak Management Costs | EMS-2020-BR-152-0001 | Management Costs | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $60,000.00 | $60,000.00 |
Arkansas | State Management Costs | EMT-2020-BR-009-0026 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,225,000.00 | $1,225,000.00 |
Oklahoma | State Management Costs | EMT-2020-BR-014-0009 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $6,816,286.89 | $6,816,286.89 |
New Mexico | State Management Costs | EMT-2020-BR-098-0003 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,333.33 | $75,333.33 |
Louisiana | State Management Costs | EMT-2020-BR-101-0012 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $4,431,906.00 | $4,431,906.00 |
Texas | State Management Costs | EMT-2020-BR-104-0027 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $31,416,251.59 | $41,888,335.45 |
Oklahoma | State Management Costs | EMT-2020-BR-110-0002 | Management Costs | No | Identified for Further Review | $15,813.00 | $21,084.00 |
Georgia | Lowndes County Emergency Backup Generator Project | EMA-2020-BR-001-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $198,262.50 | $264,350.00 |
Georgia | Ivey Water/Sewer System Resiliency | EMA-2020-BR-001-0009 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $673,776.00 | $748,640.00 |
Georgia | City of Calhoun Generators | EMA-2020-BR-001-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $631,875.39 | $842,500.52 |
Georgia | DeKalb County Property Acquisitions | EMA-2020-BR-001-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,570,391.25 | $6,093,855.00 |
Georgia | Mobile Home Parks Acquisition | EMA-2020-BR-001-0014 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $609,106.50 | $676,785.00 |
Georgia | Dougherty County Acquisition | EMA-2020-BR-001-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $338,987.25 | $451,983.00 |
Georgia | Dougherty County Safe Room Application | EMA-2020-BR-001-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $419,334.72 | $559,112.96 |
Georgia | Springfield Canal Improvements | EMA-2020-BR-001-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $10,500,000.00 | $14,000,000.00 |
Georgia | Cedartown Backup Generators | EMA-2020-BR-001-0018 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $560,100.00 | $746,800.00 |
Kentucky | Morehead Utility Plant Board Intake Relocation Project | EMA-2020-BR-002-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,212,750.00 | $5,617,000.00 |
Kentucky | Smithland Flood Safety Barrier Project | EMA-2020-BR-002-0005 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,419,871.44 | $1,569,331.60 |
Kentucky | Mt. Sterling Water and Sewer Greenbrier Spillway Project | EMA-2020-BR-002-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $63,750.00 | $85,000.00 |
Kentucky | Mt. Sterling Water and Sewer Water Main Stabilization Project | EMA-2020-BR-002-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $90,000.00 | $120,000.00 |
Kentucky | Frankfort Mero Flood Pump Station Renewal and Mero Sanitary Pump Station Relocation - BRIC | EMA-2020-BR-002-0009 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $10,543,961.38 | $13,970,199.31 |
Kentucky | Morehead Utility Plant Board Stormwater Project | EMA-2020-BR-002-0011 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $333,750.00 | $445,000.00 |
Kentucky | Paddy's Flood Pump Station Project | EMA-2020-BR-002-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $50,000,000.00 | $76,933,100.00 |
Alabama | Morgan County Community Shelter | EMA-2020-BR-010-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,113,449.01 | $1,484,598.68 |
Alabama | Huntsville Utilities Operations Center | EMA-2020-BR-010-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,357,900.00 | $10,500,000.00 |
Alabama | Fixed Generator B (Yorktown LS) | EMA-2020-BR-010-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $45,026.47 | $60,035.29 |
Alabama | Portable Generator 2 | EMA-2020-BR-010-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $84,910.72 | $113,214.29 |
Alabama | Town of Brilliant Community Safe Room | EMA-2020-BR-010-0007 | National Competition | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $268,850.00 | $297,150.00 |
Alabama | Phenix City Emergency Generator Grant | EMA-2020-BR-010-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $132,661.39 | $176,881.85 |
Alabama | Perry County Safe Room (Francis Marion) | EMA-2020-BR-010-0009 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $2,115,257.25 | $2,820,343.00 |
Alabama | Jacksonville Application for a Tornado Safe room | EMA-2020-BR-010-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $156,654.00 | $208,872.00 |
Alabama | Fixed Generator C (McIntosh LS) | EMA-2020-BR-010-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $46,451.47 | $61,935.29 |
Alabama | Baldwin Beach Express Signals Backup Power | EMA-2020-BR-010-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $93,750.00 | $125,000.00 |
Alabama | Baldwin County, Alabama Emergency Generators | EMA-2020-BR-010-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $725,242.50 | $966,990.00 |
Alabama | Portable Generator 3 | EMA-2020-BR-010-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $84,910.72 | $113,214.29 |
Alabama | Huntsville Utilities Outage Management System | EMA-2020-BR-010-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $975,000.00 | $1,300,000.00 |
Alabama | Portable Generator 1 | EMA-2020-BR-010-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $132,160.72 | $176,214.29 |
North Carolina | New Hanover County Community Resilience Project with Emphasis on Energy Security | EMA-2020-BR-100-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $547,010.00 | $743,103.00 |
North Carolina | Jones Ferry Road Water Treatment Plant Electrical Distribution Improvements | EMA-2020-BR-100-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,991,253.38 | $6,744,937.00 |
North Carolina | Kure Beach Stormwater Infiltration for 7 Sites | EMA-2020-BR-100-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $730,938.75 | $974,585.00 |
North Carolina | Cumberland County Stream Gauge and Early Notification | EMA-2020-BR-100-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $225,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
North Carolina | Lumberton Loop: A City-Wide Plan for Flood Mitigation, Restoration and Recreation | EMA-2020-BR-100-0009 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,927,179.32 | $2,623,685.32 |
North Carolina | Greenbriar Flood Mitigation and Stream Restoration | EMA-2020-BR-100-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $927,817.50 | $1,237,090.00 |
North Carolina | Morgan Creek Interceptor Replacement and Upstream Sewer Rehabilitation Type: Sanitary Sewer Project | EMA-2020-BR-100-0011 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $9,006,984.00 | $12,171,600.00 |
North Carolina | Soules Swamp Reclamation | EMA-2020-BR-100-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,500,000.00 | $6,000,000.00 |
North Carolina | Wilson Housing Authority Flood Remediation | EMA-2020-BR-100-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $8,854,499.40 | $11,805,999.20 |
North Carolina | Craven County Water Telemetry Project | EMA-2020-BR-100-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,641,646.50 | $2,188,862.00 |
North Carolina | Hickory Northeast Wastewater Treatment Facility Hardening and Stream Restoration Project | EMA-2020-BR-100-0017 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $5,407,285.22 | $7,186,898.25 |
North Carolina | Brunswick Town Fort Anderson Shoreline Restoration Project | EMA-2020-BR-100-0018 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $2,292,377.02 | $3,056,502.70 |
North Carolina | Chapel Hill Flood Storage and Culvert Improvements Projects | EMA-2020-BR-100-0019 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,817,294.35 | $6,617,294.35 |
North Carolina | Hickory Snow Creek Pump Station Relocation and Flood Hardening | EMA-2020-BR-100-0020 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $3,540,938.78 | $4,706,311.08 |
North Carolina | Hilltop Needmore Park Preserve Dam Mitigation | EMA-2020-BR-100-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $372,686.25 | $496,915.00 |
North Carolina | Fayetteville Wayland Drive Drainage Improvements | EMA-2020-BR-100-0026 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,955,651.60 | $2,793,788.00 |
North Carolina | Belhaven Main Street Flood Mitigation | EMA-2020-BR-100-0027 | National Competition | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,990,746.45 | $2,211,940.50 |
North Carolina | Town of Duck Living Shoreline and North Carolina 12 Resiliency Project | EMA-2020-BR-100-0028 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,849,197.37 | $2,465,596.50 |
North Carolina | Pitt County Regional Special Medical Needs Shelter/Gymnasium | EMA-2020-BR-100-0029 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $12,716,250.00 | $16,955,000.00 |
North Carolina | Cultural Center Lake Sediment Removal | EMA-2020-BR-100-0030 | National Competition | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $978,245.91 | $1,086,939.90 |
North Carolina | Town of Princeville Flooding Mitigation | EMA-2020-BR-100-0032 | National Competition | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $10,968,389.85 | $12,187,099.85 |
Florida | Pasco County-Thomas Boulevard Acquisition | EMA-2020-BR-182-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $162,019.75 | $212,651.00 |
Florida | Human Services Generator Project | EMA-2020-BR-182-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $448,875.00 | $598,500.00 |
Florida | South Florida Water Management District Building Flood Resiliency Critical Basins | EMA-2020-BR-182-0006 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $48,305,049.46 | $64,824,136.20 |
Florida | Kindergarten-Grade 8 School Central Basin | EMA-2020-BR-182-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,951,000.00 | $5,268,000.00 |
Florida | Monroe County Twin Lakes Subdivision Road Mitigation Project | EMA-2020-BR-182-0008 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $5,613,728.85 | $7,312,399.18 |
Florida | Miami Beach Maurice Gibb Memorial Park Seawall Mitigation Project | EMA-2020-BR-182-0010 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,534,074.19 | $2,045,432.26 |
Florida | Monroe County Sands Subdivision Road Mitigation Project | EMA-2020-BR-182-0011 | National Competition | No | Withdrawn | $6,590,953.52 | $8,659,364.03 |
Florida | Panama City Emergency Response Center Codes Plus | EMA-2020-BR-182-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $784,898.67 | $1,030,188.23 |
Florida | South Florida Water Management District Building Flood Resiliency Critical Basins | EMA-2020-BR-182-0014 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $45,391,000.20 | $62,295,863.20 |
Florida | Homestead Power Grid Resiliency | EMA-2020-BR-182-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,905,550.75 | $5,207,401.00 |
Florida | Countywide Continuity of Operations Energy Resilience Project | EMA-2020-BR-182-0016 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $21,445,201.00 | $28,980,001.00 |
Florida | Pasco County - Green Key Drainage | EMA-2020-BR-182-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,113,093.21 | $1,460,934.85 |
Florida | Port St. Lucie Flood Control Structures | EMA-2020-BR-182-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,936,955.75 | $3,915,941.00 |
Florida | Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development Ingram Terrace Comprehensive Residential Mitigation Project | EMA-2020-BR-182-0019 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $587,948.24 | $794,632.03 |
Florida | Charlotte County Leachate Plant Generator Project - Leachate Plant Generator Project | EMA-2020-BR-182-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $767,114.25 | $1,022,819.00 |
Florida | Tamarac Water Treatment Plant Hardening | EMA-2020-BR-182-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $725,905.50 | $967,874.00 |
South Carolina | Cherokee County Flood Mitigation Projects | EMA-2020-BR-194-0001 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $337,500.00 | $450,000.00 |
South Carolina | Isle of Palms Waldrep Home- Elevation Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $266,035.31 | $354,713.75 |
South Carolina | Department of Insurance Safe Homes Program Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $160,208.92 | $220,208.92 |
South Carolina | Greenhill Community Drainage Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $186,676.63 | $261,347.63 |
South Carolina | Myrtle Beach Wither's Swash Mitigation Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0010 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $2,104,500.00 | $2,806,000.00 |
South Carolina | Abbeville Public Utility System Redundancy Tie-In Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $581,767.50 | $775,690.00 |
South Carolina | Horry County - Socastee Creek Flood Bench Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0012 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,244,486.25 | $1,659,315.00 |
South Carolina | Greenville County Acquisition Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,181,230.91 | $1,562,313.46 |
South Carolina | Backup Pump at Fort Jackson Pump Station Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $637,500.00 | $850,000.00 |
South Carolina | Charleston Medical District Flood Mitigation Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,250,000.00 | $3,000,000.00 |
South Carolina | Lexington County Recovery Shelter Retrofit | EMA-2020-BR-194-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $202,116.00 | $269,488.00 |
South Carolina | Chestnut Bay Resilience Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0018 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $2,004,000.00 | $2,672,000.00 |
South Carolina | Department of Children's Advocacy Statewide Emergency Personal Protective Equipment Warehouse Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0019 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $26,287,979.25 | $35,050,639.00 |
South Carolina | Marion County Rural Water Stream Crossings Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0020 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $647,946.75 | $863,929.00 |
South Carolina | Fort Jackson Pump Station Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $693,750.00 | $925,000.00 |
South Carolina | Backup Pump at Pebble Creek Pump Station Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0025 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $487,500.00 | $650,000.00 |
South Carolina | Backup Pump at Spring Valley Mobile Home Park Pump Station Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0026 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $684,750.00 | $913,000.00 |
South Carolina | Power Resilience for Murrells Inlet Wastewater Treatment Plant Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0027 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $135,853.30 | $181,137.73 |
South Carolina | Spartanburg County Emergency Services - Generator Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0029 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $248,263.50 | $331,018.00 |
South Carolina | Horry County - McCormick Road Culvert Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0030 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $513,450.00 | $684,600.00 |
South Carolina | Old Village Drainage Resilience-BRIC Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0031 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,347,165.50 | $7,551,945.00 |
South Carolina | Garden City Drainage Improvement Project Site 5 | EMA-2020-BR-194-0032 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $622,467.22 | $829,956.89 |
South Carolina | Columbia Resilient Water Supply Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0033 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $32,635,783.95 | $46,622,548.35 |
Tennessee | Sugar Creek - Stream and Floodplain Restoration - Medina | EMA-2020-BR-241-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $224,175.00 | $298,900.00 |
Tennessee | Huntingdon - Beaver Creek - Drainage Infrastructure Rehabilitation | EMA-2020-BR-241-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $553,875.00 | $738,500.00 |
Tennessee | Electric Power Board Chattanooga Community Network Conversion for Critical Infrastructure | EMA-2020-BR-241-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $37,300,064.84 | $49,999,972.84 |
Tennessee | Tiptonville Pump Station | EMA-2020-BR-241-0006 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $336,600.00 | $448,800.00 |
Tennessee | Blount County Back Up 911 Facility | EMA-2020-BR-241-0007 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $412,500.00 | $550,000.00 |
Tennessee | Atoka Big Creek - Stream Infrastructure Improvement | EMA-2020-BR-241-0009 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $342,390.00 | $456,520.00 |
Tennessee | Madison County/District Personal Protective Equipment Supply Building | EMA-2020-BR-241-0010 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $592,500.00 | $790,000.00 |
Tennessee | Rutherford County Emergency Management Services Fire Stations | EMA-2020-BR-241-0012 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $17,158,381.99 | $22,877,842.65 |
Connecticut | Old Waterbury Road BRIC Infrastructure Project | EMB-2020-BR-001-0001 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $722,399.63 | $948,149.50 |
Connecticut | Linden Avenue Shoreline Stabilization | EMB-2020-BR-001-0002 | National Competition | No | Withdrawn | $2,071,250.81 | $2,761,667.75 |
Connecticut | Town of Guilford BRIC Application for Infrastructure Project to Support Flooding Resilience | EMB-2020-BR-001-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $9,863,472.74 | $13,151,296.99 |
Connecticut | Stratford Flood Protection Project - North & South of the Wastewater Treatment Plant | EMB-2020-BR-001-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $12,108,121.75 | $15,891,910.00 |
Connecticut | Infrastructure Project | EMB-2020-BR-001-0008 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $6,300,000.00 | $8,268,750.00 |
Connecticut | 835 North Greenbrier Drive Orange | EMB-2020-BR-001-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $211,000.00 | $278,000.00 |
Connecticut | East Branch Trout Brook Culvert Replacements | EMB-2020-BR-001-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,085,450.37 | $6,780,600.50 |
Connecticut | Implementing Stormwise Management at High-Potential Benefit Locations | EMB-2020-BR-001-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $7,270,268.00 | $9,697,390.00 |
Connecticut | East Lyme Sewer Pump Station Flood Mitigation | EMB-2020-BR-001-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $249,000.00 | $332,000.00 |
Connecticut | East Lyme Public Safety Building Generator Grant | EMB-2020-BR-001-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $168,574.08 | $221,966.58 |
Connecticut | Water Pollution Control Flood Control Berm Mitigation | EMB-2020-BR-001-0019 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,276,212.50 | $2,999,950.00 |
Connecticut | New Haven Inland Flooding and Coastal Erosion Protection Project | EMB-2020-BR-001-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $24,384,394.41 | $32,512,525.88 |
Connecticut | Meriden Harbor Brook Improvements | EMB-2020-BR-001-0024 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $6,701,250.00 | $8,935,000.00 |
Connecticut | West Haven Water Pollution Control Facility Outfall Pipe Resilience Project | EMB-2020-BR-001-0026 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $25,460,864.00 | $33,417,384.00 |
Massachusetts | Wellfleet Department Public Works Emergency Generator | EMB-2020-BR-002-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $100,170.00 | $133,560.00 |
Massachusetts | Ipswich Town Wharf Sewer Pump Station Relocation Flood Mitigation Project | EMB-2020-BR-002-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $10,837,575.00 | $14,450,100.00 |
Massachusetts | Station Road Bridge Upgrade | EMB-2020-BR-002-0004 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,367,250.00 | $1,823,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Boxford Willow Road Culvert Replacement | EMB-2020-BR-002-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $378,384.37 | $504,512.50 |
Massachusetts | Union Square Stormwater Mitigation Program | EMB-2020-BR-002-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $43,422,594.15 | $57,631,467.40 |
Massachusetts | Haskell Pond Dam Design Storm and Seismic Improvements | EMB-2020-BR-002-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,991,276.46 | $6,551,701.46 |
Massachusetts | Harvard Town Hall Emergency Generator | EMB-2020-BR-002-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $56,700.00 | $75,600.00 |
Massachusetts | Town of Provincetown Ryder Street Flood Mitigation Project | EMB-2020-BR-002-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,156,240.00 | $2,830,065.00 |
Massachusetts | Salem Sewer Pipe Relocation Project | EMB-2020-BR-002-0019 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $6,309,014.66 | $8,412,019.54 |
Massachusetts | Reed Street Outfall Project | EMB-2020-BR-002-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $237,187.50 | $316,250.00 |
Massachusetts | Wareham: Resiliency Improvements at Narrows, Hynes and Cohasset Narrows Sewer Pump Stations | EMB-2020-BR-002-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,760,000.00 | $2,310,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Central Street Bridge Improvements and Sawmill Brook Culvert Retrofit & Restoration | EMB-2020-BR-002-0025 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $4,484,673.00 | $5,979,564.00 |
Massachusetts | Resilience Improvements in the Meadow Brook Corridor | EMB-2020-BR-002-0026 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,209,072.36 | $1,587,032.48 |
Massachusetts | Pinrock Road Sewer Pump Station Bypass Pump Quick Connect Retrofit | EMB-2020-BR-002-0027 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $189,000.00 | $252,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Merrimac Mill Street Culvert | EMB-2020-BR-002-0030 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $492,215.49 | $656,287.31 |
Massachusetts | Emergency Backup Generators | EMB-2020-BR-002-0031 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $108,190.57 | $144,254.09 |
Massachusetts | Blue Line/Lewis Street East Boston Flood Mitigation Project | EMB-2020-BR-002-0032 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,076,751.00 | $4,045,199.00 |
Vermont | Cross Brothers Dam Removal in Northfield | EMB-2020-BR-003-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $762,118.00 | $1,000,279.88 |
Vermont | Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District Hands Mill Dam Removal in Washington | EMB-2020-BR-003-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $429,343.53 | $563,513.38 |
Rhode Island | Westerly Resilient Infrastructure: Wastewater Treatment Plant Flood Mitigation Project | EMB-2020-BR-071-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,463,165.15 | $4,617,553.54 |
Rhode Island | No. Providence Flood Control Project | EMB-2020-BR-071-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $338,235.93 | $450,981.25 |
New Hampshire | Enfield - Potato Road Culvert | EMB-2020-BR-125-0002 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $647,328.00 | $849,618.00 |
New Hampshire | Barrington - Lakeside Oaks | EMB-2020-BR-125-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $199,916.00 | $262,389.75 |
Wisconsin | Madison: Old Sauk Trails Business Park Pond and Greenway Flood Mitigation | EMC-2020-BR-009-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,430,069.33 | $9,013,579.33 |
Wisconsin | Lake Park Bluff Restoration Project | EMC-2020-BR-009-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,336,601.53 | $1,754,289.52 |
Wisconsin | Royall School District BRIC Safe Room Project | EMC-2020-BR-009-0003 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,654,348.10 | $4,040,348.10 |
Wisconsin | Liberty Acquisition/Demolition | EMC-2020-BR-009-0004 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $167,246.12 | $184,850.98 |
Wisconsin | BRIC Project for City of Oak Creek Water Utility | EMC-2020-BR-009-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,784,372.48 | $3,654,488.88 |
Wisconsin | Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds (Chippewa Falls) Community Safe Room | EMC-2020-BR-009-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $633,292.00 | $872,498.00 |
Wisconsin | Raw Water Facility Mitigation Project - Shoreline Protection - Sheboygan Water Utility | EMC-2020-BR-009-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,386,556.29 | $1,866,377.19 |
Wisconsin | Columbia County - Dekorra Acquisition/Demolition | EMC-2020-BR-009-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $133,596.00 | $175,344.75 |
Wisconsin | Sheboygan Southside Interceptor Sanitary Sewage System Infrastructure Improvement Project | EMC-2020-BR-009-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $7,329,130.66 | $10,273,870.66 |
Wisconsin | Loyal School District BRIC Safe Room Project | EMC-2020-BR-009-0017 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,010,446.27 | $4,435,446.27 |
Wisconsin | Radisson Community Safe Room | EMC-2020-BR-009-0018 | National Competition | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $485,939.82 | $537,091.38 |
Wisconsin | Darlington Community Schools BRIC Safe Room Project | EMC-2020-BR-009-0019 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,885,718.52 | $5,420,718.52 |
Wisconsin | Village of Chaseburg Acquisition/Demolition | EMC-2020-BR-009-0020 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $124,067.15 | $137,126.85 |
Wisconsin | Lake Hallie BRIC Safe Room Project | EMC-2020-BR-009-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $9,483,118.04 | $12,448,118.04 |
Wisconsin | Lincoln-King Safe Room | EMC-2020-BR-009-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,521,908.00 | $3,362,544.00 |
Wisconsin | Lily River at County Road DD Crossing Replacement and Flood Risk Mitigation Project | EMC-2020-BR-009-0024 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $261,432.97 | $343,130.78 |
Wisconsin | County Road Y Mitigation | EMC-2020-BR-009-0026 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $829,505.61 | $1,088,726.12 |
Wisconsin | Douglas County Wisconsin Highway Dept. Nemadji Bridge | EMC-2020-BR-009-0028 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $790,328.98 | $1,037,306.79 |
Wisconsin | Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton BRIC Safe Room Project | EMC-2020-BR-009-0031 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,217,650.00 | $2,452,650.00 |
Indiana | Indianapolis Rocky Ripple Flood Damage Risk Reduction Project | EMC-2020-BR-038-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $48,499,248.87 | $69,284,641.25 |
Indiana | Sugar Creek Acquisition Project | EMC-2020-BR-038-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $450,840.00 | $601,120.00 |
Indiana | Fort Wayne Foster Park Stormwater Pump Station | EMC-2020-BR-038-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,334,510.00 | $9,049,300.00 |
Indiana | Crawford County Community School Corporation Safe Room | EMC-2020-BR-038-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,893,661.25 | $7,858,215.00 |
Indiana | Nashville Utilities | EMC-2020-BR-038-0009 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,125,000.00 | $5,500,000.00 |
Indiana | Fort Wayne Thieme Drive Flood System | EMC-2020-BR-038-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,566,685.75 | $2,238,122.50 |
Ohio | Hancock County Fox Street Acquisition | EMC-2020-BR-051-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $141,175.75 | $186,474.75 |
Ohio | Barberton - Wolf Creek Dam Improvements | EMC-2020-BR-051-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,830,750.00 | $9,109,000.00 |
Ohio | Columbiana - Beverly Ray Drainage Improvements | EMC-2020-BR-051-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,296,149.48 | $1,702,149.48 |
Ohio | Canfield: Overbrook Storm Sewer Improvement | EMC-2020-BR-051-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $279,430.00 | $366,890.00 |
Ohio | Columbiana - Prospect/Youngstown & Southeastern/Pittsburgh Drainage Improvements | EMC-2020-BR-051-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,039,312.25 | $1,364,312.25 |
Ohio | Metro Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Muddy Creek Rd Phase II | EMC-2020-BR-051-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $591,590.81 | $776,472.31 |
Ohio | The Ohio State University - Cannon Drive Levee Project | EMC-2020-BR-051-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $25,470,280.80 | $39,185,047.39 |
Ohio | Zanesville Muskingum Avenue ( Dug Road) Improvements | EMC-2020-BR-051-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,084,296.00 | $5,624,620.00 |
Ohio | Parma Hazard Mitigation | EMC-2020-BR-051-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,430,900.73 | $3,262,954.00 |
Ohio | Ohio Safe Room Rebate Program | EMC-2020-BR-051-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $265,999.00 | $349,125.00 |
Ohio | Aurora Geauga Lake Neighborhood | EMC-2020-BR-051-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,505,397.16 | $1,990,763.46 |
Ohio | Flooding Control in the Northeast Corridor of Blue Island | EMC-2020-BR-051-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $43,891.40 | $58,600.00 |
Minnesota | Duluth Generator Project | EMC-2020-BR-141-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,920,750.00 | $6,561,000.00 |
Michigan | Allendale - Pressure Sewer Improvements | EMC-2020-BR-154-0004 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $2,145,693.00 | $2,860,924.00 |
Michigan | Luna Pier - Elevation of 3 homes | EMC-2020-BR-154-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $250,748.44 | $334,331.25 |
Michigan | Marquette - Lake Superior Shoreline Stabilization | EMC-2020-BR-154-0007 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,274,489.62 | $1,699,319.50 |
Illinois | Natural Stormwater Detention System at 111th Street & Lavergne Avenue | EMC-2020-BR-160-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,903,076.00 | $3,870,768.00 |
Illinois | Downers Grove - Curtiss and Glenview Drainage Improvement Project | EMC-2020-BR-160-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $328,395.75 | $437,861.00 |
Illinois | Addison Creek Channel Improvements Project Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago 2 | EMC-2020-BR-160-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $33,951,618.82 | $45,268,825.09 |
Illinois | Harwood Heights Flood Mitigation Project | EMC-2020-BR-160-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,134,634.25 | $1,646,179.00 |
Illinois | City of Watseka Acquisition and Demolition Project 2021 | EMC-2020-BR-160-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,554,077.50 | $4,931,598.00 |
Illinois | Stormwater System Project in City of Grand Tower | EMC-2020-BR-160-0008 | National Competition | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,080,465.10 | $3,422,739.00 |
Illinois | Drainage Improvements in Elmhurst | EMC-2020-BR-160-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,001,431.25 | $2,668,575.00 |
Illinois | Des Plaines Fire Station #61 Relocation | EMC-2020-BR-160-0010 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,574,500.00 | $4,766,000.00 |
Illinois | Amboy Fire Department Relocation | EMC-2020-BR-160-0011 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $2,250,000.00 | $3,000,000.00 |
Illinois | Peru Water Street Electric Substation Relocation | EMC-2020-BR-160-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,968,616.44 | $7,098,023.48 |
Illinois | Brentwood Stormsewer Improvements | EMC-2020-BR-160-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,904,347.69 | $2,539,130.25 |
Illinois | Crestwood Village Storm Sewer Upgrades | EMC-2020-BR-160-0016 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,209,461.25 | $1,612,615.00 |
Illinois | Freeport BRIC Acquisition/Demolition Project | EMC-2020-BR-160-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,347,365.00 | $3,129,820.00 |
Illinois | Chicago: 7321-7337 South Shore Drive Detached Breakwater Construction | EMC-2020-BR-160-0018 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $851,250.00 | $1,135,000.00 |
Illinois | Flooding Control in the Northeast Corridor of Blue Island | EMC-2020-BR-160-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,949,500.00 | $9,266,000.00 |
Illinois | Roscoe Road Infrastructure Improvements | EMC-2020-BR-160-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,025,000.00 | $2,700,000.00 |
Illinois | Sheridan Road Revetment | EMC-2020-BR-160-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,915,000.00 | $5,220,000.00 |
Illinois | Greater Peoria Sanitation Division Levee Improvement & Certification Project | EMC-2020-BR-160-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,662,391.00 | $4,883,188.00 |
Illinois | Jersey County Buyout & Acquisition | EMC-2020-BR-160-0024 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $458,484.62 | $611,312.82 |
Illinois | Subapplication Mitigation Hazard | EMC-2020-BR-160-0025 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $20,620,673.28 | $22,911,859.20 |
Illinois | Metro Water Reclamation District Ford Heights Buyout/Riparian Restoration Project | EMC-2020-BR-160-0027 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $8,466,606.00 | $11,288,808.00 |
Illinois | Village of Lakewood Subapplication | EMC-2020-BR-160-0028 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $450,000.00 | $600,000.00 |
Utah | Sullivan Park Streambank Stabilization | EMD-2020-BR-065-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,005,675.00 | $1,340,900.00 |
Utah | Saratoga Springs Emergency Generator | EMD-2020-BR-065-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $468,606.60 | $624,808.80 |
Utah | Draper City Fuel Mitigation Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $398,772.30 | $523,696.40 |
Utah | Saratoga Springs Debris Basin-Clark Canyon | EMD-2020-BR-065-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,493,726.06 | $1,991,634.75 |
Utah | Weber Basin Water Conservancy District Parallel Aqueduct | EMD-2020-BR-065-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $18,937,023.20 | $47,342,558.00 |
Utah | Hobble and Payson Debris Basin Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,537,055.20 | $3,388,155.20 |
Utah | Sevier County Clear Creek Bank Stabilization | EMD-2020-BR-065-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $292,500.00 | $390,000.00 |
Utah | Eureka Flood Control Basin Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,639,417.00 | $3,600,013.00 |
Utah | Granite School District EOC Generator Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,700,506.20 | $2,267,341.60 |
Utah | Mount Pleasant Utah Drought Resistant Landscaping | EMD-2020-BR-065-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,500,000.00 | $2,026,000.00 |
Utah | Thistle Stream Flood Control | EMD-2020-BR-065-0016 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,591,130.21 | $6,121,507.21 |
Utah | Santaquin City Emergency Generator | EMD-2020-BR-065-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $87,088.50 | $116,118.00 |
Utah | Bountiful Critical Facilities Generators Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0019 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $327,010.50 | $436,014.00 |
Utah | Penstock Waterlines Resilient Infrastructure Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $8,072,625.00 | $10,763,500.00 |
Utah | Lehi City Emergency Generators | EMD-2020-BR-065-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,856,625.00 | $2,475,500.00 |
Utah | Harrisville Four-Mile Creek Culvert Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $455,415.00 | $606,720.00 |
Utah | Fix the Bricks Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,887,888.00 | $5,183,851.00 |
Utah | Tooele City Water Well Emergency Generators | EMD-2020-BR-065-0024 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $622,500.00 | $830,000.00 |
Utah | Perry City Sewer Lift Station Generator | EMD-2020-BR-065-0025 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $155,525.00 | $207,150.00 |
Utah | North Salt Lake Water Facility Generators | EMD-2020-BR-065-0028 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,226,137.50 | $1,634,850.00 |
Utah | Layton City Water System Generators | EMD-2020-BR-065-0029 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $323,513.25 | $431,351.00 |
Utah | Logan City River Bank Stabilization | EMD-2020-BR-065-0030 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $422,403.00 | $554,404.00 |
Utah | Saratoga Springs Seismic Retrofit | EMD-2020-BR-065-0033 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $79,216.98 | $105,622.64 |
Utah | Brighton Wildfire Fuels Reduction | EMD-2020-BR-065-0034 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $116,555.55 | $155,407.40 |
Colorado | Sand Creek, Galley to Palmer Park | EMD-2020-BR-094-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,479,218.75 | $3,305,625.00 |
Colorado | 2021 Eisenhower Johnson Tunnels Generator Replacement | EMD-2020-BR-094-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,500,061.87 | $4,000,099.00 |
Colorado | North 95th Street Flood Protection | EMD-2020-BR-094-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,761,917.00 | $6,349,223.00 |
Colorado | Red Cliff Rockfall Mitigation | EMD-2020-BR-094-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,624,850.00 | $3,499,800.00 |
Colorado | Colorado Springs Wildfire Mitigation Palmer Park | EMD-2020-BR-094-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $249,750.00 | $333,000.00 |
Colorado | Monument Branch | EMD-2020-BR-094-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,333,097.75 | $3,110,797.00 |
Colorado | Hazard Mitigation of South Side Diversion Low Head Dam | EMD-2020-BR-094-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $7,949,953.50 | $10,599,938.00 |
