OpenFEMA Dataset: HMA Subapplications Project Site Inventories - v1

Version: 1
Last Data Refresh: 12-09-2024
Key Value
Entity Name HmaSubapplicationsProjectSiteInventories
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P3M
Program URL
Category Hazard Mitigation
Keywords mitigation


This dataset contains the Project Site Inventories from the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA’s new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023. For details on HMA Project Site Inventories not captured in FEMA GO, visit

This dataset contains information on the Project Site Inventories identified in the HMA subapplications/subgrants that have been submitted to or awarded in FEMA GO, as well as amendments made to the awarded subgrants. The Project Site Inventory contains information regarding the Building, Infrastructure/Utility/other, and/or Vacant Land proposed to be mitigated by the subapplication/subgrant. Sensitive information, such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), has been removed to protect privacy. The information in this dataset has been deemed appropriate for publication to empower public knowledge of mitigation activities and the nature of HMA grant programs. For more information on the HMA grant programs, visit: For more information on FEMA GO, visit:

This dataset comes from the source system mentioned above and is subject to a small percentage of human error. In some cases, data was not provided by the subapplicant, applicant, and/or entered into FEMA GO. Due to the voluntary nature of the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Programs, not all Project Site Inventory in this dataset will be mitigated. As FEMA GO continues development, additional fields may be added to this dataset to indicate the final status of individual inventory. This dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting.

FEMA's terms and conditions and citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page:

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If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

Format Address Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 15239 tiny (< 10MB)
json Link to json 15239 tiny (< 10MB)
jsona Link to jsona 15239 tiny (< 10MB)
jsonl Link to jsonl 15239 tiny (< 10MB)
parquet Link to parquet 15239 tiny (< 10MB)

