OpenFEMA Dataset: NFIP Multiple Loss Properties - v1

Version: 1
Last Data Refresh: 12-17-2024
Key Value
Entity Name NfipMultipleLossProperties
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P1Y
Program URL
Category National Flood Insurance Program
Keywords NFIP


This dataset provides information on structures that have had multiple National Flood Insurance (NFIP) claims across the history of the program. The data contains NFIP-insured structures that fall within the four categories of Repetitive Loss and Severe Repetitive Loss that FEMA tracks. Definitions of these categories are provided in the field descriptions. There are also fields to show whether a structure is currently NFIP-insured, has been mitigated, and other characteristics. The data includes properties that have since been mitigated or demolished and may no longer considered to be in any of the listed categories.

An online map of this data can be found on FEMA's ArcGIS Online platform:

Location information has been redacted to protect personal privacy. Location information is derived from reported address, geocoding of that address, and reported NFIP community. Because NFIP insurance claims data spans the history of the NFIP, many of the structures have poor address information resulting in poor or missing coordinates and additional location fields that rely on those coordinates. An effort has been made to fill in missing data and resolve conflicts between state, county, community, and census block group. Because of this effort, statistics derived from this data may differ from those reported elsewhere by FEMA or others.

There is a lot of interest in this data as it touches many program areas of the NFIP and serves as an indicator of flood risk and mitigation need.

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If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

Format Address Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 257374 small (10MB - 50MB)
json Link to json 257374 small (10MB - 50MB)
jsona Link to jsona 257374 small (10MB - 50MB)
parquet Link to parquet 257374 tiny (< 10MB)