Colorado | South Englewood Storm Drainage Improvements | EMD-2020-BR-094-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $13,789,500.00 | $18,386,000.00 |
Colorado | Longmont Resilient St. Vrain Project City Reach 3 - Hover Road Reach flood protection project | EMD-2020-BR-094-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $15,385,628.25 | $20,514,171.00 |
Colorado | Monument Creek | EMD-2020-BR-094-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,175,000.00 | $2,900,000.00 |
Colorado | Denver County Life Safety Retrofit for Emergency Temporary Sheltering Facilities | EMD-2020-BR-094-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,612,697.24 | $3,483,596.32 |
Colorado | Cottonwood Creek at Powers Boulevard | EMD-2020-BR-094-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,192,375.00 | $8,256,500.00 |
Colorado | Post-Wildfire Sediment Basins | EMD-2020-BR-094-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $450,000.00 | $600,000.00 |
Colorado | El Paso County Fairground Storm Shelters | EMD-2020-BR-094-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $250,000.00 | $912,529.00 |
Colorado | Loveland Pulliam Community Building Renovations | EMD-2020-BR-094-0026 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,272,498.00 | $5,055,298.00 |
Colorado | Glenwood Springs South Bridge Resilient Infrastructure Project | EMD-2020-BR-094-0027 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $27,170,296.20 | $51,581,134.20 |
Colorado | Cuchara Valley Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project | EMD-2020-BR-094-0028 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $413,812.50 | $551,750.00 |
Colorado | Overland Road Flood Protection | EMD-2020-BR-094-0030 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,556,189.00 | $3,408,252.00 |
Colorado | Colorado Front Range Wildfire Mitigation | EMD-2020-BR-094-0031 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,046,350.50 | $5,395,134.00 |
Wyoming | Wolf Creek Road Reconstruction Project | EMD-2020-BR-099-0002 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $706,021.78 | $784,468.65 |
Wyoming | Cheyenne Duff Avenue Flood Control Project | EMD-2020-BR-099-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,023,488.94 | $6,697,985.25 |
Wyoming | Goshen and Gering-Ft. Laramie Irrigation District Tunnel #1 & #2 Collapse and Disaster Prevention | EMD-2020-BR-099-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $17,891,775.00 | $23,855,700.00 |
South Dakota | Sioux Falls Tomar Park Buyout Property #3 | EMD-2020-BR-119-0008 | National Competition | No | Withdrawn | $176,478.96 | $231,628.64 |
South Dakota | Sioux Falls Tomar Park Buyout Property #2 | EMD-2020-BR-119-0010 | National Competition | No | Withdrawn | $180,391.68 | $236,764.08 |
North Dakota | Grand Forks Storm Water Improvements For Pump Station 188 Area | EMD-2020-BR-120-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,805,750.00 | $7,741,000.00 |
North Dakota | Emmons County - Schwahn Lake High Water Outlet | EMD-2020-BR-120-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,230,000.00 | $1,640,000.00 |
North Dakota | Puppy Dog Coulee Flood Control | EMD-2020-BR-120-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $9,409,285.05 | $12,545,713.38 |
North Dakota | Northwood Storm and Sanitary Sewer Improvements | EMD-2020-BR-120-0011 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $11,721,979.80 | $13,024,422.00 |
North Dakota | Steele County Road 5 Bridge Improvement | EMD-2020-BR-120-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $503,250.00 | $671,000.00 |
North Dakota | Garrison Raw Water Intake | EMD-2020-BR-120-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,471,250.00 | $3,295,000.00 |
Montana | Ravalli County Como Dam Multihazard Mitigation Project | EMD-2020-BR-123-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,355,853.75 | $1,807,805.00 |
Montana | Basin Creek Dam #1 Rehabilitation Project | EMD-2020-BR-123-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,650,039.00 | $2,200,052.00 |
Montana | Rock Creek Fire Mitigation Project | EMD-2020-BR-123-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $919,950.00 | $1,226,600.00 |
Montana | St. Regis Sewer River Crossing Reconstruction | EMD-2020-BR-123-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $674,941.42 | $899,921.90 |
Montana | City of Billings Water Supply Flood and Drought Mitigation Project | EMD-2020-BR-123-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $50,000,000.00 | $132,309,857.00 |
Montana | Sewell Subdivision Floodwater Control Project | EMD-2020-BR-123-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $755,307.00 | $1,007,076.00 |
Montana | Three Forks Flood Mitigation | EMD-2020-BR-123-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,784,537.50 | $5,046,050.00 |
California | Los Angeles Unified School District - Irving Middle School - Auditorium Building Retrofit | EMF-2020-BR-001-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $743,269.00 | $1,004,418.00 |
California | Menlo Park, Menlo Park SAFER Bay Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0002 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $50,000,000.00 | $67,675,087.00 |
California | Belvedere Lagoon Coastal Levee System Improvement Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $15,535,706.80 | $20,994,198.80 |
California | Camarillo City Hall and Corp Yard Standby Power Resiliency Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,760,000.00 | $3,635,000.00 |
California | Alameda County Water District Alvarado Niles Pipeline Seismic Improvement | EMF-2020-BR-001-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $11,959,783.15 | $16,484,883.74 |
California | Earthquake Brace + Bolt Multi-Family Statewide Seismic Retrofit Program | EMF-2020-BR-001-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $30,000,000.00 | $44,637,500.00 |
California | Los Angeles Unified School District - Lockwood Avenue Elementary School - Main Building Seismic Retrofit Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,101,944.00 | $1,489,114.00 |
California | Redwood City Price Storm Drainage Pump Station Improvements Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,031,713.20 | $8,016,834.00 |
California | Rohnert Park Water Tank System Seismic Retrofit | EMF-2020-BR-001-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,927,953.08 | $2,605,342.00 |
California | East Valley Water District - Water Main Seismic Retrofit | EMF-2020-BR-001-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $10,258,633.78 | $13,652,905.92 |
California | Los Angeles Unified School District 1st Street Elementary School - East Building Seismic Retrofit | EMF-2020-BR-001-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $762,099.00 | $1,029,864.00 |
California | Central San Walnut Creek / Grayson Creek Levee Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0014 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $2,465,230.68 | $3,276,578.68 |
California | Wildfire Resilient Sonoma County - Nature-based Mitigation to Adapt for Megafires | EMF-2020-BR-001-0015 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $36,983,751.70 | $49,318,244.70 |
California | Escondido Lake Wohlford Dam Replacement Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $45,593,836.80 | $66,805,357.00 |
California | Earthquake Brace + Bolt Multi-County Soft-story Seismic Retrofit Program | EMF-2020-BR-001-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $24,998,400.00 | $55,056,000.00 |
California | South Tahoe Public Utility District Secondary Clarifiers Seismic Retrofit | EMF-2020-BR-001-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,665,026.82 | $2,250,036.25 |
California | Los Angeles Unified School District - Aldama Elementary - Main Building & Auditorium Seismic Retrofit | EMF-2020-BR-001-0019 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,542,951.00 | $3,436,420.00 |
California | El Dorado Irrigation District Flume 30 Replacement Project - Wildfire Protection | EMF-2020-BR-001-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,472,462.35 | $7,273,525.35 |
California | Sacramento River West Side Levee District - Grimes Seepage Mitigation Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $19,036,130.00 | $25,724,500.00 |
California | Los Angeles Hall of Administration Building Seismic Retrofit Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0024 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $50,000,000.00 | $299,862,390.96 |
California | Rohnert Park Copeland Creek Detention Basin | EMF-2020-BR-001-0025 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $6,000,000.00 | $12,435,699.80 |
California | Los Angeles Unified School District - Albion Street Elementary - Auditorium Seismic Retrofit | EMF-2020-BR-001-0026 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $289,291.00 | $390,934.00 |
California | Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility Levee Expansion Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0027 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,202,100.84 | $5,638,113.60 |
California | Los Angeles Unified School District - Micheltorena Elementary School - Main Building Seismic Retrofit | EMF-2020-BR-001-0028 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $909,975.00 | $1,229,696.00 |
California | Alameda Flood Control District Estudillo Canal Flood Storage and Tidegate Project | EMF-2020-BR-001-0029 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $7,607,277.99 | $10,236,897.99 |
California | Hawthorne, Seismic Retrofit of Four Buildings | EMF-2020-BR-001-0030 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,668,661.46 | $6,507,573.46 |
Nevada | Hobart Creek Reservoir Dam Resilient Infrastructure Project | EMF-2020-BR-090-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $10,021,355.00 | $13,940,279.00 |
Nevada | Maxwell Basin Flood Mitigation Project BRIC Application | EMF-2020-BR-090-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,562,248.53 | $2,050,764.71 |
Hawaii | Resiliency - King Kalakaua Building (Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs) | EMF-2020-BR-143-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $7,162,500.00 | $9,550,000.00 |
Hawaii | Beach Restoration at Napili Bay, Maui, Nature-Based Approach to Community Resilience | EMF-2020-BR-143-0002 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $2,628,318.75 | $3,304,425.00 |
Hawaii | Wailuku Wastewater Pump Station Modifications | EMF-2020-BR-143-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,612,500.00 | $6,150,000.00 |
Hawaii | Maui: Kahana Bay Erosion Mitigation | EMF-2020-BR-143-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $18,034,801.50 | $24,046,402.00 |
Hawaii | Honolulu Harbor Microgrid at FTZ9 | EMF-2020-BR-143-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $937,500.00 | $1,250,000.00 |
Hawaii | Hawaii State Energy Office - 3 Microgrids - Oahu | EMF-2020-BR-143-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,080,763.00 | $7,981,001.44 |
Hawaii | Ko'olauloa Resilience Hub and Community Safe Room | EMF-2020-BR-143-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $20,435,198.37 | $27,246,931.16 |
Hawaii | State of Hawaii Emergency Operations Center Hardening and Modernization | EMF-2020-BR-143-0012 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $50,000,000.00 | $106,050,000.00 |
Hawaii | Hawaii Safe Home Hurricane Wind Retrofit Program | EMF-2020-BR-143-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $326,817.00 | $460,317.00 |
Hawaii | Removal and Replacement of Underground Storage Tanks HFD Fire Stations | EMF-2020-BR-143-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,425,000.00 | $1,900,000.00 |
Hawaii | West Hawaii Fire Infrastructure | EMF-2020-BR-143-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $249,999.75 | $333,333.00 |
Hawaii | Pali Momi Medical Center Emergency Generator System Improvements | EMF-2020-BR-143-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,590,000.00 | $6,240,000.00 |
Guam | Umatac - pre storm river maintenance & bank stabilization | EMF-2020-BR-149-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $617,601.60 | $810,602.10 |
Guam | Local Precincts, BRIC Project | EMF-2020-BR-149-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $160,000.00 | $210,000.00 |
Guam | Tumon Bay Lateral Underground Conversion | EMF-2020-BR-149-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,960,000.00 | $3,885,000.00 |
Guam | Port Authority of Guam Wharves Service Life Extension - Hardening of Wharves F1 - F6 | EMF-2020-BR-149-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $17,174,136.00 | $22,660,014.67 |
Guam | Sergeant Frankie E. Smith Facility Project | EMF-2020-BR-149-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $160,000.00 | $210,000.00 |
Guam | Dededo Kaiser Secondary Hybrid Conversion | EMF-2020-BR-149-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,600,000.00 | $2,100,000.00 |
Guam | Guam Community College Building 600 Retrofit Project | EMF-2020-BR-149-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,054,895.93 | $1,384,550.90 |
Guam | Namo - flood control & bank stabilization | EMF-2020-BR-149-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $348,224.18 | $436,590.00 |
Arizona | Emergency Shelters/Redundant Power  | EMF-2020-BR-193-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $268,125.00 | $357,500.00 |
Arizona | Coconino County Resilient Communities Program | EMF-2020-BR-193-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $187,978.50 | $246,722.00 |
Arizona | Mesa Smart/Micro Grid Energy Resilience | EMF-2020-BR-193-0005 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,675,972.25 | $6,137,492.00 |
Arizona | Flagstaff Rio De Flag Lateral Project | EMF-2020-BR-193-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $820,812.50 | $1,077,750.00 |
Arizona | Tres Rios Wastewater Reclamation Facility Microgrid Generator & Solar Power Resiliency Project | EMF-2020-BR-193-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,112,027.90 | $3,000,000.00 |
Arizona | Lower Highland Wash Flood Control Project | EMF-2020-BR-193-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,521,347.00 | $3,361,796.00 |
Arizona | Springerville Coconino Street Flood Control | EMF-2020-BR-193-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $848,311.50 | $1,114,582.00 |
Arizona | Cottonwood-Wellsite Generators | EMF-2020-BR-193-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $441,637.50 | $588,850.00 |
Arizona | Tucson Neosha Dip Crossing Safety Improvements | EMF-2020-BR-193-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $151,172.25 | $201,563.00 |
Missouri | Hazard Mitigation Grant Willow Springs Elementary School Safe Room | EMK-2020-BR-001-0001 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,686,500.00 | $2,985,000.00 |
Missouri | North Wood R-IV Safe Room | EMK-2020-BR-001-0002 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,155,483.00 | $1,283,870.00 |
Missouri | Weaubleau R-III School District Community Safe Room | EMK-2020-BR-001-0003 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,472,737.00 | $1,627,762.00 |
Missouri | Knob Noster R-VIII School District - High School Community Safe Room | EMK-2020-BR-001-0004 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,088,765.00 | $2,308,635.00 |
Missouri | Wheaton R-III School District Community Safe Room | EMK-2020-BR-001-0005 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,250,360.00 | $2,487,240.00 |
Missouri | Amazonia Sewer Improvements | EMK-2020-BR-001-0006 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $414,255.87 | $460,284.30 |
Missouri | Middletown Critical Facility Generator | EMK-2020-BR-001-0008 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $36,622.10 | $40,477.06 |
Missouri | Meadow Heights R-II School District Safe Room | EMK-2020-BR-001-0010 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,725,912.00 | $1,907,587.00 |
Iowa | Cedar Rapids: Basin & Sewer Flood Mitigation | EMK-2020-BR-010-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,578,237.50 | $3,437,650.00 |
Iowa | Cherokee Lift Station Relocation | EMK-2020-BR-010-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,133,737.50 | $2,841,650.00 |
Iowa | Washington County - Dogwood Ave Flood Mitigation Project | EMK-2020-BR-010-0008 | National Competition | No | Withdrawn | $222,732.75 | $293,517.00 |
Iowa | Administration Building Generator | EMK-2020-BR-010-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $407,602.50 | $543,470.00 |
Iowa | Iowa County English River F67 Bridge Flood Mitigation | EMK-2020-BR-010-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $956,870.90 | $1,350,654.90 |
Iowa | Prairie Energy Cooperative Overhead Strengthening | EMK-2020-BR-010-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,342,875.00 | $1,790,500.00 |
Nebraska | Polk County Rural Public Power District Transmission Line | EMK-2020-BR-013-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,875,262.50 | $2,500,350.00 |
Nebraska | Pender Flood Mitigation Project | EMK-2020-BR-013-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,084,777.35 | $5,411,703.13 |
Nebraska | Omaha Flood Pumping Stations' Resiliency Projects | EMK-2020-BR-013-0004 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $7,288,057.25 | $9,676,393.00 |
Nebraska | Sargent Flood Resiliency Project | EMK-2020-BR-013-0006 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,293,082.30 | $4,745,091.45 |
Nebraska | Niobrara to Santee Line | EMK-2020-BR-013-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $645,630.00 | $860,840.00 |
Nebraska | Bank Stabilization C1-465 | EMK-2020-BR-013-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $575,814.00 | $767,752.00 |
Nebraska | West Papio Regional Basin 4 Project | EMK-2020-BR-013-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,119,385.15 | $5,492,513.53 |
Nebraska | Abie to Bruno Transmission Line | EMK-2020-BR-013-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $967,014.75 | $1,289,353.00 |
Nebraska | Headworks Mitigation Project | EMK-2020-BR-013-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,805,225.00 | $3,740,300.00 |
Kansas | USD 461 Multi-use Community FEMA Shelter in Neodesha | EMK-2020-BR-038-0001 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,800,000.00 | $2,000,000.00 |
Kansas | Storm Shelter | EMK-2020-BR-038-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $120,000.00 | $160,000.00 |
New Jersey | Meadowlands East Riser Ditch Pumping Station and Channel Improvements | EMN-2020-BR-056-0002 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $36,000,000.00 | $61,295,870.00 |
New Jersey | Wildwood Crest: Flood Mitigation Bayside Improvements | EMN-2020-BR-056-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,884,353.12 | $9,179,137.50 |
New Jersey | Ventnor City-Winchester Avenue Resiliency Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,645,511.05 | $2,184,014.74 |
New Jersey | Atlantic City Emergency Generators - Fire Stations | EMN-2020-BR-056-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $687,483.75 | $906,645.00 |
New Jersey | Secaucus Huber Street Floodwall Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $9,300,000.00 | $12,400,000.00 |
