OpenFEMA Dataset: Hazard Mitigation Plan Statuses - v1

Version: 1
Last Data Refresh: 09-06-2024
Entity Name HazardMitigationPlanStatuses
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P1W
Program URL
Category Hazard Mitigation
Keywords mitigation


The data found on this page comes from the Hazard Mitigation Planning Program’s Mitigation Planning Portal (MPP). The MPP is an online platform for tracking and reporting on mitigation plans and related data elements across all ten Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regions. MPP data provides insight into which jurisdictions are participating in mitigation plans across the country and what the status of those plans are. Additionally, MPP data provides dates to support tracking of when plans are approved and when they are set to expire which FEMA uses to monitor and support disaster preparedness and resilience.

Hazard mitigation planning reduces loss of life and property by minimizing the impact of disasters. It begins with state, tribal, territorial and local governments identifying natural disaster risks and vulnerabilities that are common in their area. After identifying these risks, they develop long-term strategies for protecting people and property from similar events. Mitigation plans are key to breaking the cycle of disaster damage and reconstruction. When applying for certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance, FEMA requires a hazard mitigation plan. These requirements are part of the laws, regulations and policy surrounding hazard mitigation planning. For more information, visit Hazard Mitigation Planning ( )

Hazard mitigation plans enable state, tribal, territorial, and local governments to:

  • Increase education and awareness around threats, hazards, risk, and vulnerabilities
  • Build partnerships for risk reduction with governments, organizations, businesses, and the public
  • Identify long-term strategies that seek to reduce risk
  • Align risk reduction with other state, tribal, territorial or local objectives
  • Identify implementation actions to focus resources on the greatest risks and vulnerabilities
  • Connect priorities to potential funding sources
  • Increase investment in mitigation actions

A FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan is needed to receive certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance.

Please note that jurisdictions may participate in multiple plans. This is raw, unedited data that is dependent on Regional entry, as such it is subject to human error and delayed entry of plan information. The data is updated from authoritative sources and has a minimum 24 hour delay.

Citation: The Agency’s preferred citation for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page, Citing Data section:

Place name may differ from official naming standard referenced in update organization documents (i.e. Tribal name under BIA list or other authoritative source Village of, City of, etc.).

If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA News Desk at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

Format Address Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 36881 tiny (< 10MB)
json Link to json 36881 tiny (< 10MB)
jsona Link to jsona 36881 tiny (< 10MB)
jsonl Link to jsonl 36881 tiny (< 10MB)

Data Fields

Name Title Type Description Is Searchable
femaRegion FEMA Region
Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the plan yes
stateAbbreviation State Abbreviation
Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA) yes
state State Name
Full name of the State (e.g., Virginia) associated with the plan yes
countyName County Name
The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory yes
placeName Community Name
Name of the Community yes
jurisdictionType Jurisdiction Type
The type of government entity (Jurisdiction). Includes State, Tribal and Local governments. Format Alaska Native Organization Alaska Native Village College Conservation District Consolidated Government County County Subdivision District Electric/Power Authority Fire/EMS District Flood Control District Highway/Port/Rail Hospital/Medical Facility Incorporated City Island Municipality Municipio Natural Resources Organized Borough Other Parish Regional Planning Agency School/School District Special District State/District/Territory Town Township Transit/Airport Tribal Unincorporated University Unorganized Territories Village Water/Sewer Authority yes
planTitle Plan Title
The name of the Mitigation Plan, typically as shown on the cover of the submitted document yes
planType Plan Type
The description of the Reference Plan Type. Plan Type values include: Standard State, Standard Tribe, Enhanced State, Enhanced Tribe, Single-Jurisdiction, Multi-Jurisdiction yes
apaDate Approved Pending Adoption (APA) Date
Approvable Pending Adoption. The date FEMA determines a Mitigation Plan meets all requirements of 44 CFR Part 201, except adoption by one or more of the Jurisdictions associated with the Plan that would then prompt FEMA approval. yes
planApprovalDate Plan Approval Date
The date the Mitigation Plan was approved by FEMA. Once established, the date will not change during the next 5 years. Historically, plans were updated every 3 years, but starting in 2016 all plans are updated every 5 years. yes
planExpirationDate Plan Expiration Date
The date when the Mitigation Plan expires. Approval Date plus 5 years. yes
planStatus Plan Status
The description of the Reference Plan Status. Plan Status values include: Approved, Approved Pending Adoption (APA), Plan In Progress, In Review, Expired, Awaiting Revisions yes
jurisdictionStatus Jurisdiction Status
The status of a Jurisdiction that is an identified participant in a Mitigation Plan. Jurisdiction status values include: Approved, Approved Pending Adoption (APA), Plan In Progress, In Review, Expired, Awaiting Revisions yes
planId MPP Plan ID
The MPP Plan ID is a unique number assisgned to each and every new or updated version of a plan. Note: one jurisdiction can have many Plan IDs if they have gone through several updates of a plan. yes
population Population
Population assigned to community per jurisdiction status. Based on the American Community Survey five-year average yes
mppGeoid Community MPP Geoid
Numeric code that uniquely identifies administrative, legal and statistical geographic areas. Note, while most values are Census-based GeoIDs, many are assigned by FEMA to permit the representation of jurisdictions or special districts (e.g., park district, medical center) that are not normally part of a standard jurisdictional analysis. These non-Census GeoIDs are not subject to parsing. yes
censusSource Source
The source of the data. The source of most of the records is the Census 2018 ACS. Sources can also be: manually entered communities, BIA, or the State of Maine. yes
communityIdNumber Community ID (CID)
A unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists in quickly identifying specific communities and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems. yes
popCoverage Population Coverage
A calculation that incorporates the Census field for community population as a percentage of the total population for a state. Note that this value will be duplicated across each state/territory. yes
id ID
Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes yes

See Also

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Last updated