Houses of worship and other private nonprofit organizations impacted by the April 12 – 14 severe storms, tornadoes and flooding in Broward County may be eligible for FEMA assistance to help pay for emergency protective measures, debris removal and restoration of facilities damaged by the disaster.
FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) program may provide assistance to faith-based organizations that provide essential social services to the public.
FEMA encourages protecting these damaged facilities from future events by providing funding for hazard mitigation measures during the recovery process.
- The house of worship must be owned or operated by a private nonprofit organization.
- It must have sustained damage caused by the April 12 – 14 severe storms, tornadoes and flooding in Broward County.
- The facility must be open to the public.
- The application must include state and/or U.S. Internal Revenue Service documentation of tax-exempt status, pre-disaster charter and other documentation.
The deadline to apply for the April 12 – 14 severe storms, tornadoes and flooding in Broward County damage is May 28, 2023.
Houses of worship, whether they provide critical or essential social services, may submit a FEMA Request for Public Assistance through Grants Portal, an online recovery management tool, within 30 days of the date of a presidential disaster declaration. Any questions about the process can be answered by your local and/or state emergency manager.
Houses of Worship or other nonprofit organizations should contact the Florida Division of Emergency Management for Request for Public Assistance (RPA) information.
- Evidence of federal or state tax-exempt status or other documents indicating nonprofit status, such as bylaws or articles of incorporation.
- Pre-disaster evidence of incorporation/charter/bylaws.
- A Data Universal Number Systems number established with the government.
- Supporting documentation establishing lease or ownership of the building, proof of use, and proof of insurance.
- If eligibility is granted, the following will need to be submitted: A list of sites damaged; “before and after” pictures; and information about any historic structures.
Other Resources:
Public Assistance Policies - Official guidance, policies, news advisories and related publications that govern the program include:
- Public Assistance Program & Policy Guide (PAPPG) (version 4 applicable to emergencies and major disasters declared on or after June 1, 2020.)
- Public Assistance Program Delivery Guide ( (draft document published September 2022.)