Climate Resilience
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¿Está intentando mejorar la resiliencia y preparación para desastres de su comunidad? Asegurar financiamiento y recursos de FEMA puede ser un paso fundamental para desarrollar y mantener la infraestructura crítica para que pueda resistir los desastres naturales. Estos son tres Programas de Subvenciones de Asistencia para Mitigación de Riesgos de FEMA enfocados en desarrollar resiliencia comunitaria.
Blog entry
Are you looking to enhance your community's disaster resilience and preparedness? Securing funding and resources from FEMA can be an essential step in building and maintaining critical infrastructure to withstand natural disasters. Here are three FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs focused on building community resilience.
Blog entry
FEMA is proud to announce the release of the National Resilience Guidance (NRG) and webinars that will provide an overview of the NRG and the supplemental resilience resources available. Please note, all webinars will present the same materials.
FEMA Event
An upcoming art exhibition highlighting climate change and resilience will open in Ogden, Utah on Aug. 9. The exhibition is part of FEMA’s ArtWorks initiative. Three artists are featured in an upcoming exhibition investigating and sharing the stories of resilience in a changing climate.
Press Release
An upcoming art exhibition highlighting climate change and resilience will open in Dickinson, N.D. on Aug. 2. The exhibition is part of FEMA’s ArtWorks initiative. Three artists are featured in an upcoming exhibition investigating and sharing the stories of resilience in a changing climate.
Press Release