OpenFEMA Dataset: Public Assistance Applicants Program Deliveries - v1

Version: 1
Last Data Refresh: 02-09-2025
Key Value
Entity Name PublicAssistanceApplicantsProgramDeliveries
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P1D
Program URL
Category Public Assistance
Keywords public assistance


FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) Grants Manager database, including the Grant Portal tool (collectively Grants Manager) was developed in 2016 and became the processing system for all new PA grants starting on August 25, 2017. Grants Manager documents PA projects from formulation to grant obligation and finally close-out. Grant formulation is a new process that was not previously captured.

The previous database, the Emergency Management Mission Integration Environment (EMMIE) currently functions as the system for obligations - a few declarations are obligated in Grants Manager as test cases. All remaining EMMIE functions are scheduled to move to Grants Manager soon. This includes the records for EMMIE and the previous database, the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS).

The 'Public Assistance Applicants Program Deliveries' dataset was generated from Grants Manager by the PA reporting team to share data on assistance made available to eligible state, local and tribal governments, and certain private nonprofit organizations as part of presidentially declared disasters. This dataset reports on the PA National Delivery Model process with summaries of projects and project statuses for all active applicants (subrecipients). The data reflects time sensitive, current phase information including pre-obligation (project formulation) phases starting in phase 2 through obligation in phase 5.

Short description of the PA Phases:

Phase 1. Applicant Coordination and Evaluation - Identify applicants’ disaster impacts and recovery priorities.

Phase 2. Impacts and Eligibility - Capture and document all incident-related damages.

Phase 3. Scoping and Costing - Further develop PA grant projects for final processing.

Phase 4. Final Reviews - FEMA reviews the project application, applicants review and sign agreement.

Phase 5. Obligation and Recovery Transition - FEMA obligates funds to recipients and schedules Recovery Transition Meeting (RTM).

Phase 6. Post-Award Monitoring and Amendments - Applicant provide updates to FEMA via Recipient, amendments can be submitted for changes to the scope, costs, or time to complete the project.

Phase 7. Final Reconciliation and Closeout - Applicant coordinates with recipient for closeout completed with FEMA.

For more information, please review:

Public Assistance Delivery Model:

Grants Manager/Grants Portal Fact Sheet:

A descriptive list of two of the code fields in the data dictionary are presented here as they are difficult to read if embedded in the field description:

Applicant Status

Eligible - Applicant is eligible to apply for and receive FEMA Public Assistance grants

Ineligible - Applicant has been determined ineligible to apply for and receive FEMA Public Assistance grants

Withdrawn - Applicant has withdrawn eligibility to apply for and receive FEMA Public Assistance grants

Pending Recipient RPA Review - Pending reviews by the Recipient of the Applicant's request for Public Assistance

Pending FEMA RPA Review - Pending reviews by FEMA of the Applicant's request for Public Assistance

Pending Ineligibility Review - Pending final review to determine eligibility of the Applicant

Pending RPA Ineligibility Review - Pending final review to determine eligibility of the Applicant's request for Public Assistance

Pending Applicant Resubmission - Pending resubmittal of a request for Public Assistance

Closed - Eligible - Eligible Applicant has been closed out

Applicant Process Status specifies the process currently pending for the Applicant or their request for Public Assistance. These may include:

Process Discontinued - FEMA processes applicant removal

Pending Applicant Resubmission - Request for Public Assistance (RPA) is pending re-submittal by the applicant

Pending Recipient Review - The RPA is pending review by the Recipient

Pending DIU RPA EMMIE Entry - The RPA is pending entry into the EMMIE system by the Document Integrity Unit

Pending DIU RPA Validation - The RPA is pending validation by the Document Integrity Unit

Pending Field Leadership Review - The RPA is pending review by FEMA leadership in the field or regional office

Pending OCC Review - The RPA is pending review by Office of Chief Counsel

Pending PAGS Review - The RPA is pending review by the PA Group Supervisor

Pending PDMG Assignment - The Applicant is pending assignment of a Program Delivery Manager (PDMG)

Pending Impact Review Completion - The Applicant is pending completion of an Impact Review or Exploratory Call

Pending RSM Completion - The Applicant is pending completion of a Recovery Scoping Meeting

Pending Grant Completion - The Applicant is pending completion of completing PA projects to receive grant obligations

Pending Request to Conduct RTM Approval - The Applicant is requesting a Recovery Transition Meeting (RTM)

Pending FEMA RTM Completion - The Applicant is pending completion of an RTM by FEMA staff

Pending Applicant RTM Approval - The Applicant is pending approval of the transition to the region

RTM Completed - The Applicant has completed transition to the region to be closed out

Pending Close-out Review - The Applicant is pending the performance of close out procedures

Applicant Closed Out - Applicant is closed out of the PA Process

FEMA's terms and conditions and citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page:

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the OpenFEMA program, API, and publicly available datasets, please visit:

If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

Format Address Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 74026 small (10MB - 50MB)
json Link to json 74026 small (10MB - 50MB)
jsona Link to jsona 74026 small (10MB - 50MB)
jsonl Link to jsonl 74026 small (10MB - 50MB)
parquet Link to parquet 74026 small (10MB - 50MB)

Data Fields

Name Title Type Description Is Searchable
declarationType Declaration Type
Two character code that defines if this is a major disaster or emergency declaration. For more information on the disaster process, please visit yes
disasterNumber Disaster Number
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, please visit yes
stateCode State Abbreviation
The US Postal abbreviation describing the U.S. state, district, or territory declared. yes
stateName State Name
The full name describing the U.S. state, district, or territory declared. yes
declarationDate Declaration Date
Date the disaster was declared yes
incidentType Incident Type
Type of incident such as fire or flood. For more information on incident types, please visit yes
declarationTitle Declaration Title
Title for the disaster, if it exists in the source system yes
region Region Number
Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the project yes
consolidatedResourceCenter Consolidated Resource Center
Consolidated Resource Center (CRC) that is assigned to develop and review Public Assistance projects for the declaration. Includes the following area offices: Atlantic, East, Central, and West yes
countyApplicantJurisdiction County Applicant Jurisdiction
The county or other geographical area for which the Applicant has jurisdiction of, or within. State agencies will be listed as 'Statewide' yes
utilizingDirectApplication Utilizing Direct Application
Yes/No indicator of whether the Applicant is utilizing the direct application process that allows for them to submit project applications directly through the Grants Portal system yes
applicantIdGm Applicant Id - GM
Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number. From the Grants Manager/Portal system yes
applicantIdEmmie Applicant Id - EMMIE
Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number. From the EMMIE system yes
applicantName Applicant Name
Name of the entity requesting Public Assistance Grant funding. (Eligible Public Assistance applicants are subgrantees) yes
applicantType Applicant Type
Specifies the general type of organization the applicant represents. Such as State or Local government or Private Non-Profit yes
isPnp Is PNP
Yes/No indicator of whether the Applicant is a Private Non-Profit organization yes
applicantStatus Applicant Status
Specifies the Eligibility status of the Applicant for their request for public assistance. See the main dataset description for a list of codes. Applicants may be ineligible if they are a for profit entity or if the work reuquested and costs are not eligible. yes
applicantProcessStatus Applicant Process Status
Specifies the process currently pending for the Applicant or their request for Public Assistance. See the main dataset description for a list of codes yes
numberActiveDamages Number of Active Damages
Number of currently active (not withdrawn, ineligible, or deleted) damage sites, facilities, or activities for which the applicant is applying for reimbursement of funds yes
totalAppDamageCost Total Applicant Damage Cost
Total current cost in dollars for the applicant's active damage sites, facilities, or activities. The total may include ineligible damages or damages that are reported at the damage level but not yet associated with any of the applicant's Current Projects yes
numberActiveProjects Number of Active Projects
Number of currently active (not withdrawn, ineligible, or deleted) Public Assistance projects created in Grants Manager/Portal yes
currentProjectCost Current Project Cost
Total damage costs in dollars associated with current active projects for an applicant. This represents the cost of the applicants projects before any applicable cost share is taken out. Costs may contain projects not yet obligated yes
numberPhase2Projects Number of Phase 2 Projects
Number of Projects pending process steps in phase 2 ADD NUMBER of the Public Assistance process, which includes documenting impacts and formulating projects yes
phase2ProjectCost Phase 2 Project Cost
Total damage costs in dollars currently entered on active PA Projects pending phase 2 (Assessing Impacts & Eligibility) process steps yes
numberPhase3Projects Number of Phase 3 Projects
Number of Projects pending process steps in phase 3 of the Public Assistance process, which includes developing the scope and costs of projects yes
phase3ProjectCost Phase 3 Project Cost
Total damage costs in dollars currently entered on active PA Projects pending phase 3 (Scoping & Costing) process steps yes
numberPhase4Projects Number of Phase 4 Projects
Number of Projects pending process steps in phase 4 of the Public Assistance process, which includes final eligibility and concurrence reviews of projects yes
phase4ProjectCost Phase 4 Project Cost
Total damage costs in dollars currently entered on active PA Projects pending phase 4 (Final Reviews) process steps yes
numberPhase5Projects Number of Phase 5 Projects
Number of Projects pending process steps in phase 5 of the Public Assistance process, which includes those pending final obligation, and obligated projects that are not currently pending an amendment in other phases yes
phase5ProjectCost Phase 5 Project Cost
Total damage costs in dollars currently entered on active PA Projects pending phase 5 (Obligation Process) process steps (includes obligated projects) yes
numberObligatedProjects Number of Obligated Projects
Number of projects that have been awarded and obligated funding yes
federalShareObligated Federal Share Obligated
Federal Share in dollars currently awarded by FEMA for the Applicant's projects. This reflects the dollar amount provided to the recipient and is reduced by any cost share set up for the disaster or project yes
hash Hash
MD5 hash of fields and values of the record no
lastRefresh Last Refresh
Date the record was last updated in the API data store yes
id ID
Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes yes

See Also


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