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Georgia State and Local Level Referrals
When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. You may also reference our national-level referrals list.
Please contact us with questions or corrections.
For reference, the local resources we list provide disaster recovery services in the categories noted below.

For reference, see the full list of disaster recovery service categories covered in the below local resource list.
These resources are provided solely for the information of individuals using this page. When you go to another website you are subject to its privacy policies. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.
Georgia State and Local Level Referrals
Use the "Search" field to look for categories or types of assistance.
Category | Entity | Type of Assistance | Telephone Number |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency | Helps eligible individuals with physical and/or mental disabilities obtain and/or maintain employment in a competitive integrated work site | 844-367-4872, unable to verify phone number, music was all that played when I called. |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Georgia Council for the Hearing Impaired, Inc. | Provides links and information to programs and services to the death and hard of hearing community and individuals. | 888-297-9461 |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Southeast ADA Center | Provides links and information to programs and services to the possibly assist individuals with a disability. | 800-949-4232 Online directory of services |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Bain, Inc | Dedicated to promoting independence and improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities in South Georgia. | 229-246-0150 |
Aging Services | Georgia Department of Human Services: Division of Aging Services | Provides information and services by assisting older individuals, at-risk adults, persons with disabilities, their families and caregivers to achieve safe, healthy, independent and self-reliant lives. | 866-552-4464 |
Agricultural Aid | Georgia USDA Farm Service Agency | Provides information on possible programs available during a presidential declaration. | 706-552-2517 |
Agricultural Aid | Georgia USDA Rural Development | Provides information on possible programs available to farmers, meat processors, and individual with rural housing needs. | 800-338-5975 |
Agricultural Aid | Georgia USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service: NRCS | Provides information on programs that may be available for natural resource conservation. | 706-546-2272 |
Animals/Pets | Georgia Department of Agriculture | Provides protection to consumers, promote agriculture both locally and globally and assist our customers using education, technology and a professional workforce | 800-282-5852 |
Consumer Services | Office of the Attorney General | Provides information concerning consumer protection. | 800-869-1123 |
Contractors | Georgia Secretary of State: Licensing | May provide verification of licenses and consumer complaints. | 404-424-9966 |
Crisis Counseling | Georgia Collaborative: Crisis and Access Line | Facilitates the delivery of whole-health, person-centered and culturally sensitive supports and services to individuals and their families throughout the state. | Crisis Hotline: 800-715-4225, unable to verify phone number, no answer. Customer Service: 855-606-2725 |
Crisis Counseling | Georgia Suicide & Crisis Hotlines - When You Feel You Can't Go On... Call a Suicide Hotline. / SuicideHotlines.com - Direction for immediate crisis intervention for the gravely suicidal & treatment for major clinical suicidal depression. | Listing of Georgia suicide hotlines, community services, and service areas. | 1-800-784-2433, unable to verify phone number, no answer 1-800-273-8255, unable to verify phone number, no answer |
Crisis Counseling | Lookout Mountain Community Services | Provides services to anyone four years of age and older who lives in Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade, or Walker Counties and who are in need of Mental Health and Addictive Disease Treatment. | Outpatient clinic listing Crisis Helpline: 800-715-4225, unable to verify phone number, no answer. |
Crisis Counseling | Ware County: Unison Behavioral Health | Provides behavioral health and developmental disability services to persons in Coffee, Atkinson, Bacon, Pierce, Ware, Clinch, Charlton, and Brantley counties. Originally Satilla Community Services. | 800-342-8168 |
Disaster Specific Information | TBD | ||
Disaster Unemployment Assistance | Georgia Department of Labor | This assistance provides weekly benefit payments to those out of work. Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) may be able to provide assistance to those that lost their job or self employed and were affected by a disaster. | GDOL Service Directory providesseveral phone numbers based on the program and need. |
