Region 8




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FEMA Region 8 office, located in Denver, CO, partners with federal emergency management for 29 Tribal Nations and the following states.


Visit the state's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.


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Region 8 Administrator

Graphic that represents placeholder that is female

Region 8 Deputy Administrator

Region 8 Resources

Use the search filters below to browse content tailored to help Region 8 prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.

FEMA ArtWorks Program

The FEMA ArtWorks program is designed to raise risk awareness and start dialogues on the need and value of flood mitigation. The program does this through partnerships between FEMA, artists, and local communities. The partners share the goal of communicating the importance of mitigation to reduce risk by using information people can relate to in a personal way.

Project: Floodline Chime Pavilion

Our second ArtWorks project, the Floodline Chime Pavilion is a mobile work by Nathan Hall and Drew Austin. It’s a steel structure that supports suspended, laser-etched aluminum chimes that map the floodplain levels in vulnerable neighborhoods in Denver, CO.  The length of the chimes and the deepness of their tones correspond to the flood level history and potential risk along the South Platte waterway.  Using handheld strikers made of wood collected from the floodplain, participants are encouraged to enter the pavilion and gently strike the chimes.” 

Project: Community Forms

The first project completed under the FEMA ArtWorks banner supported by Region 8, Community Forms is an art installation that serves as both a community gathering space and a means to redirect stormwater. Learn more about Community Forms.

Find Your Flood Map

Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) is a national FEMA program that works with states, tribes, territories and local communities to evaluate and better understand their current flood risk, as well as the actions that can be taken to mitigate and become more resilient against future risk.

NFIP Flood Mapping Projects

FEMA works with communities throughout Region 8 to update and improve flood maps to provide the best flood risk information available. This allows communities and individuals to make informed decisions regarding where and how to build in a way that protects lives and property.

One of the final steps in the mapping process is a release of preliminary maps for all in the community to review. With this release, there is a 90-day appeal period, during which community members can appeal flood hazard information that they believe is in error.

Appeal packages must be submitted during the 90-day appeal period. Appeals must have supporting scientific or engineering data that show the information on the preliminary maps to be incorrect.

Visit FloodMaps for further details on the process. Preliminary mapping also may be viewed on FEMA’s Map Service Center.

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View 90-day appeal periods for Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.

Environmental Requirements to Apply for FEMA Funding

When a community applies for FEMA funding — such as Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Assistance or Preparedness Grants — potential impacts to the environment and cultural resources must be considered.

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NOTE: Environmental requirements do not apply to individuals and families applying for assistance.

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Regional News and Information

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Selected areas in Eagle County and the Town of Basalt are updating their flood maps. The new maps will show how your risk and insurance requirements may change. Starting December 12, 2024, homeowners and businesses will have 90-days to appeal information on the map that they can prove was made in error. Learn more about Eagle County’s Flood Insurance Rate Map by going to and looking for the Map Service Center or contact your local floodplain administrator for more information.
illustration of a calendar FEMA Event | Published:
FEMA is opening a Disaster Recovery Center on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. just west of Crow Agency to help Crow Tribe members apply for disaster assistance if they were impacted by a severe storm earlier this year.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
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FEMA is soliciting written comments from those agencies, organizations, and individuals regarding the Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment for the Improvement of Utility Systems in the State of North Dakota.
illustration of a calendar FEMA Event | Published:
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FEMA’s #WinterReady Extreme Cold Summit, focusing on actions state, local, tribal, territorial leaders can take to reduce the effects of extreme temperatures, is here again.
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FEMA has approved $1.7 million in Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding to the city of Louisville to upgrade and replace three existing generators.
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Last updated