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Pennsylvania: The Cohocksink Flood Mitigation Project

Increasing sewage capacity to mitigate future floods in historically vulnerable neighborhoods.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: $25.01 Million

This is a Justice40 project.


Philadelphia has a long history of flooding. The city has struggled with flooding during intense storms, and with water and air quality, particularly in the summer months. Since 2004, the Northern Liberties, Ludlow and South Kensington neighborhoods have been heavily impacted by an increasing number of intense rain events. These neighborhoods were identified as a priority through the Philadelphia Water Department’s analysis of flood complaint data from surveys collected at public meetings and feedback from neighborhood associations, block captains, and councilpersons. This feedback also provided insight into the nature and magnitude of flooding experienced, which ultimately informed the strategies and alternatives selected to manage the risk.

Project Description

The Cohocksink Flood Mitigation Project, the final phase of a six-phase flood mitigation project, proposes to double conveyance capacity of the combined sewer system through the construction of new sewer infrastructure and green stormwater infrastructure systems in the floodprone Northern Liberties, Ludlow and South Kensington commercial and residential neighborhoods. This project builds on an expansive and growing portfolio of projects to reduce flood risk, improve water quality, and improve quality of life throughout the city of Philadelphia. The project also supports a number of priority initiatives included within the Plan 2035 Citywide Vision. Specifically, the project will support the transportation, utilities and environmental resources objectives. These include objective: 4.3.1.b – Incorporate green streets infrastructure into street and highway improvements wherever practicable, including curb extensions, stormwater planters and nature-based solutions such as street tree plantings that are compatible and have adequate clear width for pedestrians.
