Use FEMA Funds Appropriately

Release Date:
December 14, 2022

It is important for Hurricane Fiona survivors in Puerto Rico to know that disaster assistance funds granted by FEMA are meant for certain disaster-related expenses. This includes:

  • Home repairs for the primary home damaged by the disaster.

  • Temporary lodging.

  • Repairs or replacement of an essential vehicle damaged in the disaster.

  • Medical care for an injury caused by the disaster.

  • Replacement of occupational tools or educational material damaged by the disaster.

  • Moving and storage disaster-related expenses.

FEMA may audit survivors to confirm they spent grants on disaster-related expenses, which is why survivors should keep receipts for three (3) years to document the use of the disaster funds. The funds should not be used for travel, entertainment, daily living expenses or discretionary expenses not related to the disaster. If grant money is misused, you may have to repay FEMA through a recoupment process.

Recoupment is necessary when there is an inappropriate use of money, benefits are duplicated, funds are obtained by fraud or financial aid was provided in error. If you receive a letter of recoupment, review it and, if you don’t agree, submit an appeal within sixty (60) days from the date of the letter. Issues may be resolved by providing additional documentation to support your claim.

Federal law prohibits duplicating assistance from other sources, such as insurance.

For more information on FEMA’s recoupment process, visit

Last updated