The FEMA Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT) travelled to North Dakota to help ensure potential disaster assistance applicants follow proper procurement requirements when receiving federal funding. The training courses were conducted in Dickinson, Bismarck and Minot. The class in Bismarck was focused on Rural Electric Cooperatives (REC).
FEMA's Public Assistance Program provides funding to state, local and tribal government agencies and certain private non-profits providing governmental services (like the RECs). However, non-compliance with federal procurement guidelines can result in reduced funding. Through the training, participants learn to identify and avoid potential violations. In the aftermath of a disaster, things are hectic and stressful, so it is beneficial for these trainings to be conducted prior to a disaster.
The trainings were requested by the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services. North Dakota is one of the few states that directly manages its Public Assistance Program activities, meaning that state personnel conduct the majority of site inspections and interactions with applicants, rather than FEMA staff.
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