Disaster Info
Emergency Management
Individual Assistance
Public Assistance
Hazard Mitigation
This page is intended to be a one stop shop for OpenFEMA—FEMA’s data delivery platform which provides datasets to the public in open, industry standard, machine-readable formats. Datasets are available in multiple formats, including downloadable files and through an easily digestible Application Programming Interface (API). Each page includes information about the specific dataset, links to downloadable files, a data dictionary describing each field, and an endpoint link (if applicable for those datasets available via the API).
For additional information regarding API usage, please see the Developer Resources and the OpenFEMA API Documentation.
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Disaster Information
Dataset Name | OpenFEMA API | Files Only |
Declaration Denials | V1 | N/A |
Disaster Declarations Summaries | V2 | N/A |
FEMA Web Declaration Areas | V1 | N/A |
FEMA Web Disaster Declarations | V1 | N/A |
FEMA Web Disaster Summaries | V1 | N/A |
Mission Assignments | V2 | N/A |
Emergency Management, Preparedness, and Alerts
Dataset Name | OpenFEMA API | Files Only |
Annual NFIRS Public Data | N/A | LINK |
Emergency Management Performance Grants | V2 | N/A |
IPAWS Archived Alerts | V1 | N/A |
National Household Survey | N/A | LINK |
Non-Disaster and Assistance to Firefighter Grants | V1 | LINK |
Sandy PMO: Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (Sandy Supplemental Bill) Financial Data | N/A | LINK |
Individual Assistance
FEMA assists individuals and households through the coordination and delivery of Individual Assistance (IA) programs. IA includes a number of programs, including the Individuals and Households Program (IHP) which is comprised of Housing Assistance (HA) and Other Needs Assistance (ONA).
Dataset Name | OpenFEMA API | Files Only |
Housing Assistance Program Data - Owners | V2 | N/A |
Housing Assistance Program Data - Renters | V2 | N/A |
Individuals and Households Program - Valid Registrations | V1 | N/A |
Individual Assistance Housing Registrants - Large Disasters | V1 | N/A |
Registration Intake and Individuals Household Program (RI-IHP) | V2 | N/A |
Public Assistance
Public Assistance (PA) is FEMA's largest grant program providing funds to assist communities responding to and recovering from major declared disasters or emergencies.
Dataset Name | OpenFEMA API | Files Only |
Public Assistance Applicants | V1 | N/A |
Public Assistance Applicants Program Deliveries | V1 | N/A |
Public Assistance Funded Projects Details | V1 | N/A |
Public Assistance Funded Projects Summaries | V1 | N/A |
Public Assistance Grant Award Activities | V2 | N/A |
Public Assistance Second Appeals Tracker | N/A | LINK |
Hazard Mitigation
Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) is for actions taken to reduce or eliminate long term risk to people and property from natural disasters. HMA includes the following programs: Hazard Mitigation Grants Program (HMGP), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC). Please note that the Biggert Waters Flood Instance Reform Act of 2012 folded the Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) and Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) into the FMA program, while the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 transformed the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program into the BRIC program.
Hazard mitigation planning reduces loss of life and property by minimizing the impact of disasters. It begins with state, tribal and local governments identifying natural disaster risks and vulnerabilities that are common in their area. After identifying these risks, they develop long-term strategies for protecting people and property from similar events. Mitigation plans are key to breaking the cycle of disaster damage and reconstruction. When applying for certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance, FEMA requires a hazard mitigation plan. These requirements are part of the laws, regulations, and policy surrounding hazard mitigation planning. For more information, visit: Hazard Mitigation Planning
Dataset Name | OpenFEMA API | Files Only |
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Mitigated Properties | V4 | N/A |
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Projects | V4 | N/A |
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Projects by NFIP CRS Communities | V2 | N/A |
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Projects Financial Transactions | V1 | N/A |
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - Disaster Summaries | V2 | N/A |
Hazard Mitigation Plan Statuses | V1 | N/A |
HMA Subapplications | V2 | N/A |
HMA Subapplications by NFIP CRS Communities | V1 | N/A |
HMA Subapplications Financial Transactions | V1 | N/A |
HMA Subapplications Project Site Inventories | V1 | N/A |
National Flood Insurance Program
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) aims to reduce the impact of flooding on private and public structures.
Dataset Name | OpenFEMA API | Files Only |
FIMA NFIP Redacted Claims | V2 | N/A |
FIMA NFIP Redacted Policies | V2 | N/A |
FIMA NFIP Reinsurance Placement Information | N/A | LINK |
NFIP Community Layer Comprehensive | V1 | N/A |
NFIP Community Layer No Overlaps Split | V1 | N/A |
NFIP Community Layer No Overlaps Whole | V1 | N/A |
NFIP Community Status Book | V1 | N/A |
NFIP Multiple Loss Properties | V1 | N/A |
NFIP Residential Penetration Rates | V1 | N/A |