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Rhode Island State and Local Level Referrals
When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. You may also reference our national-level referrals list.
Please contact us with questions or corrections.
For reference, the local resources we list provide disaster recovery services in the categories noted below.

For reference, see the full list of disaster recovery service categories covered in the below local resource list.
These resources are provided solely for the information of individuals using this page. When you go to another website you are subject to its privacy policies. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.
Rhode Island State and Local Level Referrals
Use the "Search" field to look for categories or types of assistance.
Category | Entity | Type of Assistance | Telephone Number |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Rhode Island Commission on the Deaf & Hard of Hearing | Counseling, training, communications devices, and interpreter services. | 401-256-5511 TTY 401-222-5300 Videophone 401-354-7630 |
Aging Services | Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging | This service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organization. Information, referral, case management, long-term care options counseling, and health care services. | 401-462-3000 TTY 401-462-0740 |
Agricultural Aid | Rhode Island State Farm Service Agency | USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides emergency loans to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters, or quarantine. | 401-828-8232 |
Agricultural Aid | Rhode Island USDA Rural Development | USDA Rural Development provides low interest mortgages, guaranteed mortgages, 1% interest mortgages for seniors, loans for repairs and mortgage payment assistance for families living in rural areas. | 401-826-0842 |
Agricultural Aid | Rhode Island Division of Agriculture | Information for agricultural industry, plant and animal health, permits, testing, food safety, and regulations. | 401-222-4700 After hours emergencies: 401-222-3070 TTY: 711 |
Animals/Pets | Rhode Island Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) | Animal services and support, information, low income veterinary clinic, pet care resources, pet loss support, and animal surrender. | 401-438-8150 |
Consumer Services | Rhode Island Department of Attorney General - Consumer Protection Unit | Information on price gouging and consumer complaint services. | 401-274-4400 |
Contractors | Rhode Island Department of Administration - Contractor's Registration Board | Contractor's online license verification and consumer complaints services. | 401-921-1590 TDD 401-222-6334 |
Crisis Counseling | Rhode Island Suicide & Crisis Hotlines | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. Hotline numbers listed. | Emergency: 911 Hope Valley: 401-539-7474 Providence: 401-272-4044 South Kingston: 401-783-0782 Statewide: 800-365-4044 |
Crisis Counseling | The Samaritans of Rhode Island | Crisis listening line, suicide prevention resources, information and resources about mental health issues, | Emergency: 911 401-272-4044 800-365-4044 |
Disaster Specific Information | Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (REIMA) | Information regarding utilities outages and alerts, weather and transportation updates, resources for preparedness, and online floodplain mapping tool. | Web referral only: http://www.riema.ri.gov |
Disaster Unemployment Assistance | Rhode Island Department of Labor & Training - Unemployment Insurance | When Disaster Unemployment Assistance is activated, the agency will provide disaster information. This assistance provides weekly benefit payments to those out of work due to the disaster, including self-employed persons, farm and ranch owners, and others not covered under regular unemployment insurance programs. | (401) 415-6772 |
Environment | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) | Information and resources for preserving the environment, online services available for education resources, complaints or violations, permits and licenses, and rules and regulations. | General Information: 401-222-4700 After Hours Emergencies: 401-222-3070 |
Essential Needs | Rhode Island Department of Human Services: Benefits | Assistance in filing an application for public benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) previously known as food stamps, Medicaid, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families and other public assistance services. | DHS Call Center: 855-697-4347 |
Essential Needs | Rhode Island Community Food Bank | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. Online "Find Food" local food pantry search. | 211 401-942-632 Email: contactus@rifoodbank.org |
Family & Protective Services | Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth, & Families: Child Welfare | Individuals concerned with children at risk for abuse and neglect. | Emergency: 911 800-742-4453 |
Family & Protective Services | Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs: Adult Protective Services | Individuals concerned with possible elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. | Emergency: 911 401-462-3000 |
Financial Assistance | U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Customer Service Center (SBA) | Low interest mortgages, personal property, and economic injury loans are available to homeowners, renters, and business owners affected by the disaster. | 800-659-2955 TTY: 800-877-8339 |
Health Care Services | Rhode Island Department of Human Services: Programs & Services | Information about public benefits such Medicaid, and other public assistance services. | DHS Call Center: 855-697-4347 |
Housing | Rhode Island USDA Rural Development | USDA Rural Development provides low interest mortgages, guaranteed mortgages, 1% interest mortgages for seniors, loans for repairs and mortgage payment assistance for families living in rural areas. | USDA Rural Development Customer Service Center 800-414-1226 |
Housing | Rhode Island Housing | Information and resources for homebuyers and owners, online rental resource guide, and information for landlords. | Main: 401-457-1234 800-427-5560 TTY: 401-450-1394 HelpCenter: 401-457-1130 |
Information & Referral | State of Rhode Island | Rhode Island's Official State Website. Links to all State Departments and Agencies. | Web referral only: www.ri.gov |
Information & Referral | United Way 2-1-1 of Rhode Island | Referral for Food, Mental Health, Health Care, Housing, Substance Use, Youth, Transportation, Utility Assistance, Income, Children & Families, Crisis, Basic Needs, Legal Assistance, Re-Entry, Older Adults | 211 Text zip code to 898211 In-state Callers: 401-444-0600 Out-of-State Callers: 1-800-367-2700 TTY: 401-519-0374 |
Insurance | Rhode Island Insurance Regulation Division | General insurance information, insurance complaint services, insurance license search, and fraud reporting services. | 401-462-9520 |
Legal Services | Rhode Island Legal Services | Information and referrals to attorneys providing free or reduced fee legal services to individuals affected by a disaster. | 401- 274-2652 800-662-5034 |
Tax Preparation | Rhode Island Division of Taxation | State tax information assistance and online services for individuals and businesses. | 401-574-8484 401-222-1040 401-574-8829 |
Veterans Affairs | Rhode Island Office of Veterans Affairs | Information and resources for veterans, veterans benefits, services for family and caregivers. | 401-921-2119 |
Vital Statistics | Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles | Duplicate drivers licenses, auto registrations and title services. Online services available, and directory of Branch offices. | 401-462-4368 |
Vital Statistics | Rhode Island Department of Health: Vital Records | Replacement birth/death/marriage certificates or other vital document services, online services available. | 401-222-2811 |
Referrals Last Updated: May 2024