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Louisiana: Louisiana State University Lakes, McKinley Diversion and Corporation Canal Retrofit, Community Flood Mitigation Project

Improving the ecological health of Louisiana State University’s six lakes will improve water flows and decrease flooding.

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Baton Rouge, Louisiana: $14.64 Million


The Louisiana State University Lakes serve as an important hydraulic feature for drainage of a significant area surrounding the lakes. Historic flooding issues have prevailed. A coalition of state, local and university officials was formed in fall 2019 to restore the lakes. Partners include the State of Louisiana, the City of Baton Rouge, The Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC), Louisiana State University and the Athletics Department and the Baton Rouge Area Foundation. To reduce flooding due to precipitation and the hydraulics of this area, drainage and stormwater management adjustments are being proposed both upstream and downstream of the subsurface system throughout the campus area.

Project Description

The proposed flood risk reduction and water quality improvements for the Louisiana State University Lakes system consists primarily of flood control activities that incorporate assorted floodwater storage and diversion, low impact development/nature-based solutions and stormwater management interventions. These proposed changes are the McKinley Diversion and Corporation Canal Retrofit, which are critical components of the Louisiana State University Lakes Master Plan. The proposed activities support flood risk reduction benefits to disadvantaged groups. 
