
Terms frequently used by FEMA. In a few instances, standard insurance industry terms have been added for additional focus and emphasis.

2 (1) | A (65) | B (32) | C (95) | D (57) | E (46) | F (100) | G (16) | H (42) | I (47) | J (5) | L (21) | M (41) | N (75) | O (25) | P (76) | R (62) | S (78) | T (25) | U (17) | V (23) | W (19) | Z (40)

General Property Form

See Standard Flood Insurance Policy–General Property Form.

Glossary Section: NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program

Government Owned Property

Property that is owned by government for reasons including foreclosure and prior ownership. This applies to governments at all levels, including local, State and Federal, and applies to single family units as well as multi-family units.

Glossary Section: NDHS - National Disaster Housing Strategy

Grade Elevation

The lowest or highest finished ground level that is immediately adjacent to the walls of the building. Use natural (pre-construction), ground level, if available, for Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE).

Glossary Section: NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program

Grant Award Notification

Official document signed by the authorized official stating the amount, the terms and conditions of an award for a discretionary grant or cooperative agreement.

Glossary Section: AFGP - Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program

Grant Programs

Programs of discretionary or formula grants and/or cooperative agreements administered by a federal agency.

Glossary Section: AFGP - Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program


An individual or organization awarded financial assistance under one of the federal discretionary grant programs.

Glossary Section: AFGP - Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program

Group Flood Insurance

Issued by the NFIP Direct Program in response to a Presidential disaster declaration. Disaster assistance applicants, in exchange for a modest premium, receive a minimum amount of building and/or contents coverage for a 3-year policy period. An applicant may cancel the group policy at any time and secure a regular Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) through the NFIP.

Glossary Section: NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program


General Services Administration.

Glossary Section: NDRF - National Disaster Recovery Framework


Attached Garages
A garage attached to a residential structure or in an enclosed area below an elevated building may have the garage floor slab below the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). Because such a garage is an enclosed area below the BFE, openings are required either in the exterior walls of the garage or in the garage doors themselves.

Below-grade Parking Garages
Below grade parking garages are only allowed in non-residential buildings in Zones A1-30, AE, AH, and AO and must be dry floodproofed. The construction of below grade parking garages is prohibited beneath residential buildings. Below-grade parking garages are prohibited beneath all residential and non-residential buildings in V Zones.

Detached Garages
Small detached garages for residential uses may qualify as Accessory Structures under the NFIP.

National Flood Insurance Program Requirements

  • 60.3 - Flood plain management criteria for flood-prone areas
    • (a) (1) - Development Permit
    • (a) (3) - Reasonably Safe From Flooding
    • (c) (2) - A Zone Residential Buildings
    • (c) (3) - A Zone Nonresidential Buildings
    • (c) (4) - Floodproofing Certification
    • (c) (5) - Openings
Glossary Section: NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program


 Government Emergency Telecommunications Service

Glossary Section: Continuity

Governor’s Authorized Representative

The individual, designated by the governor, who serves as the grant administrator for all funds provided under HMGP; the person empowered by the governor to execute, on behalf of the state, all necessary documents for disaster assistance.

Glossary Section: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance

Gray Infrastructure

Human-made structures that are engineered to provide a specific level of service under specific scenarios and generally addresses a single purpose. Gray infrastructure is also known as traditional infrastructure.

Glossary Section: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance

Green Infrastructure

A subset of nature-based solutions, which consists of a sustainable approach to natural landscape preservation and stormwater management that can be used for hazard mitigation activities as well as provide additional ecosystem service benefits. Green infrastructure methods use an ecosystem‐based approach to replicate a site’s predevelopment condition and function.

Glossary Section: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance

Green Open Space

Green open space is land that does not directly touch a natural body of water, such as a river, lake, stream, creek or coastal body of water.

Glossary Section: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance

Grid-Connected System

Solar photovoltaic system that comprises photovoltaic modules, required mounting hardware and inverters for conversion of direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) power, but no energy storage capacity, and must be interconnected to the local utility grid for power when the photovoltaic modules cannot generate sufficient power.

Glossary Section: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance


A planar product manufactured from polymeric material used with soil, rock, earth, or other geotechnical engineering-related material as an integral part of a man-made project, structure, or system (from the Association of State Dam Safety Officials Glossary).

Source: American Society for Testing and Materials D-4439, 2004.

Glossary Section: National Dam Safety Program