OpenFEMA Dataset: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Projects Financial Transactions - v1

Version: 1
Last Data Refresh: 02-15-2025
Key Value
Entity Name HazardMitigationAssistanceProjectsFinancialTransactions
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P1D
Program URL
Category Hazard Mitigation
Keywords mitigation


This dataset contains information on the HMA subgrants that have received financial transactions in NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants. Sensitive information, such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), has been removed to protect privacy. The information in this dataset has been deemed appropriate for publication to empower public knowledge of mitigation activities and the nature of HMA grant programs. For more information on the HMA grant programs, visit:

This dataset comes from the source system mentioned above and is subject to a small percentage of human error. In some cases, data was not provided by the subapplicant, applicant, and/or entered into NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants. The financial information in this dataset is not derived from FEMA's official financial systems. Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations, and how business rules are applied, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as This dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting.

FEMA's terms and conditions and citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page:

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If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

Format Address Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 74214 tiny (< 10MB)
json Link to json 74214 tiny (< 10MB)
jsona Link to jsona 74214 tiny (< 10MB)
parquet Link to parquet 74214 tiny (< 10MB)

Data Fields

Name Title Type Description Is Searchable
projectIdentifier Project Identifier
Single-value that uniquely identifies the project. Disaster-based projects use the convention of DR-disaster number-project number-suffix (e.g., DR-1761-0001-M) while non-disaster projects use the unique project number (e.g., FMA-PJ-10-WA-2017-006) yes
transactionIdentifier Transaction Identifier
Single-value that uniquely identifies the transaction for the subgrant yes
transactionDate Transaction Date
Date the financial transaction was processed by FEMA. While this value may contain time information (00:00:00.000), these are system generated and do not reflect the actual time associated with the subapplication/subgrant. yes
commitmentIdentifier Commitment Identifier
Single-value that identifies the commitment identifier associated with the financial transaction. A commitment is the reservation of funds for a specific purpose and the certifying of funds availability. Commitment identifier is made up of the [Location Code][Sequentially Assigned Number][Procurement Method][Fiscal Year][Optional Characters]. This field is not applicable to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. yes
accsLine ACCS Line
Single-value that identifies the line of account used for the financial transaction. The Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS) is used to identify the expenditures for appropriated funded. The ACCS is made up of the [Budget Fiscal Year]-[Fund Code]-[Program Code]-[Organization Code]-[Project Code]-[Object Code]-[Fund Type]. For more information on the ACCS components, visit This field is not applicable to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. yes
fundCode Fund Code
Single-value that identifies the source of appropriation funding for the subgrant (e.g., 5 (National Flood Insurance Fund, National Flood Insurance Act of 1968), IN (National Flood Insurance Fund, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), 6M (Disaster Relief Fund, Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018), and 6N (Disaster Relief Fund, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), etc.). This field is not applicable to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. yes
federalShareProjectCostAmt Federal Share Project Costs
Amount in dollars for project costs associated with the financial transaction. Project costs do not include Administrative Costs or Management Costs. yes
recipientAdminCostAmt Recipient Administrative Costs
Amount in dollars for Recipient Administrative costs associated with the financial transaction (previously referred to Grantee Administrative Costs). Recipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters prior to November 13, 2007. yes
subrecipientAdminCostAmt Subrecipient Administrative Costs
Amount in dollars for Subrecipient Administrative costs associated with the financial transaction (previously referred to as Subgrantee Administrative Costs). Subrecipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters prior to November 13, 2007. yes
subrecipientMgmtCostAmt Subrecipient Management Costs
Amount in dollars for Subrecipient Management costs associated with the financial transaction. Subrecipient Management Costs only apply to disasters declared on or after August 1, 2017. yes
id ID
Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes yes

See Also

Access the metadata API calls for additional information:

Last updated