Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office Claims Navigator Desirre Herrera

Release Date
Desirre Herrera

"In my role as a Claims Navigator, I strive to be humble and kind. I understand their fear and loss and want to offer support to claimants."

Desirre Herrera is from Sapello, N.M. Prior to joining the Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Las Vegas Claims Office, Desiree worked with the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute as a monitoring technician. In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time with her 3-year-old son and family, horseback riding, hiking, hunting and being in the mountains.

What motivated you to apply for this position?
I want to give back to my community as much as I can. I have also experienced the fear of packing up a home and looking back as we drove away and not knowing if we’d have a home to return to. I want to support those who suffered losses in any way possible; even if it’s as simple as lending an ear to listen or, a shoulder to cry on.

What's the most important thing you want people to know?
Don’t feel discouraged - you can do this! Trust in us to help guide you through the claims process. We were hired to support you in every way we possibly can. We all value our New Mexico culture and traditions.

Which Claims Office core value do you resonate with the most? 
Compassion. During this time especially, compassion is central to everything I do and I care deeply for my culture, community and heritage, as well as every person that comes into my life.

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