New Jersey | Berkeley Heights Generator Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $86,670.00 | $115,560.00 |
New Jersey | Wildwood: Otten's Harbor Infrastructure Mitigation | EMN-2020-BR-056-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,980,682.50 | $2,630,910.00 |
New Jersey | Sea Isle City: 46th Street Pump Station Mitigation Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,111,812.50 | $2,815,750.00 |
New Jersey | Margate - Adams Avenue Flood Mitigation Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,417,800.00 | $1,880,400.00 |
New Jersey | Pleasantville Emergency Generators Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $190,869.16 | $250,515.77 |
New Jersey | Rochelle Park Sewer Pump Station Flood Mitigation Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0015 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $920,937.50 | $1,315,625.00 |
New Jersey | Pleasant Valley Road Stream Bank Stabilization Project, Phase III | EMN-2020-BR-056-0016 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $570,300.00 | $760,400.00 |
New Jersey | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Hudson River Floodwall Infrastructure and Resilience Park | EMN-2020-BR-056-0018 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,517,000.00 | $243,005,239.00 |
New Jersey | Somers Point: Bay Avenue Infrastructure Mitigation | EMN-2020-BR-056-0019 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,818,350.00 | $2,417,800.00 |
New Jersey | Ventnor Heights Flood Mitigation Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,201,765.55 | $1,592,354.06 |
New Jersey | Gulph Mill Road Flood Mitigation Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $220,836.00 | $289,847.25 |
New Jersey | Lacey Township Island View Drive | EMN-2020-BR-056-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $395,520.00 | $519,120.00 |
New Jersey | Neptune Twp South Riverside Flood Pumps | EMN-2020-BR-056-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $666,000.00 | $900,000.00 |
New York | Port Authority NY-NJ: Elevation-Floodproofing of Building 260 Infrastructure Mitigation | EMN-2020-BR-056-0024 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,739,000.00 | $2,350,000.00 |
New Jersey | Longport Borough: Winchester Avenue Resiliency Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0025 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,136,250.00 | $1,505,000.00 |
New Jersey | Wildwood: Pacific Avenue Infrastructure Mitigation | EMN-2020-BR-056-0026 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,612,869.06 | $4,807,158.75 |
New Jersey | Brick Township: Roadway Elevation Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0027 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,522,291.25 | $7,327,055.00 |
New Jersey | Woodbridge Township: Sanitary Pump Station Flood Proofing | EMN-2020-BR-056-0028 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,076,887.50 | $5,435,850.00 |
New Jersey | Stone Harbor Bayside Resiliency Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0029 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,093,087.50 | $5,447,450.00 |
New Jersey | Stafford Township: Neptune Basin Expansion | EMN-2020-BR-056-0030 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,478,505.25 | $4,638,007.00 |
New Jersey | Chelsea Heights Flood Mitigation Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0033 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $6,395,275.87 | $8,517,034.50 |
New Jersey | Boonton Potable Water Treatment Plant Electrical Distribution System Retrofit | EMN-2020-BR-056-0034 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $11,250,000.00 | $15,750,000.00 |
New Jersey | Freehold Township Water Treatment Plant Generator Project | EMN-2020-BR-056-0035 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,120,000.00 | $1,600,000.00 |
New Jersey | Flood Mitigation of Lower Ferry & Fackler Roads Pump Stations | EMN-2020-BR-056-0036 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $8,496,000.00 | $11,151,000.00 |
New Jersey | Main Pump Station | EMN-2020-BR-056-0037 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $20,000,000.00 | $59,231,509.00 |
New York | Port Authority NY-NJ: Elevation-Floodproofing of Building 111 Infrastructure Mitigation | EMN-2020-BR-056-0038 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,025,431.80 | $2,737,070.00 |
New York | New York State Department of Transportation Lower Sauquoit Creek Flood Mitigation | EMN-2020-BR-063-0003 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $14,143,143.42 | $18,857,524.56 |
New York | Nassau County Long Beach Water Pollution Control Plant Consolidation Project | EMN-2020-BR-063-0004 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $27,839,750.00 | $95,566,000.00 |
New York | Penn Yan Village of Penn Yan 2nd Sewer Force Main to Wastewater Treatment Plant | EMN-2020-BR-063-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $900,000.00 | $1,200,000.00 |
New York | Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery/New York City Parks Tottenville Shoreline Protection Project | EMN-2020-BR-063-0008 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $19,822,053.06 | $26,345,767.00 |
New York | Nassau County Beech Street-Park Street Flood Mitigation Initiative | EMN-2020-BR-063-0010 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $14,519,716.94 | $19,359,622.60 |
New York | Greene County Catskill Point Shore Stabilization Project | EMN-2020-BR-063-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,019,200.00 | $1,394,200.00 |
New York | Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Golden Hill State Park Lighthouse Shoreline/Embankment Protection Project | EMN-2020-BR-063-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $915,902.09 | $1,202,121.50 |
New York | New Castle (T) Upper Minkel Dam Decommissioning & Riparian Corridor Restoration | EMN-2020-BR-063-0018 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $1,050,000.00 | $1,500,000.00 |
New York | Orange County Cromline Creek Pump Station Flood Resilience Improvement Project | EMN-2020-BR-063-0020 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,156,188.00 | $1,277,892.00 |
New York | New York City Economic Development Corporation Hunts Point, Meat Market & 600 Food Center Drive | EMN-2020-BR-063-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $14,682,302.52 | $19,514,452.72 |
New York | Vestal (T) Choconut Creek Stabilization & Municipal Well Protection Project | EMN-2020-BR-063-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $860,631.00 | $1,147,508.00 |
New York | Monroe (T) Generator Installation | EMN-2020-BR-063-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $154,218.75 | $205,625.00 |
New York | Nyack (V) Nyack Creek Drainage Improvements | EMN-2020-BR-063-0025 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,400,753.04 | $6,112,157.00 |
New York | Resilient East Harlem: Protecting New York City Housing Authority Residents from Extreme Temperatures | EMN-2020-BR-063-0026 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $9,855,673.38 | $13,099,313.00 |
New York | Minnowbrook Mohawk (V) Fulmer Greenplain | EMN-2020-BR-063-0027 | National Competition | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,546,650.00 | $1,718,500.00 |
New York | New York City Health & Hospitals, Bronx Emergency Activated Community Shelter | EMN-2020-BR-063-0028 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $49,732,056.00 | $66,099,568.00 |
New York | Tannersville Reservoir No. 3 - Earth Dam Rehabilitation | EMN-2020-BR-063-0031 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,125,000.00 | $1,500,000.00 |
New York | Department of Environmental Protection Southeastern Queens Stormwater Mitigation at Sayres Avenue | EMN-2020-BR-063-0032 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,746,526.64 | $3,650,446.80 |
Maryland | Eastern Garrett Volunteer Fire Department Generator | EMP-2020-BR-005-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $42,375.00 | $56,500.00 |
Maryland | Middle Branch Resiliency Initiative - Stage I | EMP-2020-BR-005-0005 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $31,924,193.00 | $47,139,468.00 |
Maryland | Wheaton Branch Flood Mitigation project | EMP-2020-BR-005-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,749,638.32 | $2,332,851.10 |
Maryland | Deep Creek Volunteer Fire Department Generator Project | EMP-2020-BR-005-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $43,815.00 | $58,420.00 |
Maryland | 3610 Bay View Drive Acquisition & Demolition | EMP-2020-BR-005-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $474,468.75 | $632,625.00 |
Maryland | Anne Arundel County Fire Station Generator Replacement Project | EMP-2020-BR-005-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $352,500.00 | $470,000.00 |
Maryland | Anne Arundel County Sawmill Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration | EMP-2020-BR-005-0014 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,356,957.37 | $8,439,129.46 |
Maryland | Dorchester County 2007 Farm Creek Rd, Wingate Structure Elevation - Shields Residence | EMP-2020-BR-005-0016 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $112,915.17 | $125,461.30 |
Maryland | 9333 Bay Ave North Beach Elevation | EMP-2020-BR-005-0017 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $66,112.50 | $88,150.00 |
Maryland | 12186 Laramie Lane Acquisition & Demolition | EMP-2020-BR-005-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $280,284.75 | $373,713.00 |
Maryland | Easton Utilities, Maryland Windmill Sewage Pumping Station Replacement & Windmill Forcemain Upgrade | EMP-2020-BR-005-0020 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,324,303.75 | $4,432,405.00 |
Maryland | Hyattsville Nature-Based Solution Project | EMP-2020-BR-005-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $174,368.52 | $232,491.36 |
Maryland | Cambridge Sewer System Hardening for Resilience to All Hazards | EMP-2020-BR-005-0022 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,860,850.00 | $5,147,800.00 |
Virginia | Henrico County - Gambles Mill Pump Station Water and Sewer Protective Measures | EMP-2020-BR-036-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $9,059,055.75 | $12,078,741.00 |
Virginia | Hampton - Emergency Power for 6 Sanitary Sewer Pump Stations | EMP-2020-BR-036-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $388,125.00 | $517,500.00 |
Virginia | Hillsboro - Water Supply Improvement | EMP-2020-BR-036-0005 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $80,689.00 | $115,270.00 |
Virginia | Hampton - Honor Park Resllience Project | EMP-2020-BR-036-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,528,461.00 | $6,037,948.00 |
Virginia | Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission - Living Shoreline Constrcution for 6 Properties | EMP-2020-BR-036-0009 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $97,500.00 | $130,000.00 |
Virginia | Virginia Beach - Eastern Shore Drive Drainage Improvement | EMP-2020-BR-036-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $21,383,675.00 | $30,548,107.00 |
Virginia | Norfolk - Increasing Resilience of Norfolk's Road Network | EMP-2020-BR-036-0011 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $7,700,000.00 | $11,000,000.00 |
Virginia | Dinwiddie County Water Authority Emergency Water Line | EMP-2020-BR-036-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,773,000.00 | $3,747,297.00 |
Virginia | Chesapeake - Install Fixed Generators at 3 Wastewater Pump Stations | EMP-2020-BR-036-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $263,812.50 | $351,750.00 |
Virginia | York County - Goodwin Neck Culvert Replacement | EMP-2020-BR-036-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $640,779.00 | $854,372.00 |
Virginia | Alexandria - Four Mile Run Sediment Removal Project | EMP-2020-BR-036-0016 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,406,250.00 | $1,875,000.00 |
Virginia | Smithfield - Great Springs Road Acquisition & Demolition Project | EMP-2020-BR-036-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $690,180.00 | $920,240.00 |
Virginia | Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission - Hog Island Living Shoreline Construction | EMP-2020-BR-036-0019 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $110,250.00 | $147,000.00 |
Virginia | Bedford - Bedford Memorial Hospital Generator | EMP-2020-BR-036-0021 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,205,806.00 | $4,274,408.00 |
Virginia | Portsmouth - Emergency Services Communication Improvements | EMP-2020-BR-036-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,766,424.50 | $3,688,566.00 |
Virginia | Chesapeake - Deepwater Dr. Road Elevation | EMP-2020-BR-036-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $354,611.25 | $472,815.00 |
Virginia | Chesapeake - North Battlefield Boulevard Road Elevation | EMP-2020-BR-036-0024 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,308,049.00 | $4,410,732.00 |
Virginia | Portsmouth - Public Safety Complex Redevelopment | EMP-2020-BR-036-0025 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $48,286,749.00 | $64,382,332.00 |
Virginia | Altavista English Park Shoreline Stabilization | EMP-2020-BR-036-0026 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,078,500.00 | $1,438,000.00 |
Virginia | Chesapeake - Wastewater Pump Station Acquisition and Reconstruction | EMP-2020-BR-036-0027 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,362,500.00 | $3,150,000.00 |
Virginia | Greene/Stanardsville - Water Supply Protection | EMP-2020-BR-036-0028 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $50,000,000.00 | $73,000,000.00 |
Virginia | Pamunkey Indian Tribe - Indian Reservation Generators | EMP-2020-BR-036-0029 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $61,425.00 | $81,900.00 |
Virginia | Prince William County - Fleetwood Drive Floodgate Installations | EMP-2020-BR-036-0031 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $118,831.50 | $158,442.00 |
Virginia | Department of Conservation and Recreation - Rehabilitation High Hazard Soil and Water Conservation District Impounding Structures (Dams) | EMP-2020-BR-036-0032 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $45,000,015.00 | $60,000,020.00 |
Virginia | Henrico County - Woodman Rd. Drainage Improvement (Culvert Upgrade) | EMP-2020-BR-036-0033 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,084,368.00 | $5,445,824.00 |
Virginia | Hampton - North Armistead Avenue Resilience Project | EMP-2020-BR-036-0034 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $9,827,643.00 | $13,103,524.00 |
Virginia | Crewe - Emergency Generators | EMP-2020-BR-036-0035 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $74,095.50 | $98,794.00 |
District Of Columbia | DC Water Permanent Generators and Connections Project | EMP-2020-BR-069-0001 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,579,882.24 | $2,134,976.00 |
District Of Columbia | Saint Elizabeths Hospital Campus & DC Emergency Communications Microgrid Project | EMP-2020-BR-069-0002 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $19,948,639.00 | $26,514,837.00 |
District Of Columbia | Blue/Green Storm Water Flood Mitigation in Southwest | EMP-2020-BR-069-0003 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $18,612,178.00 | $24,781,584.00 |
Delaware | Bayview Beach Elevation for 21.5 South New Road and 36, 37, & 38 North New Road | EMP-2020-BR-074-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $565,500.00 | $754,000.00 |
Delaware | Hyde Run Flood Hazard Mitigation at Oak Ridge Road | EMP-2020-BR-074-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $661,299.37 | $881,732.50 |
Pennsylvania | Upper Darby Delaware County Naylor's Run Flood Mitigation | EMP-2020-BR-084-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,908,750.00 | $6,545,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Philadelphia Cobbs Creek Floodplain Restoration | EMP-2020-BR-084-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $9,000,000.00 | $12,000,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Jersey Shore Lycoming Lawshee Run Culvert Enhancement and Watershed Protection Project | EMP-2020-BR-084-0005 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $6,870,000.00 | $9,160,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Philadelphia Water Department Cohocksink Mitigation Project | EMP-2020-BR-084-0007 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $18,750,000.00 | $25,000,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Hampton Township Allegheny County Water Pollution Control Facility Mitigation | EMP-2020-BR-084-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $34,819,759.50 | $46,426,346.00 |
Pennsylvania | Upgrading Pennsylvania Integrated Flood Observation and Warning System | EMP-2020-BR-084-0010 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $450,000.00 | $600,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh Riverview Park Landslide Mitigation | EMP-2020-BR-084-0011 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $600,000.00 | $800,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Yeadon Delaware Sanitary Sewer Generator project | EMP-2020-BR-084-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $210,375.00 | $280,500.00 |
Pennsylvania | Palmer Township Generator for Emergency Operations Center | EMP-2020-BR-084-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $275,085.94 | $366,781.25 |
Pennsylvania | Lehigh Twp Northampton County Standby Generators for Three Sewage Pump Stations | EMP-2020-BR-084-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $202,500.00 | $270,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Shamokin Coal Wastewater Infrastructure Mitigation | EMP-2020-BR-084-0019 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $592,500.00 | $790,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Luzerne County Penn Lake Park Borough/Dennison Township Community Flood Mitigation Project | EMP-2020-BR-084-0020 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $7,407,750.00 | $9,877,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Bethlehem Northampton Santee Road Sunset Drive Easton Avenue Drainage Mitigation | EMP-2020-BR-084-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,011,586.30 | $6,682,115.00 |
Pennsylvania | Pine Grove Schuylkill Green Infrastructure Storm water Mitigation | EMP-2020-BR-084-0026 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,613,020.05 | $2,150,693.40 |
Idaho | Power line Conversion to Underground - Spirit Lake East Subdivision | EMS-2020-BR-001-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,943,120.79 | $8,833,413.78 |
Idaho | South Tom Beall Road Protection | EMS-2020-BR-001-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $192,750.00 | $257,000.00 |
Idaho | Teton Creek Flood Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-001-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,100,000.00 | $2,800,000.00 |
Idaho | Idaho Falls Wastewater Lift-Station Emergency Back-up Generators | EMS-2020-BR-001-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,236,386.25 | $1,648,515.00 |
Idaho | Powerline Conversion to Underground - Farragut State Park / US Naval Warfare Center | EMS-2020-BR-001-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,610,528.82 | $8,814,038.43 |
Idaho | Meridian, ID- 9-Mile Creek Flood Hazard Mitigation Project | EMS-2020-BR-001-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,903,326.00 | $4,032,313.00 |
Idaho | Powerline Conversion to Underground - Hayden Lake | EMS-2020-BR-001-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $8,412,365.86 | $11,216,487.81 |
Washington | Auburn: Covington Water District Tank 4 Replacement Project, 22427 SE 331st Street | EMS-2020-BR-102-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,772,973.25 | $7,091,893.00 |
Washington | North Shore Levee West | EMS-2020-BR-102-0002 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $34,650,746.20 | $46,200,995.00 |
Washington | Walla Walla Water Transmission Main Seismic Upgrade | EMS-2020-BR-102-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,656,530.00 | $7,542,040.00 |
Washington | Kittitas County Washington Waste Transfer Station Flood Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-102-0005 | National Competition | No | Identified for Further Review | $12,654,940.38 | $17,274,080.38 |
Washington | Replacement of Reservoir 2 | EMS-2020-BR-102-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $15,175,500.00 | $20,234,000.00 |
Washington | Airport Tower Seismic Retrofit | EMS-2020-BR-102-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $6,402,501.00 | $8,536,668.00 |
Washington | Auburn Reservoir 2 Seismic Control Valve | EMS-2020-BR-102-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $900,000.00 | $1,200,000.00 |
Washington | Westport Vertical Evacuation Structure | EMS-2020-BR-102-0010 | National Competition | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $13,735,823.40 | $15,262,026.00 |
Washington | Water Station 5 Reservoir and Pump Station Replacement Project | EMS-2020-BR-102-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $20,754,827.00 | $27,673,104.00 |
Washington | Kirkland South Reservoir Seismic Retrofits | EMS-2020-BR-102-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,430,000.00 | $3,240,000.00 |
Washington | Aberdeen-Hoquiam Fry Creek Pump Station | EMS-2020-BR-102-0015 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $9,017,080.50 | $12,022,774.00 |
Washington | Mission Creek: Shelton Tree Farm Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization | EMS-2020-BR-102-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $118,500.00 | $158,000.00 |
Washington | Permanent Generator at Everett Regional Water Supply's Evergreen Pump Station | EMS-2020-BR-102-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $816,696.75 | $1,088,929.00 |
Washington | Seattle Tolt Water Supply Pipeline Seismic Resiliency Project | EMS-2020-BR-102-0019 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,157,252.00 | $2,876,336.00 |
Washington | King County Mitigation of Properties At-Risk from Flood and Landslide Hazards | EMS-2020-BR-102-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,367,300.06 | $1,823,066.75 |
Washington | Seattle Northlake Retaining Wall Seismic Retrofit | EMS-2020-BR-102-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $13,228,227.75 | $17,637,637.00 |
Washington | Storm Creek Erosion Management Project | EMS-2020-BR-102-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $548,000.00 | $1,000,000.00 |
Oregon | East Portland Solar + Storage Resilience Hub | EMS-2020-BR-131-0001 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $571,875.00 | $762,500.00 |
Oregon | Developing Resilient Green Infrastructure in Bear Creek Corridor | EMS-2020-BR-131-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,352,973.02 | $4,470,630.69 |
Oregon | Douglas County Seismic Retrofit Project | EMS-2020-BR-131-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $7,239,375.00 | $9,652,500.00 |
Arkansas | Centerpoint Elementary Multi-purpose/Safe room | EMT-2020-BR-009-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,363,060.56 | $1,797,414.08 |
Arkansas | Mountain View School District Safe Room | EMT-2020-BR-009-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $489,435.00 | $643,762.00 |
Arkansas | Fort Smith Acquisition Project | EMT-2020-BR-009-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,215,237.50 | $1,603,650.00 |
Arkansas | Highland School District Safe Room | EMT-2020-BR-009-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,224,741.63 | $1,612,180.50 |
Arkansas | Prescott School District Safe Room | EMT-2020-BR-009-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,246,508.80 | $1,636,042.80 |
Arkansas | Southside Safe Room | EMT-2020-BR-009-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,436,631.50 | $1,887,842.00 |
Arkansas | Greenhouse Regional Detention | EMT-2020-BR-009-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,350,000.00 | $1,800,000.00 |
Arkansas | Magnolia Stormwater Detention Basin | EMT-2020-BR-009-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $340,800.00 | $447,300.00 |
Arkansas | Concord Safe Room | EMT-2020-BR-009-0014 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $967,946.00 | $1,272,228.00 |
Arkansas | Heber Springs Drainage Improvement Project | EMT-2020-BR-009-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,834,950.00 | $6,357,450.00 |
Arkansas | Ozark Junior High/High School Safe Room Project | EMT-2020-BR-009-0016 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,541,989.45 | $2,040,985.93 |
Arkansas | Department of Public Safety Coverage Expansion | EMT-2020-BR-009-0018 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,050,000.00 | $5,400,000.00 |
Arkansas | Van Buren Downtown Drainage | EMT-2020-BR-009-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $841,182.50 | $1,104,910.00 |
Arkansas | Opal Road Flood Mitigation | EMT-2020-BR-009-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,000,000.00 | $4,000,000.00 |
Arkansas | Batesville Drainage Improvement Project | EMT-2020-BR-009-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $810,970.00 | $1,067,860.00 |
Arkansas | Danville School District Safe Room | EMT-2020-BR-009-0025 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,096,128.82 | $2,316,780.47 |
Oklahoma | Tulsa Fulton Creek Flood Resilient Infrastructure and Community Grant | EMT-2020-BR-014-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $17,850,366.75 | $23,800,489.00 |
Oklahoma | Tulsa County Resilient Infrastructure Project | EMT-2020-BR-014-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,434,635.75 | $7,246,181.00 |
Oklahoma | Checotah Public School Safe Room Project | EMT-2020-BR-014-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,142,988.37 | $1,523,984.50 |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust Hefner Water Treatment Plant Generators | EMT-2020-BR-014-0007 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $14,449,500.00 | $19,266,000.00 |
Oklahoma | Roadway Flood Drainage Improvement | EMT-2020-BR-014-0010 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $4,142,233.61 | $5,522,978.14 |
Oklahoma | Lake Ellsworth Spillway Resilience Project | EMT-2020-BR-014-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $16,295,325.00 | $21,727,100.00 |
Louisiana | Vidalia Wastewater Improvements | EMT-2020-BR-101-0002 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,285,261.00 | $4,380,348.00 |
Louisiana | Terrebonne Parish Ashland CJC Flood Control and Resiliency Project | EMT-2020-BR-101-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $752,871.97 | $1,003,829.29 |
Louisiana | Entergy Louisiana Substation Flood Protection | EMT-2020-BR-101-0004 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $29,607,558.00 | $39,476,744.00 |
Louisiana | St. Tammany Parish Generators for Water Systems | EMT-2020-BR-101-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $603,585.00 | $804,780.00 |
Louisiana | Lafourche Parish Elevation Project | EMT-2020-BR-101-0007 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $482,333.25 | $643,111.00 |
Louisiana | Sewer & Water Board of New Orleans Power Reliability Projects | EMT-2020-BR-101-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $45,990,000.00 | $63,000,000.00 |
Louisiana | Jeff Parish Bucktown Drainage Improvements | EMT-2020-BR-101-0009 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,698,314.00 | $7,597,752.00 |
Louisiana | Tangipahoa Parish Government Early Warning and Rain Gauges | EMT-2020-BR-101-0013 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,163,693.50 | $1,527,348.00 |
Louisiana | Louisana Universities Marine Consortium Roof Retrofit | EMT-2020-BR-101-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,415,638.25 | $1,867,001.00 |
Louisiana | Louisiana Wireless Information Network Critical Communication T-1 Migration | EMT-2020-BR-101-0016 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,724,677.50 | $2,299,570.00 |
Louisiana | Terrebonne Parish Lirette Street Drainage Improvement Project | EMT-2020-BR-101-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $825,960.43 | $1,101,280.58 |
Louisiana | Terrebonne Parish Elevation Project | EMT-2020-BR-101-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $433,271.25 | $577,695.00 |
Louisiana | Washington Parish Safe Room | EMT-2020-BR-101-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,118,993.25 | $1,491,991.00 |
Louisiana | Drainage Pump Station-06 Audubon Golf Course Community Flood Mitigation Project | EMT-2020-BR-101-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $9,802,553.40 | $13,070,071.20 |
Louisiana | Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office Safe Rooms | EMT-2020-BR-101-0023 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,046,534.50 | $4,062,046.00 |
Louisiana | Louisiana Wireless Information Network Critical Infrastructure Resilience Redundant Power | EMT-2020-BR-101-0024 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,774,513.20 | $2,366,017.60 |
Louisiana | St. John Baptist Parish Public Schools Channelization and Drainage Improvement | EMT-2020-BR-101-0025 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,131,775.45 | $2,798,125.60 |
Louisiana | Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government Oysterbed Living Shoreline Protection Program | EMT-2020-BR-101-0027 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,466,475.00 | $1,955,300.00 |
Louisiana | Jeff Parish Helios Sewer Generator | EMT-2020-BR-101-0028 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,126,799.10 | $1,502,398.80 |
Louisiana | Jeff Parish Bucktown Marsh Creation & Living Shoreline - Community Flood Mitigation | EMT-2020-BR-101-0029 | National Competition | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,338,400.00 | $10,838,400.00 |
Texas | Sienna LID Pump Station Conversion at Woods Acreage Estate Outfall | EMT-2020-BR-104-0001 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,659,000.00 | $2,184,000.00 |
Texas | Orange County Flood and Drainage Improvements | EMT-2020-BR-104-0003 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $8,132,560.65 | $10,695,108.68 |
Texas | BRIC 2020 Buyout | EMT-2020-BR-104-0005 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $13,492,730.30 | $17,990,307.06 |
Texas | Fallwell Lane, Sand Hill Energy Center & South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Access | EMT-2020-BR-104-0006 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $16,701,420.42 | $21,920,751.30 |
Texas | Channel 100-A Flood Mitigation Project in Jefferson County, Texas | EMT-2020-BR-104-0008 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $30,053,149.50 | $39,570,866.00 |
Texas | Storm Surge Protection and Resiliency | EMT-2020-BR-104-0009 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $3,305,928.80 | $3,673,032.00 |
Texas | Hays County Community Flood Mitigation | EMT-2020-BR-104-0011 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $11,010,584.00 | $14,451,391.50 |
Texas | Houston - Market Square Flood Control and Stormwater Mitigation Project | EMT-2020-BR-104-0012 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $35,114,668.16 | $47,452,254.27 |
Texas | BRIC 2020 Buyout | EMT-2020-BR-104-0013 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $2,839,918.16 | $3,786,557.55 |
Texas | Combes-Nixon Rd Drainage | EMT-2020-BR-104-0014 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $852,667.75 | $942,422.25 |
Texas | Bay City - Bridge Mitigaton | EMT-2020-BR-104-0015 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $5,056,831.20 | $6,637,090.95 |
Texas | Goliad - Critical Facilities Generators | EMT-2020-BR-104-0017 | National Competition | Yes | Not Selected for Further Review | $842,940.00 | $936,600.00 |
Texas | Bacliff Drainage Enhancement Project | EMT-2020-BR-104-0018 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $463,425.00 | $617,900.00 |
Texas | Galveston Pier 20 Drainage Improvement Project (Phased) | EMT-2020-BR-104-0019 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $44,369,296.35 | $58,556,077.60 |
Texas | Jefferson County Home Elevations | EMT-2020-BR-104-0020 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,360,163.25 | $1,785,246.00 |
Texas | Hidalgo County Drainage District Raymondville Drain | EMT-2020-BR-104-0021 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $115,242,201.00 | $153,656,268.00 |
Texas | Southeast Pharr Drainage Mitigation Project – Phase I | EMT-2020-BR-104-0022 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $8,602,802.21 | $11,397,502.95 |
Texas | Forest Shadows Subdivision Flood Mitigation | EMT-2020-BR-104-0024 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $1,063,823.20 | $1,396,267.95 |
Texas | Sienna LID Slope Pave of Brazos River Levee | EMT-2020-BR-104-0026 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $7,900,000.00 | $10,400,000.00 |
Texas | Bear Creek Village Subdivision Flood Mitigation | EMT-2020-BR-104-0028 | National Competition | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $8,629,200.00 | $11,325,825.00 |
Georgia | Multi-county Hazus Analyses | EMA-2020-BR-001-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $44,957.25 | $59,943.00 |
Georgia | Eatonton Flooding Mitigation Feasibility Study for Affected Properties | EMA-2020-BR-001-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,500.00 | $30,000.00 |
Georgia | Washington Generator Project | EMA-2020-BR-001-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $148,324.50 | $197,766.00 |
Georgia | Taylor County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $17,600.00 | $23,100.00 |
Georgia | An Innovative Hybrid Approach to Enhancing Future Flood Resiliency | EMA-2020-BR-001-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $235,803.00 | $314,404.00 |
Georgia | Echols County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $20,800.00 | $27,300.00 |
Georgia | Coweta County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $32,000.00 | $42,000.00 |
Georgia | Washington County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $15,000.00 | $20,000.00 |
Georgia | McIntosh County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0019 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $27,200.00 | $35,700.00 |
Georgia | Chattooga County Property Acquisition Grant | EMA-2020-BR-001-0020 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $39,305.25 | $52,407.00 |
Georgia | Gilmer County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0021 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,400.00 | $29,400.00 |
Georgia | Wilkes County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0022 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $15,000.00 | $20,000.00 |
Georgia | Greene County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0023 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $27,200.00 | $35,700.00 |
Georgia | Dawson County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-001-0024 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $24,000.00 | $31,500.00 |
Kentucky | Covington Ridge Detention Basin Expansion Study | EMA-2020-BR-002-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
Kentucky | Regional Energy Resilience Mitigation Project Scoping | EMA-2020-BR-002-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $213,225.00 | $284,300.00 |
Kentucky | Henon Lane Detention Basin Expansion | EMA-2020-BR-002-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
Kentucky | Kentucky Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMA-2020-BR-002-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $300,000.00 | $400,000.00 |
Kentucky | Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Building Inspection Inspection And Code Enforcement Accreditation | EMA-2020-BR-002-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $11,775.00 | $15,700.00 |
Alabama | All Hazards Comprehensive Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMA-2020-BR-010-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $134,670.00 | $179,560.00 |
Alabama | Town of County Line Community Safe Room | EMA-2020-BR-010-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $648,670.00 | $720,744.00 |
North Carolina | Thomas Langston Detention Pond Scoping | EMA-2020-BR-100-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $37,687.50 | $50,250.00 |
North Carolina | Currituck County Water Level and Flood Prediction Study | EMA-2020-BR-100-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $384,110.25 | $567,504.00 |
North Carolina | Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMA-2020-BR-100-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $112,500.00 | $150,000.00 |
North Carolina | Red Bud and Piney Mountain Road Flood Storage Projects: Design and Identification of Project Elements | EMA-2020-BR-100-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $386,981.25 | $515,975.00 |
North Carolina | Megan Drive Detention Pond Scoping | EMA-2020-BR-100-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $37,687.50 | $50,250.00 |
North Carolina | Watershed-based V/R assessment to scale up resilience building actions across jurisdictions | EMA-2020-BR-100-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $240,000.00 | $347,500.00 |
North Carolina | Cumberland County Wide Vulnerability Assessment Project | EMA-2020-BR-100-0022 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
North Carolina | Building a Resilient Carolinas | EMA-2020-BR-100-0024 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $456,500.00 | $650,000.00 |
North Carolina | Rutherford County Phase 1 Flood Mitigation Study of Cleghorn Creek | EMA-2020-BR-100-0025 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $179,612.25 | $239,483.00 |
North Carolina | Silver Creek Pump Station Improvements | EMA-2020-BR-100-0031 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $600,000.00 | $4,836,109.00 |
North Carolina | Bolin Creek Watershed Study | EMA-2020-BR-100-0033 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $5,396,084.00 | $7,396,084.00 |
Florida | Pasco County - Indigo Ln - Acquisition Demolition | EMA-2020-BR-182-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $72,056.20 | $94,573.76 |
Florida | Pasco County - Fasano Regional Shelter Hardening | EMA-2020-BR-182-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $42,590.40 | $55,899.90 |
Florida | Pasco County - Senior Center Generator | EMA-2020-BR-182-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $196,875.00 | $262,500.00 |
Florida | Public Works Generator Mitigation Project-Animal Care Protective Services | EMA-2020-BR-182-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $270,938.01 | $361,250.68 |
South Carolina | Clarendon County - Walker-Gamble Watershed Mitigation Project Scoping | EMA-2020-BR-194-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $53,625.00 | $71,500.00 |
South Carolina | Upstate Regional Scoping Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $600,000.00 | $800,000.00 |
South Carolina | Sullivan's Island Storm Water Master Project Scoping | EMA-2020-BR-194-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $116,415.00 | $157,500.00 |
South Carolina | Pickens County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMA-2020-BR-194-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $48,750.00 | $65,000.00 |
South Carolina | Bennettsville Stormwater Study | EMA-2020-BR-194-0017 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $168,750.00 | $225,000.00 |
South Carolina | Pelzer Community Drainage Project Scoping | EMA-2020-BR-194-0021 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $95,000.00 | $105,000.00 |
South Carolina | Folly Beach - West Indian & Tabby Drive Flood Mitigation Project Scoping | EMA-2020-BR-194-0022 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $34,960.00 | $45,885.00 |
South Carolina | Mauldin Scoping Project | EMA-2020-BR-194-0024 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $78,750.00 | $105,000.00 |
South Carolina | Charleston County Vulnerability Assessment | EMA-2020-BR-194-0028 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $82,500.00 | $110,000.00 |
Tennessee | Camden: Cane Creek - Stream Restoration and Infrastructure Resilience | EMA-2020-BR-241-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $90,000.00 | $120,000.00 |
Tennessee | Satellite Emergency Alert System Relay | EMA-2020-BR-241-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $195,000.00 | $260,000.00 |
Tennessee | East Tennessee State University Geotechnical Mitigation Strategies | EMA-2020-BR-241-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $210,000.00 | $280,000.00 |
Connecticut | Hartford: FEMA BRIC Subapplication | EMB-2020-BR-001-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $8,100.00 | $10,800.00 |
Connecticut | Stamford Coastal Flood Resiliency Plan | EMB-2020-BR-001-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Connecticut | Mystic River Coastal Resilience Planning | EMB-2020-BR-001-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $217,500.00 | $290,000.00 |
Connecticut | Project Scoping for Hazard Mitigation | EMB-2020-BR-001-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,500.00 | $150,000.00 |
Connecticut | Tree Hazard Mitigation Program | EMB-2020-BR-001-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $111,999.30 | $147,000.00 |
Connecticut | Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-001-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $149,963.25 | $199,951.00 |
Connecticut | Capitol Region Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-001-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $188,999.98 | $251,999.97 |
Connecticut | Project Scoping - Langer Pond Dam | EMB-2020-BR-001-0016 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Connecticut | South Central Region: Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-001-0020 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $132,000.00 | $173,250.00 |
Connecticut | Norwich, Upper Falls Dam Removal Scoping and Concept Design | EMB-2020-BR-001-0023 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $44,100.00 | $58,800.00 |
Connecticut | Resilient Wastewater System Project Scoping | EMB-2020-BR-001-0025 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $269,611.20 | $358,344.00 |
Massachusetts | Maynard, Local Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMB-2020-BR-002-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,350.00 | $26,090.00 |
Massachusetts | Cedar Pond Outlet Structure Modification | EMB-2020-BR-002-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $71,000.00 | $96,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Everett Island End River Flood Resiliency Project | EMB-2020-BR-002-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $131,250.00 | $224,250.00 |
Massachusetts | Hopkinton Evaluation and Conceptual Design of Stream Crossings with Flooding Issues | EMB-2020-BR-002-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $57,468.75 | $76,625.00 |
Massachusetts | Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-002-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,350.00 | $19,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Holliston Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-002-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,350.00 | $19,500.00 |
Massachusetts | Old Colony Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMB-2020-BR-002-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $50,000.00 | $70,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Building Code Study & Action Guide: Strategies to Increase Local & State Flood Resilience Standards | EMB-2020-BR-002-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $98,250.00 | $139,917.00 |
Massachusetts | Princeton Hazard Mitigation and Resiliency Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-002-0016 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $5,850.00 | $7,800.00 |
Massachusetts | Merrimack Valley Region Multijurisdictional Planning Grant | EMB-2020-BR-002-0018 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $63,750.00 | $85,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Cambridge Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMB-2020-BR-002-0021 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,350.00 | $20,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Sewer Pump Station Flood Impact Evaluation | EMB-2020-BR-002-0024 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $42,290.25 | $56,500.00 |
Massachusetts | Norfolk Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-002-0028 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,350.00 | $17,800.00 |
Massachusetts | Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-002-0029 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,350.00 | $19,500.00 |
Vermont | State Hazard Mitigation Plan Facilitation Support | EMB-2020-BR-003-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $56,250.00 | $75,000.00 |
Vermont | Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Development | EMB-2020-BR-003-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $216,150.00 | $288,200.00 |
Vermont | Hyde Park Garfield Road Culvert Project Scoping | EMB-2020-BR-003-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $32,000.00 | $42,000.00 |
Vermont | Technical Assistance and BCA Development | EMB-2020-BR-003-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $96,000.00 | $128,000.00 |
Vermont | Mountain Top Road Drainage Project Scoping in Chittenden | EMB-2020-BR-003-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $12,800.00 | $16,800.00 |
Vermont | Island Expansion Project Scoping in Panton | EMB-2020-BR-003-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $24,000.00 | $31,500.00 |
Vermont | Hyde Park Whitcomb Island Road Bridge Project Scoping | EMB-2020-BR-003-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $40,000.00 | $52,500.00 |
Vermont | Division of Fire Safety Building Code Development | EMB-2020-BR-003-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $42,420.33 | $55,676.68 |
Vermont | Flat Iron Road Hazard Mitigation Project Scoping in Warren | EMB-2020-BR-003-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $24,800.00 | $32,550.00 |
Vermont | Barre City Railroad Trestle #308 Project Scoping | EMB-2020-BR-003-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $53,600.00 | $70,350.00 |
Rhode Island | East Providence Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-071-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,125.00 | $17,500.00 |
Rhode Island | Barrington Hazard Mitigation & Flood Managment Plan | EMB-2020-BR-071-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,875.00 | $30,500.00 |
Rhode Island | Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-071-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $20,949.90 | $27,933.20 |
Rhode Island | Update to the Town's Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMB-2020-BR-071-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,950.00 | $18,600.00 |
Rhode Island | North and South Easton Pond Dam Mitigation Planning | EMB-2020-BR-071-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $135,750.00 | $181,000.00 |
Rhode Island | Warwick Building Resilient Infrastructure in Communities | EMB-2020-BR-071-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $32,229.00 | $42,972.00 |
Rhode Island | Municipal Resilience Program | EMB-2020-BR-071-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $157,500.00 | $210,000.00 |
Rhode Island | Block Island Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-071-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $10,620.00 | $14,160.00 |
Rhode Island | Project scoping activity for the Little Beach Area of Bonnet Shores / Landtrust | EMB-2020-BR-071-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $52,350.00 | $69,800.00 |
Rhode Island | North Kingstown Alternate Emergency Access to Mount View | EMB-2020-BR-071-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $124,547.33 | $166,063.11 |
Rhode Island | Smithfield Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMB-2020-BR-071-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $7,500.00 | $10,000.00 |
New Hampshire | Barrington - Pond Hill Rd and Daniel Cater Rd | EMB-2020-BR-125-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $40,324.00 | $52,925.25 |
New Hampshire | Somersworth - Salmon Falls Road | EMB-2020-BR-125-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $120,000.00 | $157,500.00 |
New Hampshire | Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates | EMB-2020-BR-125-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $294,996.75 | $393,329.00 |
Maine | Planning + Preliminary Engineering Report for Presumpscot River Landslide | EMB-2020-BR-126-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $600,000.00 | $800,000.15 |
Maine | Building Code Training Program | EMB-2020-BR-126-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $81,000.00 | $108,000.00 |
Maine | Back River Creek Marsh Infrastructure Resilience Project | EMB-2020-BR-126-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $119,576.36 | $159,435.15 |
Maine | Oxford County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMB-2020-BR-126-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $9,000.00 | $12,000.00 |
Wisconsin | Outagamie County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-009-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $26,801.10 | $35,176.45 |
Wisconsin | Iowa County Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-009-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,500.00 | $30,000.00 |
Wisconsin | Lafayette County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-009-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $26,666.67 | $35,000.01 |
Wisconsin | Rock County Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMC-2020-BR-009-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $24,520.92 | $32,694.56 |
Wisconsin | Washington Co. Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-009-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $48,000.00 | $63,000.00 |
Wisconsin | Pepin County Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-009-0016 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $24,368.20 | $32,931.20 |
Wisconsin | Barron County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-009-0021 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $36,000.00 | $47,250.00 |
Wisconsin | Lincoln County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-009-0025 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $31,500.00 | $42,000.00 |
Wisconsin | Rolling Hills Subdivision | EMC-2020-BR-009-0027 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $40,000.00 | $52,500.00 |
Wisconsin | Monroe County Real-time Flood Monitoring System | EMC-2020-BR-009-0029 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $32,000.00 | $42,000.00 |
Wisconsin | Vernon County Building Resilience & Capacity with Technology & Partnerships | EMC-2020-BR-009-0030 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $186,010.36 | $244,138.82 |
Indiana | Indiana Department of Homeland Security Building Code Adoption and Enforcement Activities | EMC-2020-BR-038-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $299,337.00 | $399,116.00 |
Indiana | Flood Mitigation Study of Salamonie River Montpelier | EMC-2020-BR-038-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $63,750.00 | $85,000.00 |
Indiana | Indiana County MHMP Updates | EMC-2020-BR-038-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $296,262.90 | $395,017.20 |
Ohio | Washington Township Acquisition Project | EMC-2020-BR-051-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $110,573.25 | $147,431.00 |
Ohio | Radnor Township Acquisition Project | EMC-2020-BR-051-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,887.60 | $228,800.00 |
Ohio | Ohio Five-County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-051-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $245,851.50 | $327,802.00 |
Ohio | Burbank - 133 Water Street Acquisition | EMC-2020-BR-051-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $91,671.30 | $101,857.00 |
Minnesota | Five Hazard Mitigation Plan updates | EMC-2020-BR-141-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $151,500.00 | $202,000.00 |
Michigan | Kent County - Ottawa County - City of Grand Rapids Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMC-2020-BR-154-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $34,275.00 | $45,700.00 |
Michigan | Osceola County - Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates | EMC-2020-BR-154-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $21,914.88 | $29,219.84 |
Michigan | Ann Arbor - Multihazard Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-154-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $110,587.50 | $147,450.00 |
Michigan | Grand Rapids, Building Codes/Standards/Accreditation | EMC-2020-BR-154-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $88,239.37 | $117,652.50 |
Michigan | Lansing Floodplain Acquisition Phase 8 | EMC-2020-BR-154-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $175,521.06 | $232,194.75 |
Michigan | Allen Park Acquisition/Demolition | EMC-2020-BR-154-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,432.00 | $100,576.00 |
Michigan | Charlevoix & Emmet Counties Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMC-2020-BR-154-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $66,000.12 | $88,000.16 |
Illinois | Chicago-71st Street to 75th Street Shoreline Feasibility Study | EMC-2020-BR-160-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $1,125,000.00 | $1,500,000.00 |
Illinois | Chicago Building Code Adoption and Enforcement | EMC-2020-BR-160-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $214,000.00 | $289,000.00 |
Illinois | Chicago Department of Water Management Regional Solutions Project Scoping | EMC-2020-BR-160-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $300,000.00 | $400,000.00 |
Illinois | State Multihazard Mitigation Plan | EMC-2020-BR-160-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $225,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Illinois | Winnebago Road Infrastructure Improvements | EMC-2020-BR-160-0026 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $375,000.00 | $500,000.00 |
Illinois | Project Scoping for New Building, Renovations and Demolition of Glenn Raymond Middle School | EMC-2020-BR-160-0029 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $2,757,906.00 | $3,677,208.00 |
Utah | Carbon County Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMD-2020-BR-065-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $33,750.00 | $45,000.00 |
Utah | Altamont Town Flood Mitigation Project Scoping | EMD-2020-BR-065-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $18,750.00 | $25,000.00 |
Utah | Emery County Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMD-2020-BR-065-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $33,750.00 | $45,000.00 |
Utah | Lehi City Flooding Project Scoping | EMD-2020-BR-065-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Utah | Monroe City Flood Scoping Project | EMD-2020-BR-065-0018 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $18,750.00 | $25,000.00 |
Utah | Utah Statewide Residential Seismic Retrofit Program Project Scoping | EMD-2020-BR-065-0026 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $137,000.00 | $179,812.50 |
Utah | San Juan County Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-065-0027 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,500.00 | $30,000.00 |
Utah | Metro Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy Multi-hazard Mitigation Plan | EMD-2020-BR-065-0031 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $119,837.70 | $157,308.60 |
Utah | Ballard City Flood Mitigation Project Scoping | EMD-2020-BR-065-0032 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $15,000.00 | $20,000.00 |
Utah | South Weber City Multi-hazard Mitigation Plan | EMD-2020-BR-065-0035 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $53,188.25 | $69,813.50 |
Colorado | Morrison Project Scoping Grant | EMD-2020-BR-094-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $33,749.99 | $44,999.99 |
Colorado | Routt County Community Wildfire Protection Plan | EMD-2020-BR-094-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $45,000.00 | $60,000.00 |
Colorado | Greeley Capability- and Capacity- Building Project | EMD-2020-BR-094-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $175,000.00 | $250,000.00 |
Colorado | Partnership for Wildfire Risk Reduction | EMD-2020-BR-094-0016 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Colorado | Westminster Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMD-2020-BR-094-0017 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $41,430.00 | $55,300.00 |
Colorado | Colorado Earthquake Resilience Investigation - Code Review & Rapid Visual Screening Pilot Study | EMD-2020-BR-094-0019 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $40,305.00 | $53,740.00 |
Colorado | Multihazard Mitigation Planning | EMD-2020-BR-094-0022 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,500.00 | $50,005.00 |
Colorado | Pueblo County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-094-0023 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $42,000.00 | $56,024.00 |
Colorado | Building Wildfire Mitigation Capacity in Jefferson County | EMD-2020-BR-094-0024 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $225,014.40 | $300,019.20 |
Colorado | Colorado Enhanced State Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-094-0025 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $110,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Colorado | Capacity Improvements: Big Thompson and Fall Rivers, Estes Park, Colorado, flood mitigation | EMD-2020-BR-094-0029 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $410,625.00 | $547,500.00 |
Wyoming | LaPrele Dam Mitigation Project; Central Wyoming | EMD-2020-BR-099-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $3,440,000.00 | $4,515,000.00 |
Wyoming | Cheyenne Dry Creek Union Pacific Railroad Crossing Project Scoping Design | EMD-2020-BR-099-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Wyoming | Pine Bluffs Capability- and Capacity-Building Project | EMD-2020-BR-099-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,500.00 | $150,000.00 |
Wyoming | Mills Riverfront Stabilization & Restoration Planning Project | EMD-2020-BR-099-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $56,250.00 | $75,000.00 |
South Dakota | Lake County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan | EMD-2020-BR-119-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,537.50 | $18,050.00 |
South Dakota | Spirit Lake Township Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study (Project Scoping) | EMD-2020-BR-119-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $9,655.50 | $12,673.00 |
South Dakota | Brule County Storm Water Evaluation (Project Scoping) | EMD-2020-BR-119-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $337,423.95 | $449,898.60 |
South Dakota | Hanson County Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study (Project Scoping) | EMD-2020-BR-119-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $346,481.25 | $461,975.00 |
South Dakota | Lincoln County Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study (Project Scoping) | EMD-2020-BR-119-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,275.00 | $29,700.00 |
South Dakota | Codington County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-119-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $13,237.50 | $17,650.00 |
South Dakota | City of Sioux Falls Tomar Park Buyout - Property #1 | EMD-2020-BR-119-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Withdrawn | $191,288.76 | $251,057.12 |
South Dakota | Sanborn County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-119-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $7,500.00 | $10,000.00 |
North Dakota | Traill County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-120-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $34,000.00 | $45,333.34 |
North Dakota | Mercer County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-120-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,000.00 | $49,333.34 |
North Dakota | Griggs County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-120-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $26,587.00 | $35,449.34 |
North Dakota | Sheridan County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-120-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $25,000.00 | $33,333.33 |
North Dakota | Steele County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-120-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $27,000.00 | $36,000.00 |
North Dakota | Sheridan County Water Management Infrastructure Inventory and Flood Hazard Mitigation Assessment | EMD-2020-BR-120-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $82,687.50 | $110,250.00 |
North Dakota | West Side Interceptor Improvements | EMD-2020-BR-120-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $225,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
North Dakota | McIntosh Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-120-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $35,000.00 | $46,666.67 |
Montana | Flathead County PDM Update | EMD-2020-BR-123-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,000.00 | $40,000.00 |
Montana | St. Regis Flood Control Feasibility Study and Plan | EMD-2020-BR-123-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $71,684.55 | $95,579.40 |
Montana | Montana Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMD-2020-BR-123-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,500.00 | $150,000.00 |
California | Burlingame Shoreline Protection Project Scoping with Millbrae and San Fransciso Airport | EMF-2020-BR-001-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $300,000.00 | $500,000.00 |
California | Paradise Recreation & Park District Innovative Wildfire Risk Reduction Buffers (Camp Fire) | EMF-2020-BR-001-0021 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $218,000.00 | $315,000.00 |
California | Sacramento Municipal Utility District Microgrid Project Scoping | EMF-2020-BR-001-0023 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $81,997.00 | $211,385.00 |
Nevada | Mesquite Virgin River Flood Control Project Scoping | EMF-2020-BR-090-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $149,203.94 | $208,885.94 |
Nevada | Lincoln County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMF-2020-BR-090-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $29,480.54 | $39,159.97 |
Nevada | Reno Microgrids Project Scoping | EMF-2020-BR-090-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $93,450.84 | $124,601.12 |
Nevada | Sutro Terrace Storm Drain and Basin Scoping Project | EMF-2020-BR-090-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $125,300.50 | $164,616.75 |
Nevada | University Medical Center Microgrid and Resiliency Project Scoping | EMF-2020-BR-090-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $202,564.18 | $270,085.57 |
Hawaii | City Building Code Update and Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule | EMF-2020-BR-143-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $262,495.91 | $349,994.54 |
Hawaii | Project Scoping - Options for Sea-Level Rise | EMF-2020-BR-143-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Hawaii | Microgrid at Kaimuki Middle School and Capacity Building | EMF-2020-BR-143-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $375,000.00 | $500,000.00 |
Hawaii | Honolulu Board of Water Supply Emergency Power Master Plan | EMF-2020-BR-143-0017 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Guam | Agat - Finile Feasibility Study | EMF-2020-BR-149-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $144,000.00 | $189,000.00 |
Guam | Underground Utility Infrastructure Relocation and Power Distribution | EMF-2020-BR-149-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $616,000.00 | $808,500.00 |
Guam | Manell - Restoring the Manell River's Natural Flowpath and Reforestation of the Manell Watershed | EMF-2020-BR-149-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $992,000.00 | $1,302,000.00 |
Guam | Hardening putting Typhoon Shutters to windows, 169 San Isidro St. Mangilao Unit E | EMF-2020-BR-149-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $10,670.33 | $13,377.73 |
Guam | Guam Homeland Security/Office of Civil Defense Facility Hardening | EMF-2020-BR-149-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $119,890.50 | $157,358.00 |
Guam | Update Guam Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMF-2020-BR-149-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $240,000.00 | $315,000.00 |
Northern Mariana Islands | Blighted Buildings Hazard Mitigation | EMF-2020-BR-180-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Northern Mariana Islands | Project Scoping for Dandan Flood and Stormwater Drainage Improvement | EMF-2020-BR-180-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $191,229.75 | $254,973.00 |
Northern Mariana Islands | Micro Beach Mitigation Scoping Assessment | EMF-2020-BR-180-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $108,750.00 | $145,000.00 |
American Samoa | Mitigation Outreach Initiatives | EMF-2020-BR-189-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $107,100.00 | $142,800.00 |
American Samoa | Building Code Upgrade | EMF-2020-BR-189-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $238,876.50 | $318,502.00 |
Arizona | Florence Gila River Flood Hazard Mitigation Project | EMF-2020-BR-193-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,500.00 | $150,000.00 |
Arizona | District 2 Generators - Outage Support | EMF-2020-BR-193-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $55,301.14 | $72,841.52 |
Arizona | Landslide mapping along Arizona SR87 corridor, NE Mesa to Strawberry and SR260 to Mogollon Rim | EMF-2020-BR-193-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $50,388.96 | $66,135.51 |
Arizona | Establishing a Virtual Arizona Earthquake Clearinghouse platform | EMF-2020-BR-193-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $56,629.13 | $75,505.60 |
Arizona | Alpine Community Center Emergency Infrastructure Backup | EMF-2020-BR-193-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $45,600.00 | $59,850.00 |
Arizona | Rimrock Flood Mitigation Project Scoping | EMF-2020-BR-193-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Arizona | La Paz County Planning and Zoning Code Update | EMF-2020-BR-193-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $38,166.19 | $50,093.12 |
Arizona | Landscape alternatives to reduce wind velocity | EMF-2020-BR-193-0016 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $63,750.00 | $85,000.00 |
Missouri | High Point R-III School District Safe Room | EMK-2020-BR-001-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $614,650.00 | $679,350.00 |
Iowa | Dyersville Project Scoping | EMK-2020-BR-010-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $187,500.00 | $250,000.00 |
Iowa | Scott County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMK-2020-BR-010-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,500.00 | $40,000.00 |
Iowa | Martelle Pump House Generator | EMK-2020-BR-010-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $18,627.00 | $24,612.00 |
Iowa | Marathon generator city emergency command | EMK-2020-BR-010-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $41,838.75 | $55,588.75 |
Iowa | Back up Generator | EMK-2020-BR-010-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $57,048.00 | $63,327.00 |
Iowa | Iowa Storm Water Management Manual Capability- and Capacity-Building Standards | EMK-2020-BR-010-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
Iowa | Millersburg Community Shelter/City Building Generator | EMK-2020-BR-010-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $10,288.88 | $13,504.90 |
Iowa | Buena Vista County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMK-2020-BR-010-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,500.00 | $30,000.00 |
Iowa | Generator Application | EMK-2020-BR-010-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $52,500.00 | $70,000.00 |
Iowa | Royal Generator Application | EMK-2020-BR-010-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $35,070.00 | $38,820.00 |
Nebraska | Tri-Basin Natural Resources District All-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMK-2020-BR-013-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $60,906.00 | $81,208.00 |
Nebraska | Tri-County Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMK-2020-BR-013-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $63,750.00 | $85,000.00 |
Nebraska | Columbus Flood Mitigation Plan | EMK-2020-BR-013-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $187,500.00 | $250,000.00 |
Nebraska | Hayes, Hitchcock, and Frontier Counties Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMK-2020-BR-013-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $52,500.00 | $70,000.00 |
Nebraska | West Fremont Project Scoping-Flood Hazard | EMK-2020-BR-013-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $187,500.00 | $250,000.00 |
Kansas | Geary County Emergency Operations Center- Hardened Rooms | EMK-2020-BR-038-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $111,000.00 | $148,000.00 |
Kansas | River Road Bank Stabilization | EMK-2020-BR-038-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $480,375.00 | $640,500.00 |
New Jersey | Project Scoping Carteret Noes Creek/Arthur Kill Flood Control | EMN-2020-BR-056-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
New Jersey | Cape May Seawall Project Scoping | EMN-2020-BR-056-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $195,536.25 | $260,715.00 |
New Jersey | Technical Assistance Program for Application Development and Capacity Building | EMN-2020-BR-056-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,001.18 | $200,001.57 |
New Jersey | Statewide Capacity Building Partnership with Office of Emergency Management | EMN-2020-BR-056-0017 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $320,000.00 | $420,000.00 |
New Jersey | Washington Avenue Project Scoping | EMN-2020-BR-056-0031 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $72,000.00 | $94,500.00 |
New Jersey | Salem County Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMN-2020-BR-056-0032 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $125,000.00 | $166,685.79 |
New York | New York Department of State - Statewide Online Training for Code Enforcers | EMN-2020-BR-063-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $195,000.00 | $266,587.00 |
New York | Piermont Capability and Capacity Building Planning to Enhance Resiliency | EMN-2020-BR-063-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $75,000.00 | $143,100.00 |
New York | Office of Emergency Management Regional Food Flow Resilience Study | EMN-2020-BR-063-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $157,500.00 | $207,500.00 |
New York | Monroe County Monroe County Multi-Juri. Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMN-2020-BR-063-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $90,000.00 | $120,000.00 |
New York | Community Risk and Resiliency Act Implementation | EMN-2020-BR-063-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $299,910.00 | $399,880.00 |
New York | Cool Corridors - Model Urban Heat Island Streets Project Scoping | EMN-2020-BR-063-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $320,500.00 | $430,500.00 |
New York | Ontario County Planning Department-BRIC-Resiliency Plan | EMN-2020-BR-063-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $60,000.00 | $80,000.00 |
New York | Solvay West Genesee Street Westcott Reservoir Charles Avenue Watershed Analysis | EMN-2020-BR-063-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $25,950.00 | $34,600.00 |
New York | Mamaroneck Sheldrake and Mamaroneck River Basin Planning Project | EMN-2020-BR-063-0016 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $32,000.00 | $50,750.00 |
New York | Warren County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard MItigation Plan Update | EMN-2020-BR-063-0019 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $90,000.00 | $120,000.00 |
New York | Lake Ontario State Parkway | EMN-2020-BR-063-0024 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $266,302.50 | $349,563.00 |
New York | Sea Cliff Bluff Stabilization Scoping | EMN-2020-BR-063-0029 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
New York | Steuben County Planning Department Flood Hazard Regulations Project | EMN-2020-BR-063-0030 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $53,250.00 | $71,000.00 |
New York | Herkimer Co Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMN-2020-BR-063-0033 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $67,500.00 | $90,000.00 |
West Virginia | State Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-002-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $225,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Maryland | Anne Arundel County Roadway Vulnerability Assessment | EMP-2020-BR-005-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $187,500.00 | $250,000.00 |
Maryland | Annapolis Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-005-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
Maryland | Calvert County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-005-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $29,540.25 | $39,387.00 |
Maryland | Ocean City Maryland Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-005-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $22,500.00 | $30,000.00 |
Maryland | Garrett County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-005-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $16,852.50 | $22,470.00 |
Maryland | Somerset County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-005-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,000.00 | $40,000.00 |
Maryland | Baltimore City Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-005-0015 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $83,400.00 | $116,125.00 |
Maryland | St. George Island Living Shoreline and Wetland Restoration Project along MD 249 | EMP-2020-BR-005-0019 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $141,894.75 | $235,000.00 |
Maryland | Prince George's Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-005-0023 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $50,812.50 | $67,750.00 |
Virginia | Tangier - Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design for Microgrid Power on Tangier Island | EMP-2020-BR-036-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $114,030.00 | $126,700.00 |
Virginia | George Washington Regional Commission Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-036-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Virginia | New River Valley Regional Commission - Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-036-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Virginia | Albemarle County - Flood Hazard Modeling and Reduction in the Branchlands Neighborhood | EMP-2020-BR-036-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $96,261.00 | $128,348.00 |
Virginia | Middle Peninsula PDC - Fight the Flood Program Development | EMP-2020-BR-036-0017 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Virginia | Department of Housing and Community Development - When Disaster Strikes Institute and the Establishment of a SDRN | EMP-2020-BR-036-0020 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $80,640.00 | $107,520.00 |
Virginia | Fairfax - Plan Integration | EMP-2020-BR-036-0030 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $9,069.00 | $12,092.00 |
Virginia | Northern Neck Planning District Commission - Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-036-0036 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
District Of Columbia | Project Scoping For Small Parks And Open Space For Mitigation Projects | EMP-2020-BR-069-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $187,500.00 | $247,500.00 |
District Of Columbia | Project Scoping for Stormwater Flood Mitigation in Resilience Focus Areas | EMP-2020-BR-069-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,500.00 | $148,325.00 |
District Of Columbia | Project Scoping for Power Resilient Onsite Generation | EMP-2020-BR-069-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $300,000.00 | $395,500.00 |
Delaware | Delaware State All-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-074-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $225,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Indiana County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-084-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $33,750.00 | $45,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Building Code Project Application | EMP-2020-BR-084-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Jefferson County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-084-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Lebanon County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Application | EMP-2020-BR-084-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $41,250.00 | $55,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Project Scoping: Flood Protect Conduit Inspects/Standard Operations Guide Development/Study for Resilience | EMP-2020-BR-084-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Lehigh Valley Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Northampton & Lehigh Counties | EMP-2020-BR-084-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $93,750.00 | $125,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Mercer County Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant | EMP-2020-BR-084-0016 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Berks County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-084-0022 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $73,125.00 | $97,500.00 |
Pennsylvania | Susquehanna County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMP-2020-BR-084-0023 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $33,750.00 | $45,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Clinton County Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMP-2020-BR-084-0024 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $33,750.00 | $45,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Erie County Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant | EMP-2020-BR-084-0025 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $37,500.00 | $50,000.00 |
Pennsylvania | Scoping Project: Understanding Pennsylvanians' Floodplain Insurance Purchasing Habits | EMP-2020-BR-084-0027 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Not Selected for Further Review | $199,939.00 | $266,620.00 |
Idaho | Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMS-2020-BR-001-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $97,500.00 | $130,000.00 |
Idaho | All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update | EMS-2020-BR-001-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $23,175.00 | $30,900.00 |
Idaho | Big Canyon Reforestation | EMS-2020-BR-001-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $187,500.00 | $250,000.00 |
Idaho | Project Scoping, Cassia County Raft River Highway District - Culvert Upsizing | EMS-2020-BR-001-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Idaho | S Flat Iron Road Culvert | EMS-2020-BR-001-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Idaho | Lost River Electric Cooperative Powerpole Wildfire Mitigation Project | EMS-2020-BR-001-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $64,980.16 | $72,200.18 |
Alaska | Kotzebue Electric Association Vulnerability Assessment | EMS-2020-BR-002-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $222,915.11 | $297,220.15 |
Alaska | State Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMS-2020-BR-002-0003 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $103,931.25 | $138,575.00 |
Washington | Mitigating Urban Heat Island Risks in King County | EMS-2020-BR-102-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $90,552.00 | $120,736.00 |
Washington | Lake Meridian Water District Storage Facilities - Seismic and Geotechnical Studies | EMS-2020-BR-102-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $150,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
Washington | Department of Transportation Project Scoping | EMS-2020-BR-102-0012 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $161,130.60 | $214,840.80 |
Washington | Updating and maintaining King County andslide database & landslide hazard mapping | EMS-2020-BR-102-0017 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $187,500.00 | $250,000.00 |
Oregon | Department of Public Safety Standards and Training Microgrid Project Scoping for All Hazard Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-131-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $40,875.00 | $54,500.00 |
Oregon | Cascades East Interconnection Point | EMS-2020-BR-131-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $424,566.30 | $566,088.40 |
Oregon | Tigard Resiliency Initiative Feasibility Study | EMS-2020-BR-131-0006 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $127,500.00 | $170,000.00 |
Arkansas | Independence County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-009-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,400.00 | $40,000.00 |
Arkansas | Little River County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-009-0009 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $26,250.00 | $35,000.00 |
Arkansas | Nevada County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-009-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $26,250.00 | $35,000.00 |
Arkansas | Woodruff County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-009-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,400.00 | $40,000.00 |
Arkansas | Conway Downtown Drainage Study | EMT-2020-BR-009-0013 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $145,500.00 | $194,000.00 |
Arkansas | Cleburne County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-009-0017 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,400.00 | $40,000.00 |
Arkansas | Emmet Drainage Improvements | EMT-2020-BR-009-0019 | State/ Territory Allocation | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $211,858.92 | $234,150.00 |
Arkansas | Sharp County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-009-0021 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,400.00 | $40,000.00 |
Arkansas | Jackson County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-009-0024 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,400.00 | $40,000.00 |
Arkansas | Saline County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-009-0027 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $26,250.00 | $35,000.00 |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma Water Resources Board Statewide Flood Plan | EMT-2020-BR-014-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $300,000.00 | $851,000.00 |
Oklahoma | Project Scoping for Midway Drive Flood Mitigation | EMT-2020-BR-014-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,500.00 | $150,000.00 |
Oklahoma | Norman - Flood Warning System Development | EMT-2020-BR-014-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $75,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Oklahoma | Southmoore High School Detention Pond and Storm Sewer Project | EMT-2020-BR-014-0008 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,500.00 | $150,000.00 |
New Mexico | New Mexico Climate Adaptation and Resilience Planning | EMT-2020-BR-098-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $106,666.67 | $140,000.00 |
New Mexico | Lincoln County Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMT-2020-BR-098-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $56,000.00 | $73,500.00 |
New Mexico | New Mexico Climate Adaptation and Resilience Partnerships | EMT-2020-BR-098-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $320,000.00 | $420,000.00 |
New Mexico | State Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-098-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $120,000.00 | $157,500.00 |
Louisiana | Vermilion Parish Emergency Operations Center/911 Communications District Multi-Purpose Safe Room | EMT-2020-BR-101-0001 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $397,443.75 | $529,925.00 |
Louisiana | Project Scoping for Jeff Parish Bucktown Green Infrastructure | EMT-2020-BR-101-0005 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $187,500.00 | $250,000.00 |
Louisiana | Sewerage and Water Council of New Orleans Power Resiliency and Sustainability Studies | EMT-2020-BR-101-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $637,500.00 | $1,050,000.00 |
Louisiana | Developing a Framework for Coordinated Resilience Planning | EMT-2020-BR-101-0011 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $300,000.00 | $400,000.00 |
Louisiana | Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government - Comprehensive Stormwater Plan | EMT-2020-BR-101-0014 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $300,000.00 | $600,000.00 |
Louisiana | North Vermilion Regional Detention Pond | EMT-2020-BR-101-0017 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $280,500.00 | $374,000.00 |
Louisiana | Slidell Stormwater Master Plan | EMT-2020-BR-101-0019 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $300,000.00 | $400,000.00 |
Louisiana | Calcasieu Drainage Pump Stations: Project Scoping for Redundant Communications System | EMT-2020-BR-101-0026 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $72,750.00 | $97,000.00 |
Texas | Bexar County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-104-0002 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $55,855.23 | $93,912.00 |
Texas | Galveston 37th Street Drainage Improvement Project Scoping | EMT-2020-BR-104-0004 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $4,885,746.90 | $6,407,444.00 |
Texas | Alpine- Zoning , Code, Drought & Historic Properties Plan Updates | EMT-2020-BR-104-0007 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $65,384.13 | $106,492.76 |
Texas | Newton County Planning | EMT-2020-BR-104-0010 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $52,339.00 | $88,000.00 |
Texas | Travis County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMT-2020-BR-104-0016 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $107,850.05 | $141,553.18 |
Texas | Brazos Valley Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMT-2020-BR-104-0023 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $112,593.38 | $183,359.40 |
Texas | Houston Advanced Flood Inundation Modeling for Enhanced Building Codes | EMT-2020-BR-104-0025 | State/ Territory Allocation | No | Identified for Further Review | $226,500.00 | $377,500.00 |
Florida | Building Codes Capacity Building | EMA-2020-BR-036-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $42,285.49 | $56,380.66 |
Florida | Data Center Generators | EMA-2020-BR-036-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $275,625.00 | $367,500.00 |
Massachusetts | Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Mitigation Hazards: Project | EMB-2020-BR-124-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $459,000.00 | $510,000.00 |
Massachusetts | Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Mitigation Hazards: Plan | EMB-2020-BR-124-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $27,000.00 | $30,000.00 |
Wisconsin | Bad River Wastewater Treatment Plant | EMC-2020-BR-144-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $66,916.80 | $74,352.00 |
South Dakota | Drainage Improvement for Tribal Roads | EMD-2020-BR-122-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $152,300.73 | $169,223.03 |
Colorado | Southern Ute Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMD-2020-BR-125-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $30,000.00 | $40,000.00 |
California | Pave Zipline Road to Mitigate Flood and Storm Damage | EMF-2020-BR-079-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $580,941.00 | $645,490.00 |
California | Cost Estimate and Design of Micro Grid Weitchpec | EMF-2020-BR-129-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $233,959.50 | $263,959.50 |
California | Microgrid and Emergency Services District Outreach | EMF-2020-BR-129-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $27,000.00 | $30,000.00 |
California | Paskenta BRIC Application | EMF-2020-BR-133-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $9,298,050.00 | $12,397,400.00 |
California | Tribal Housing Berm Elevation | EMF-2020-BR-157-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $129,750.00 | $173,000.00 |
California | Pala Trujillo Creek Flood Mitigation Project | EMF-2020-BR-177-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $599,400.00 | $799,200.00 |
California | Update Hazard Mitigation Plan for Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians | EMF-2020-BR-179-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $538,203.60 | $598,004.00 |
California | Trinidad Rancheria Drought Mitigation | EMF-2020-BR-185-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
California | Hazard Mitigation Identification and Planning Project | EMF-2020-BR-191-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $168,750.00 | $225,000.00 |
Kansas | Tribal Mitigation Plan Update | EMK-2020-BR-009-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $26,790.40 | $38,288.64 |
Nebraska | Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Reservation Plan | EMK-2020-BR-028-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $179,024.00 | $199,970.00 |
New York | Shinnecock Baseline Assessment to Guide Future Plans and Responses to Natural Disasters | EMN-2020-BR-066-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $423,853.20 | $470,948.00 |
Alaska | Seldovia Village Tribe SBF Dock Refurbishment | EMS-2020-BR-040-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $609,550.00 | $677,277.78 |
Alaska | Koyukuk Village Resilient Building Code Implementation | EMS-2020-BR-121-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Koyukuk Village Hazard Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-121-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Allakaket Village, Alaska Project Scoping Risk Assessment | EMS-2020-BR-122-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $276,600.00 | $310,640.00 |
Washington | Coyote Drive and Community Plaza Way Water Line Seismic Retrofit | EMS-2020-BR-125-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $499,500.00 | $555,000.00 |
Washington | Elder's Boulevard Water System Seismic Design | EMS-2020-BR-125-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $100,500.00 | $111,667.00 |
Alaska | Levelock Village Hazard Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-126-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Levelock Village Resilient Building Code Implementation | EMS-2020-BR-126-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Washington | Quileute Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMS-2020-BR-127-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $77,769.00 | $86,410.00 |
Alaska | Planning Ugashik Village | EMS-2020-BR-128-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $44,550.00 | $49,500.00 |
Washington | Lummi Indian Business Council Project Scoping Nooksack Estuary Hydraulic Modeling | EMS-2020-BR-129-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $182,070.21 | $242,760.28 |
Alaska | Knik Tribe Resilient Building Code Implementation | EMS-2020-BR-132-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $225,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Knik Tribe Hazard Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-132-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $225,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Nikolai Edzeno Village Hazard Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-133-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Nikolai Edzeno Village Resilient Building Code Implementation | EMS-2020-BR-133-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Village of Alatna Hazard Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-136-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Village of Alatna Resilient Building Code Implementation | EMS-2020-BR-136-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Washington | Quinault Indian Nation Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | EMS-2020-BR-137-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $95,737.50 | $106,375.00 |
Washington | Quinault Indian Nation FEMA Buyout Analysis for Taholah Relocation | EMS-2020-BR-137-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $31,050.00 | $34,500.00 |
Washington | Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Hazard Mitigation Plan Development | EMS-2020-BR-139-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $200,000.00 | $270,000.00 |
Alaska | Akiak Acquisition of One Home | EMS-2020-BR-140-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $161,896.50 | $179,885.00 |
Alaska | Akiak Capability and Capacity Building | EMS-2020-BR-140-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $105,300.00 | $117,000.00 |
Washington | Swinomish Infrastructure Subapplication | EMS-2020-BR-141-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $92,494.97 | $102,772.19 |
Washington | Swinomish Planning Subapplication | EMS-2020-BR-141-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Washington | Project Scoping Pioneer Parkway-Rainbow Bridge Landslide Risk | EMS-2020-BR-141-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $85,003.25 | $94,448.06 |
Washington | Project Scoping Tidal Surge-Inundation Zones | EMS-2020-BR-141-0004 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $92,487.89 | $102,764.32 |
Alaska | Project Scoping Activities | EMS-2020-BR-143-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $300,000.00 | $333,324.48 |
Alaska | Mitigation Planning | EMS-2020-BR-143-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $300,000.00 | $333,408.00 |
Alaska | Native Village of Shungnak Resilient Building Code Implementation | EMS-2020-BR-152-0002 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Native Village of Shungnak Hazard Mitigation | EMS-2020-BR-152-0003 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $270,000.00 | $300,000.00 |
Alaska | Buckland, Alaska Project Scoping Risk Assessment | EMS-2020-BR-153-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $272,501.00 | $305,619.00 |
Oklahoma | BRIC Tsa-La-Gi Shelter | EMT-2020-BR-105-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $261,502.50 | $348,670.00 |
Oklahoma | Osage Nation Mitigation Plan Update | EMT-2020-BR-108-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $25,875.00 | $34,500.00 |
Oklahoma | Mitigation Planning | EMT-2020-BR-110-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $158,130.00 | $210,840.00 |
Oklahoma | Choctaw Nation Storm Shelter Project | EMT-2020-BR-114-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | No | Identified for Further Review | $571,875.00 | $762,500.00 |
New Mexico | Pueblo of Santa Ana Hazard Mitigation Plan | EMT-2020-BR-116-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Identified for Further Review | $234,160.18 | $260,177.98 |
New Mexico | Cougar Road Flood Mitigation | EMT-2020-BR-122-0001 | Tribal Set Aside | Yes | Did not meet HMA Requirements | $456,030.00 | $506,700.00 |