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City of Belleville Acquisition

BELLEVILLE, IL - The City of Belleville is located across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri. The City experiences repetitive flooding along Richland Creek in various locations identified as 100-year floodplain. Most recently, the 1996 flood was the worst the City has encountered in 15 years and prompted the implementation of the acquisition program.

The City received funding to acquire 36 properties, including 19 residences, two commercial properties, and 15 vacant lots. The acquisition project involved demolishing the acquired structures and clearing the land to open space. The properties acquired will be retained by the City for open space and to be included in the Richland Creek Greenway Project.

Prior to the 1996 flood, the City had been working on a Greenway Project to mitigate damages in the flood-prone area. The Richland Creek Greenway Master Plan called for the City to acquire various properties along the entire length of Richland Creek within the City. The Greenway would eliminate properties from the threat of flooding and provide the City with a link to several public parks developed along Richland Creek in the recent past. The Greenway Project was initiated through a public/private effort and was recognized in 1995 as a model public/private partnership project by the East-West Gateway Coordination Council.

Standard Homeowner's insurance policies do not cover flood damage. The National Flood Insurance Program makes Federally backed flood insurance available to homeowners, renters, and business owners in participating communities.