Data Fields

Name Title Type Description Is Searchable
fipsCountyCode FIPS County Code
FIPS five-digit numeric code used to idenify counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states. The first two characters represent the state; the last three the county. As County information is not provided by flood insurance companies, this is derived from the geocoded address coordinate (where available) and subject to the error inherent in that process. yes
state State
The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory. yes
stateAbbreviation State Abbreviation
Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA). Generally derived from the property address but geocoded location may be used in some cases. yes
county County
Full name of the county (e.g., Broward), followed by its type in parenthesis (e.g., county, parish, borough, etc). Derived from county_fips. yes
zipCode Zip Code
Zip code where the property is located as reported to us in the property address. yes
reportedCity Reported City
This is the city of the insured property as reported to us in the property address. yes
communityIdNumber NFIP Community ID Number
A unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists you in quickly identifying your community and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems yes
communityName NFIP Community Name
Name of the NFIP community, generally representing the lowest level of government with land use authority. Not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction yes
censusBlockGroup Census Block Group FIPS
Twelve digit code designating the 2020 Census Block Group. Typically, Block Groups have a population of 600 to 3,000 people. This is derived from the geocoded address coordinate (where available) and subject to the error inherent in that process. yes
nfipRl NFIP RL
National Flood Insurance Program insurance-relaled Repetitive Loss. An NFIP-insured structure with two or more claims/losses resulting in claim payments (including building and contents) totaling more than $1000 per claim that are recorded in any 10-year period. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. When mitigated, this value may change from true to false yes
nfipSrl NFIP SRL
National Flood Insurance Program insurance-related Severe Repetitive Loss. An NFIP-Insured structure that has incurred flood-related damage for which four or more separate claims payments have been made, with the amount of each claim (including building and contents payments) exceeding $5,000, and with the cumulative amount of such claims payments exceeding $20,000; or for which at least two separate claims payments (building payments only) have been made under such coverage, with the cumulative amount of such claims exceeding the market value of the building. In both instances, at least two of the claims must be within 10 years of each other, and claims made within 10 days of each other will be counted as one claim. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. When mitigated, this value may change from true to false. yes
fmaRl FMA RL
Flood Mitigation Assistance (grant-related) Repetitive Loss. An NFIP-insured structure that has incurred flood-related damage on 2 occasions, in which the cost of repair, on the average, equaled or exceeded 25 percent of the value of the structure at the time of each such flood event. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
fmaSrl FMA SRL
Flood Mitigation Assistance (grant-related) Severe Repetitive Loss. An NFIP-Insured structure that has incurred flood-related damage for which four or more separate claims payments have been made, with the amount of each claim (including building and contents payments) exceeding $5,000, and with the cumulative amount of such claims payments exceeding $20,000; or for which at least two separate claims payments (building payments only) have been made under such coverage, with the cumulative amount of such claims exceeding the market value of the building. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
asOfDate As of Date
The effective date of the data in the file. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z yes
floodZone Flood Zone
NFIP Flood Zone - Flood zone derived from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) used to rate the insured property. A - Special Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, A1-A30 - Special Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; A99 - Special Flood with Protection Zone; AH, AHB* - Special Flood with Shallow Ponding; AO, AOB* - Special Flood with Sheet Flow; X, B - Moderate Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; X, C - Minimal Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; D - Possible Flood; V - Velocity Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; VE, V1-V30 - Velocity Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, VE, X - New zone designations used on new maps starting January 1, 1986, in lieu of A1-A30, V1-V30, and B and C; AR - A Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is determined to be in the process of being restored to provide base flood protection; AR Dual Zones - (AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO, AR/A) Areas subject to flooding from failure of the flood protection system (Zone AR) which also overlap an existing Special Flood Hazard Area as a dual zone; *AHB, AOB, ARE, ARH, ARO, and ARA are not risk zones shown on a map, but are acceptable values for rating purposes yes
latitude Latitude
Approximate latitude of the structure redacted to 1 decimal place. The precision has been lessened to ensure individual privacy. This redaction as well as the inherent error in geocoding addresses may result in a point location that exists in an incorrect community, county or state. yes
longitude Longitude
Approximate longitude of the structure redacted to 1 decimal place. The precision has been lessened to ensure individual privacy. This redaction as well as the inherent error in geocoding addresses may result in a point location that exists in an incorrect community, county or state. yes
occupancyType Occupancy Type
Code indicating the use and occupancy type of the insured structure. One-digit code: 1 = Single family residence; 2 = 2 to 4 Unit residential building; 3 = Residential building with more than 4 units; 4 = Non-residential building; 6 = Non-Residential Business; 11 = Single-family residential building with the exception of a mobile home or a single residential unit within a multi unit building; 12 = A residential non-condo building with 2, 3, or 4 units seeking insurance on all units; 13 = A residential non-condo building with 5 or more units seeking insurance on all units; 14 = Residential mobile/manufactured home; 15 = Residential condo association seeking coverage on a building with one or more units; 16 = Single residential unit within a multi-unit building; 17 = Non-residential mobile/manufactured home; 18 = A non-residential building; 19 = A non-residential unit within a multi-unit building; yes
originalConstructionDate Original Construction Date
The original date of the construction of the building. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z yes
originalNBDate Original NB Date
The original date of the flood policy (new business). When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z yes
postFIRMConstructionIndicator Post FIRM Construction Indicator
Yes (Y) or No (N) Indicator on whether construction was started before or after publication of the FIRM. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. For insurance rating purposes, buildings for which the start of construction or substantial improvement was after December 31, 1974, or on or after the effective date of the initial FIRM for the community, whichever is later, are considered Post-FIRM construction yes
primaryResidenceIndicator Primary Residence Indicator
Indicates whether or not the insured building/condominium unit is the primary residence of the insured. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. A single-family dwelling/condominium unit qualifies as the primary residence of the insured provided that, at the time of loss, the named insured or the named insured's spouse has lived in the dwelling for either (1) 80 percent of the 365 days immediately preceding the loss, or (2) 80 percent of the period of ownership of the insured dwelling, if ownership is less than 365 days. Effective June 1, 2014, the NFIP defines primary residence to be a building that will be lived in by the insured or the insureds spouse for more than 50 percent of the 365 days following the policy effective date. yes
mitigatedIndicator Mitigated Indicator
Indicates whether a repetitive loss structure is currently mitigated per As of Date. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
insuredIndicator Insured Indicator
Indicates whether a repetitive loss structure is currently insured by the NFIP per the As of Date. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. yes
totalLosses Total Losses
The total number of paid NFIP claims of > $1,000 since 1978 for the repetitive loss structure. This number may be inflated based on incorrectly linked structures. yes
mostRecentDateofLoss Most Recent Date of Loss
The most recent date of loss for a closed NFIP claim for the structure. yes
id ID
Unique ID assigned to the record. yes

See Also


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