Data Fields

Name Title Type Description Is Searchable
subapplicationId Subapplication Identifier
Single-value that uniquely identifies the subapplication/subgrant. The Subapplication Identifier is made up of the [FEMA Organization Code][FEMA Region Letter Code]-[Fiscal Year Opportunity]-[Program Code]-[Application Number]-[Subapplication Number]. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO. yes
projectSiteInventoryId Project Site Inventory Identifier
Single value that uniquely identifies the project site inventory. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
projectSiteInventoryType Project Site Inventory Type
Type of project site inventory (i.e., Building, Vacant land, Utility/Infrastructure/Other). This is a required field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
primaryActivity Primary Activity
Primary mitigation activity associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Acquisition, Elevation, Flood Mitigation, etc.). This is a required field in the Mitigation Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
secondaryActivity Secondary Activity
Secondary mitigation activity associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Acquisition, Elevation, Flood Mitigation, etc.). This is an optional field in the Mitigation Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
primaryHazard Primary Hazard
Primary hazard associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is a required field in the Mitigation Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
secondaryHazard Secondary Hazard
Secondary hazard associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is an optional field in the Mitigation Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types yes
city City
Name of the City associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Chicago). This is a required field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
countyCode County Code
Identifier assigned to the County or County equivalent associated with the project site inventory (e.g., 031 represents Cook County). This is a system generated field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent on the County. yes
county County
Name of the County or County equivalent associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Cook County). This is a required field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types yes
stateCode State Code
Identifier assigned to the State associated with the project site inventory (e.g., 17 represents Illinois). This is a system generated field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent on the State Abbreviation. yes
stateAbbreviation State Abbreviation
Two letter abbreviation of the State (e.g., IL represents Illinois) associated with the project site inventory. This is a required field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
zipcode Zipcode
Five digit ZIP Code associated with the project site inventory (e.g., 60614). This is an optional field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types. This is a required field in FEMA GO for Building and Vacant land Project Site Inventory Types. yes
structureType Structure Type
Type of structure (e.g., Government, etc.). This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
structurePrimarySubtype Structure Primary Subtype
Primary subtype of structure (e.g., Emergency Response, etc.). This is a conditional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building and Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent on select Structure Types. yes
structureSecondarySubtype Structure Secondary Subtype
Secondary subtype of structure (e.g., Fire Station, etc.). This is a conditional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent on select Structure Primary Subtypes. yes
foundationType Foundation Type
Type of foundation (e.g., Crawl Space not below ground on all sides, Basement below ground on all sides (split-level), Slab on Grade (split level), etc.). This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types. yes
buildingSize Building Size
Size of building in square feet. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types. yes
lotSize Lot Size
Size of lot in acres. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Vacant land Project Site Inventory Types. yes
yearBuilt Year Built
Year the project site inventory was built. As a user entered field, it is possible that a minimal amount of erroneous data exists. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building and Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types. yes
firstFloorElevation First Floor Elevation
First Floor Elevation in feet for the project site inventory. This is a conditional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Primary Mitigation Action or Secondary Mitigation Action is 'Elevation'. yes
feetAboveBaseFloodElevation Feet Above Base Flood Elevation (BFE)
Number of feet the lowest floor is proposed to be raised above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). This is a conditional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Primary Mitigation Action or Secondary Mitigation Action is 'Elevation' or 'Mitigation Reconstruction'. yes
baseFloodElevation Base Flood Elevation (BFE)
Based Flood Elevation (BFE) in feet at the project site inventory location. For more information on BFE, see Values of -9999 are equivalent to null. This is an optional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
floodZone Flood Zone
Flood Zone at the project site inventory location. For more information on Flood Zones, see This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
estimatedPurchasePrice Estimated Purchase Price
Estimated amount in U.S. dollars to mitigate the project site inventory. As a user entered field, the value can be $0. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
proposedLandUse Proposed Land Use
Proposed land use post mitigation (e.g., Park, Wetland, Vacant Land, Other, etc.). This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Vacant Land Project Site Inventory Types. yes
currentlyRented Currently Rented
Indicates if the project site inventory is currently rented. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building and Vacant Land Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
criticalFacility Critical Facility
Indicates if the project site inventory is a critical facility identified by subapplicant/subrecipient's hazard mitigation plan. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building and Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
alternateStructure Alternate Structure
Indicates if the project site inventory is an alternate structure. All properties to be mitigated must be identified, including alternate properties that may be substituted should a property be withdrawn. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
substantiallyDamaged Substantially Damaged
Indicates if the project site inventory is substantially damaged. The term 'substantial damage' applies to a structure in a Special Flood Hazard Area or floodplain for which the total cost of repairs is 50 percent or more of the structures market value before the disaster occurred, regardless of the cause of damage. This percentage rule can vary among jurisdictions. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
publiclyOwned Publicly Owned
Indicates if the project site inventory is publicly owned. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
insured Insured
Indicates if the project site inventory is insured. This is a required field in the Insurance Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
insuranceType Insurance Type
Type of insurance covering the Project Site Inventory (i.e., NFIP Insurance, Private Insurance, Self-Insured). Multiple insurance types are possible and delimited by a semicolon. This is a conditional field in the Insurance Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Insured is 'Yes'. yes
repetitiveLossStructure Repetitive Loss Structure
Indicates if the project site inventory is a Repetitive Loss Structure. For more information on Repetitive Loss Structures as defined by Hazard Mitigation Assistance, see This is a conditional field in the Insurance Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Insured Type is 'National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
severeRepetitiveLossStructure Severe Repetitive Loss Structure
Indicates if the project site inventory is a Severe Repetitive Loss Structure. For more information on Repetitive Loss Structures as defined by Hazard Mitigation Assistance, see This is a conditional field in the Insurance Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Insured Type is 'National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
costEffectivenessMethod Cost-Effectiveness Method
Method used to evaluate the project site inventorys cost-effectiveness (e.g., FEMA BCA Toolkit, pre-calculated benefits, other BCA methodology approved by FEMA). This is a required field in the Cost-Effectiveness Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
preCalculatedBenefit Pre-Calculated Benefit
Type of pre-calculated benefit used to determine the project site inventorys cost-effectiveness (e.g., Acquisitions in the special flood hazard area, Residential hurricane wind retrofits, etc.). For more information on pre-calculated benefits, see This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is 'Pre-calculated benefits'. yes
benefitCostRatio Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
Numerical expression of the cost-effectiveness of the project site inventory. The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) is derived from a project site inventory's total net benefits divided by its total cost. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. yes
ownerType Owner Type
Type of owner (e.g., Business, Corporation, Estate/Trust, Government, Individual, Nonprofit, Religious Institution, Tribal). This is a required field in the Owner Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
coownerType Co-Owner Type
Type of co-owner (e.g., Business, Corporation, Estate/Trust, Government, Individual, Nonprofit, Religious Institution, Tribal). This is an optional field in the Owner Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. yes
id ID
Unique ID assigned to the record. yes

See Also

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Last updated