OpenFEMA Dataset: Declaration Denials - v1
Key | Value |
Entity Name | DeclarationDenials |
API Endpoint | |
Update Frequency | R/P1D |
Program URL | |
Category | Disaster Information |
Keywords | disaster |
This dataset lists all requests for major disaster declarations and emergency declarations that have been denied. For more information on the FEMA disaster declaration process, please visit:
The OpenFEMA FAQ has additional information about disaster declarations and this dataset:
This is raw, unedited data from FEMA's National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) and as such is subject to a small percentage of human error. The dataset is primarily composed of historical data that was manually entered into NEMIS after it launched in 1998. This dataset only includes major and emergency disasters; there are no Fire Management Assistance Grants declarations. Additionally, NEMIS utilizes census data from the United States Census Bureau in which Tribal Nations are listed as localities within a State. As such, disaster declarations for Tribal Nations are currently included in State data.
Due to system and program changes, the IH, IA, PA, and HM flags may not be accurate prior to 1993 (the flags will all be false).
Citation: FEMA's citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page, Citing Data section:
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the OpenFEMA program, API, and publicaly available datasets, please visit:
If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at
Full Data
Format | Address | Record Count | Approximate File Size |
csv | Link to csv | 1262 | tiny (< 10MB) |
json | Link to json | 1262 | tiny (< 10MB) |
jsona | Link to jsona | 1262 | tiny (< 10MB) |
jsonl | Link to jsonl | 1262 | tiny (< 10MB) |
parquet | Link to parquet | 1262 | tiny (< 10MB) |
Data Fields
Name | Title | Type | Description | Is Searchable |
declarationRequestNumber | Declaration Request Number |
Number assigned to the declaration request | yes |
region | Region |
FEMA Region number | yes |
stateAbbreviation | State Abbreviation |
Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA) where the incident occurred | yes |
state | State |
The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory | yes |
tribalRequest | Tribal Request |
Denotes that a declaration request was submitted directly to the President, independently of a state, by a Tribal Nation. | yes |
declarationRequestDate | Declaration Request Date |
Date when the declaration request was made | yes |
declarationRequestType | Declaration Request Type |
Defines what type of declaration that the state or tribal government is requesting for the incident: Major Disaster Declaration or Emergency Declaration. For more information on the disaster process, please visit: | yes |
incidentName | Incident Name |
Name of the incident | yes |
requestedIncidentTypes | Requested Incident Types |
Types of incidents requested such as fire or flood. For more information on incident types, please visit | yes |
requestedIncidentBeginDate | Requested Incident Begin Date |
The requested incident begin date | yes |
requestedIncidentEndDate | Requested Incident End Date |
The requested incident end date. If there is no end date, the event is continuing or this request was denied. | yes |
currentRequestStatus | Current Request Status |
Date of denial or date of appeal denial | yes |
requestStatusDate | Request Status Date |
Date of the latest status for the disaster request. In this case, the status will always be 'turndown', so this represents the date of denial. | yes |
ihProgramRequested | IH Program Requested |
Denotes whether the Individuals and Households program was requested for the incident | no |
iaProgramRequested | IA Program Requested |
Denotes whether the Individuals Assistance program was requested for the incident | no |
paProgramRequested | PA Program Requested |
Denotes whether the Public Assistance program was requested for the incident | no |
hmProgramRequested | HM Program Requested |
Denotes whether the Hazard Mitigation program was requested for the incident | no |
incidentId | Incident Identifier |
Incident identification number | yes |
incidentBeginDate | Incident Begin Date |
Date the incident itself began | yes |
id | ID |
Unique ID assigned to the record | yes |
See Also
Access the metadata API calls for additional information: