WASHINGTON -- FEMA is seeking qualified individuals to lend their expertise and serve on the agency’s National Advisory Council.
The council includes a geographically diverse and substantive cross-section of 40 members who advise the FEMA Administrator on all aspects of emergency management, ensuring input from, and coordination with, state, local, tribal and territorial governments, as well as the private and nonprofit sectors.
“We value the diverse backgrounds and skillsets of our members, and the experience they bring to FEMA through the advisory council is invaluable,” said FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell. “Their willingness to volunteer their time and expertise to further FEMA’s mission will not only benefit our singular agency, but the broader emergency management enterprise nationwide.”
Individuals appointed to the council bring their experience and diversity of views to provide the Administrator consensus recommendations on a broad range of issues. They will have the opportunity to be a part of, and help shape, the future not only of FEMA, but also the entire field of emergency management for our country.
Administrator Criswell will appoint up to nine members who will begin serving on the council in December 2023. Selected council members will guide future recommendations on topics including climate, readiness and workforce, which align to the FEMA strategic plan and projects as directed by the Administrator.
The agency is accepting applications for seven discipline-specific positions and up to two Administrator-selected positions. Discipline-specific positions include a specialty in any one of the following fields: disabilities, access and functional needs; elected tribal government official; emergency management; emergency response provider; non-elected tribal government official; health scientist; and standards setting and accrediting. For a description of each position, please go to the Charter.
Newly selected members will serve up to a three-year term on the council. If other positions open, FEMA may select qualified candidates from the pool of applications.
If you are interested in applying to serve on FEMA’s National Advisory Council, please follow these instructions for submitting an application package no later than 11:59 p.m. ET May 21, 2023. Per the Federal Advisory Committee Act, federal employees are ineligible to apply.