Disaster survivors with damage to their primary residence may be eligible for FEMA Sheltering and Housing Assistance.
Lodging Reimbursement
Rental Assistance
Transitional Sheltering Assistance
Home Repair/Replacement
Direct Temporary Housing
Lodging Expense Reimbursement
Money to reimburse for hotels, motels, or other short-term lodging if you are temporarily displaced by the disaster.
Who May Be Eligible?
A disaster survivor:
- Who stayed in a hotel, motel, or other short-term lodging while displaced from their primary residence
*If you were affected by a disaster declared on or after March 22, 2024, this money is only available if you do not receive money for Displacement under Other Needs Assistance.
Rental Assistance
Funds may be available for eligible survivors who need a place to temporarily live while their home is repaired, or until they secure permanent housing.
Who May Be Eligible?
A disaster survivor:
- Whose home is unlivable as a result of the disaster
- Who agrees to relocate
- Whose housing needs are not covered by insurance

Transitional Sheltering Assistance
If approved for the disaster, FEMA may provide temporary sheltering using participating hotels for eligible disaster survivors.
Who May Be Eligible?
A disaster survivor:
- Who is displaced and taking refuge in emergency shelter locations
- Whose home is unlivable or inaccessible due to the disaster
If you have not applied for assistance yet, learn how to apply.

If you have completed a FEMA disaster assistance application, you will be considered for Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) if the program is approved by your state, territory, or tribal government. FEMA will notify you if you are eligible for the program.
Home Repair/Replacement
Financial assistance may be available for eligible homeowners to rebuild or make basic repairs so their home is safe, sanitary and functional.
Who May Be Eligible?
A homeowner:
- Whose primary residence is determined to be uninhabitable after a FEMA inspection
- Who has a housing need not covered by insurance

Direct Temporary Housing
This type of assistance provides temporary use of FEMA-issued temporary transportable housing units to eligible survivors.
Who May Be Eligible?
Disaster survivors with damage to their primary residence may be eligible for FEMA Sheltering and Housing Assistance.
* Direct Temporary Housing Assistance is authorized on a disaster-by-disaster basis and may not always be available.