Building Science Resource Library

The Building Science Resource Library contains all of FEMA’s hazard-specific guidance that focuses on creating hazard-resistant communities.

You can search for a document by its title, or filter the collection to browse by:

  • Topic: High winds, flood, earthquake, etc.
  • Document Type: Brochure, report, fact sheet, infographic, etc.
  • Audience: Building professionals & engineers, individuals & homeowners, teachers & kids, etc.
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FEMA P-2091, A Practical Guide to Soil-Structure Interaction

The Guide covers Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) topics in ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 12.13 and Chapter 19, including base slab averaging, foundation embedment, foundation and soil flexibility, period lengthening, and foundation damping. It also provides advice on modeling of basements and gives easy-to-use rules-of-thumb on when SSI is likely to be of significance. The focus is on techniques that practicing engineers can use. As such, soil flexibility is addressed through the use of springs, rather than by finite element modeling.

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FEMA P-1026 Seismic Design of Rigid Wall-Flexible Diaphragm Buildings

This report presents an alternative design procedure for earthquake resistance of one-story buildings with stiff and strong vertical elements coupled with flexible roof diaphragms. The report focuses on use of this alternative procedure for new buildings, while noting its possible application to the retrofit of existing buildings.

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Seismic Rehabilitation Cost Estimator (SRCE)

The SRCE Program is used for calculating cost estimates for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings. The program files are available for download and are provided as samples of how to setup and run the application. However, users will need to build the web application structure. 

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Recommended Future Issues and Research Needs

As part of its efforts to regularly update the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures, the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) is charged by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to identify and recommend issues to be addressed and research needed to advance the state of the art of earthquake-resistant design and to serve as the basis for future refinement of the Provisions.

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FEMA P-50, Simplified Seismic Assessment of Detached, Single-Family,Wood-Frame Dwellings

The training provides instruction on inspection procedures and use of a four-page Simplified Seismic Assessment Form to evaluate detached single-family wood-frame dwellings and to assign to each a seismic performance grade. The procedure takes into consideration the potential for damage or collapse in a manner that is consistent and useful to owners, purchasers, insurers, lenders, contractors, design professionals, and regulatory officials.

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FEMA P-50-1, Seismic Retrofit Guidelines for Detached, Single-Family, Wood-Frame Dwellings

The training provides instruction on inspection procedures and use of a four-page Simplified Seismic Assessment Form to evaluate detached single-family wood-frame dwellings and to assign to each a seismic performance grade. The procedure takes into consideration the potential for damage or collapse in a manner that is consistent and useful to owners, purchasers, insurers, lenders, contractors, design professionals, and regulatory officials.

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Earthquakes Can Drain Your Bank Account

The "Earthquakes Can Drain Your Bank Account" infographic will help you plan and protect your finances today to bounce back stronger tomorrow.

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FEMA 331, Protecting Business Operations - 2nd Report on Costs and Benefits of Natural Hazard Mitigation

Floodwaters can submerge critical equipment, hurricane-force winds can rip sections of roofing off production facilities, and earthquakes can bring down suspended ceilings in office facilities.

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FEMA P-424, Design Guide for Improving School Safety in Earthquakes, Floods, and High Winds

This manual is intended to provide guidance for the protection of school buildings from natural disasters. This volume concentrates on grade schools, K-12. FEMA P-424 covers earthquakes, floods, and high winds. Its intended audience is design professionals and school officials involved in the technical and financial decisions of school construction, repair, and renovations. NOTE: This publication is available free to Local and State government staff. All other interested parties can obtain this publication via online download only.

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FEMA P-2156, The Role of the NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions in the Development of Nationwide Seismic Building Code Regulations: A Thirty-Five-Year Retrospective

In retrospect, the NEHRP Recommended Provisions not only provided many critical stepping stones to form the foundation of modern U.S. seismic-resistant codes and standards, but also helped to explore new ways to advance earthquake science and risk reduction technologies. Over the past thirty-five years, many scientists, researchers, engineers, code and standard experts, material industry experts, and professionals from the NEHRP agencies contributed to the success of the NEHRP Provisions. This report captures the history of the NEHRP Provisions and many great benefits it has introduced.