News, Media & Events: South Dakota


FEMA manages the National Flood Insurance Program which includes more than 22,600 Participating Communities. This year, FEMA’s Floodplain Management Division is conducting a survey of the nation’s Floodplain Administrators who manage local floodplains for these jurisdictions. Survey findings will inform a five-year National Floodplain Administrators Training Strategy that will be coordinated by the Floodplain Management Division.

Codington County’s flood insurance rate map update is nearing completion. The new maps will provide Codington County with more accurate flood risk information that can help local officials and residents make informed decisions about reducing flood risks and purchasing flood insurance.

Each week in September, the FEMA Technological Hazards Division (THD) Policy Section will host a lunch and learn session focused on a topic related to the Radiological Preparedness (REP) Program.

Preparedness Tips

Floods happen in South Dakota not only during spring runoff but can occur year-round.  Summer thunderstorms producing heavy rain can result in localized flooding that affect a smaller area.  A few inches of water in a 1,000-square foot home could cost more than $10,000 in repairs and replacement of personal possessions and homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover most floods.  Remember it does not take a lot of water to cause a lot of damage.  Learn more about protecting your home or business with flood insurance.

Press Releases and Fact Sheets

Whether you were affected by this summer’s severe storms and flooding or are simply seeking ways to enhance your home’s safety and resilience, FEMA will be providing free mitigation, repair, and rebuilding advice coming up in Davison and Union Counties.
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When determining the amount of federal disaster assistance provided by FEMA to applicants affected by this summer’s severe storms and flooding, part of FEMA’s process is to verify there is no “duplication of benefits”.
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If you live in Davison, Lincoln, Turner, or Union counties and you had loss or damage from the severe storms and flooding that occurred June 16 – July 8, you may be eligible for FEMA disaster assistance.
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