
FEMA hosts virtual and in-person events to provide training, assist disaster survivors, share hiring opportunities, and promote other activities related to helping people before, during and after disasters.

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Selected areas in Eagle County and the Town of Basalt are updating their flood maps. The new maps will show how your risk and insurance requirements may change. Starting December 12, 2024, homeowners and businesses will have 90-days to appeal information on the map that they can prove was made in error. Learn more about Eagle County’s Flood Insurance Rate Map by going to and looking for the Map Service Center or contact your local floodplain administrator for more information.
Delta County’s flood insurance rate map update is nearing completion. The new maps will provide Delta County and Communities with more accurate flood risk information that can help local officials and residents make informed decisions about reducing flood risks and purchasing flood insurance.
Virtual presentation offered by FEMA's Continuous Improvement Technical Assistance Program (CITAP) to provide an overview of how to use FEMA's National Continuous Improvement Guidance (NCIG) to build an ongoing culture of learning in emergency management.
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
The Claims Office is holding a Probate Workshop and a Mobile Connects in Las Vegas, NM.
If you or someone you love was impacted by the recent wildfires in LA County, this two-part virtual townhall is for you. FEMA and other federal partners will provide clear, step-by-step information about disaster assistance and answer your questions live.
The Claims Office is holding a Mobile Connects at the Rainsville Fire Department in NM.
Virtual presentation offered by FEMA's Continuous Improvement Technical Assistance Program (CITAP) to provide approaches for resource-constrained organizations to engage with continuous improvement efforts.
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
The Claims Office is holding a Mobile Connects at the Rociada Volunteer Fire Department in NM.

Past Events

If you or someone you love was impacted by the recent wildfires in LA County, this two-part virtual townhall is for you. FEMA and other federal partners will provide clear, step-by-step information about disaster assistance and answer your questions live. The second webinar will occur on Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30 pm PST.
The Claims Office is holding a Mobile Connects at the Sheridan Volunteer Fire Department on Friday, February 28.
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of 30-minute training webinars on the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA), a part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Buy America Branch (BAB) and offered on various dates from January through April 2025. The trainings will cover a variety of topics related to BABAA, including roles and responsibilities, best practices, covered products, and waivers. The various training descriptions are below:
The Claims Office is holding a Mobile Connects at the La Placita Fire Station on Wednesday, February 26.
Last updated