南达科他州皮尔——南达科他州救灾自愿发起组织 ( South Dakota Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters) 设立的清理援助热线的工作时间现已延长至 8 月 16 日。
Floods happen in South Dakota not only during spring runoff but can occur year-round. Summer thunderstorms producing heavy rain can result in localized flooding that affect a smaller area. A few inches of water in a 1,000-square foot home could cost more than $10,000 in repairs and replacement of personal possessions and homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover most floods. Remember it does not take a lot of water to cause a lot of damage. Learn more about protecting your home or business with flood insurance.
南达科他州皮尔——南达科他州救灾自愿发起组织 ( South Dakota Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters) 设立的清理援助热线的工作时间现已延长至 8 月 16 日。
但南达科他州今年的洪灾展示了在一些不太可能发生洪灾的区域也可能面临大量损失,因此购买一份防洪保险将是一笔明智的投资。一英寸的洪水就可给一栋房屋造成高达 25,000 美元的损失。
南达科他州皮尔——鉴于申请联邦灾难援助的注册工作现已截止,南达科他州、联邦紧急事务管理局 (Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA) 和其他联邦合作伙伴将继续在受到四月和五月严重暴风和洪灾影响的南达科他州社区内开展重建恢复工作。