Environment | Georgia Environmental Protection Division | Provides information concerning protecting Georgia's air, land, and water resources. | 800-241-4113 |
Essential Needs | Georgia Division of Family and Children Services | Investigates reports of child abuse; finds foster and adoptive homes for abused and neglected children; issues SNAP, Medicaid and TANF; helps out-of-work parents get back on their feet; and provides numerous support services and innovative programs to help families in need. | 877-423-4746 |
Essential Needs | Georgia Department of Health: Women, Infants and Children | Provides information on preventing disease, injury and disability; promoting health and well-being; and preparing for and responding to disasters from a health perspective. | 800-228-9173 Online intake form |
Essential Needs | Atlanta Community Food Bank | Search agency locator map for area food panties and community kitchens. Serving metro Atlanta area. Benefits screening available,Volunteer and donation opportunities available. | 211 , unable to verify the phone number. 404-892-3333 |
Essential Needs | Food Bank of Northeast Georgia | Provides maps and resources that may be able to help with feeding. Locator map for area food panties and community kitchens. | Athens: 706-354-8191 Clayton: 706-782-0780 |
Essential Needs | America's Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia | May provide emergency food assistance with online locator by zip code or county. | 211 , unable to verify the phone number. Provides several phone numbers to different locations. |
Essential Needs | Chattanooga Area Food Bank | Provides possible resources that may help with food in northwest Georgia. | 211 , unable to verify the phone number. 706-508-8591 |
Essential Needs | Golden Harvest Food Bank | May provide a safety net of Community Partners, programs and direct services to meet the needs of our neighbors who struggle with hunger across our 25-county service area. With a network of 175 Community Partner food assistance sites, we can get nutritious meals directly into the hands of those in need through agencies embedded in their communities. | 706-736-1199 |
Essential Needs | Feeding the Valley | Search for emergency food assistance in West Georgia: Calhoun, Chattahoochee, Clay, Dougherty, Harris, Lee, Marion, Meriwether, Muscogee, Quitman, Randolph, Schley, Stewart, Talbot, Troup, Terrell and Webster. | 211 , unable to verify the phone number. 706-561-4755 |
Essential Needs | United Way 2-1-1 of Forsyth County | Search online list of food pantries and food banks in Forsyth County. "Familywize Prescription Savings Card", and information on free tax preparation. Volunteer and donation opportunities available. | 211 , unable to verify the phone number. 770-781-4110 |
Essential Needs | United Way 211 of Northeast Georgia | Search online by zip code or city or category for services available in Northeast Georgia. Serving Banks, Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Franklin, Greene, Hart, Jackson, Madison, Morgan, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Stephens, and Walton County. Volunteer and donation opportunities available. | 211, unable to verify phone number. 706-543-5254 |
Essential Needs | United Way 211 of the Chattahoochee Valley | Search online by zip code or city or category for services available. Information on Homelessness,"Familywize Prescription Savings Card", and information on free tax preparation. assistance. Serving Chattahoochee, Harris, Marion, Muscogee, Stewart, Talbot and Taylor Counties in Georgia and Russell County in Alabama. Volunteer and donation opportunities available. | 211, unable to verify phone number. 706-327-3255 |
Essential Needs | United Way 211 of Greater Atlanta | Search online by zip code or city or category for services available. Information on workforce development, financial education, homelessness, and health. Serving Atlanta area. Volunteer and donation opportunities available. | 211, unable to verify phone number. From the Need Help there is an online chat and text options. |
Essential Needs | United Way 211 of Central Georgia | Search online by zip code or city or category for services available. Information on GED preparation, "Familywize Prescription Savings Card", health insurance, tax filing service, and dedicated services for veterans. Serves Baldwin, Bibb, Crawford, Hancock, Houston, Jasper, Jones, Macon, Monroe, Peach, Pulaski, Putnam, Twiggs, Washington, and Wilkinson counties. Volunteer and donation opportunities available. | 211 , unable to verify the phone number. 478-745-4732 |
Essential Needs | United Way 211 of the Coastal Empire | Search online by zip code or city or category for services available. