OpenFEMA Dataset: Public Assistance Applicants - v1

Version: 1
Last Data Refresh: 12-06-2024
Key Value
Entity Name PublicAssistanceApplicants
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P1D
Program URL
Category Public Assistance
Keywords public


This dataset was generated by FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) reporting team to share data on assistance made available to eligible state, local and tribal governments, and certain private nonprofit organizations as part of presidentially declared disasters. This data, starting with disaster declaration DR1239 (declared in 1998), lists applicant (subrecipient) information that supplements the Public Assistance Funded Projects Details dataset.

This is raw, unedited data from FEMA's Emergency Management Mission Integrated Environment (EMMIE) and is subject to a small percentage of human error.

Any financial information is derived from EMMIE and not FEMA's official financial systems. Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations and application of business rules, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as This dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal reporting.

The Agency's preferred citation for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page:

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the OpenFEMA program, API, and publicly available datasets, please visit:

If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

Format Address Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 182862 small (10MB - 50MB)
json Link to json 182862 medium (50MB - 500MB)
jsona Link to jsona 182862 medium (50MB - 500MB)
jsonl Link to jsonl 182862 medium (50MB - 500MB)
parquet Link to parquet 182862 small (10MB - 50MB)

Data Fields

Name Title Type Description Is Searchable
disasterNumber Disaster Number
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, yes
applicantId Applicant Id
Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number yes
state State
The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory yes
applicantName Applicant Name
Name of the entity requesting Public Assistance Grant funding. (Eligible Public Assistance applicants are subgrantees) yes
addressLine1 Address Line 1
A location at which a particular organization is found, Line 1; Applicant in this dataset yes
addressLine2 Address Line 2
A location at which a particular organization is found, Line 2; Applicant in this dataset yes
city City Name
A center of population; Applicant in this dataset yes
zipCode Zip Code
Unique geographical identifier for a U.S. postal address; Applicant in this dataset yes
hash Hash
MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record no
lastRefresh Last Refresh
Date the record was last updated in the API data store yes
id ID
Unique ID assigned to the record yes

See Also

Access the metadata API calls for additional information:

Last updated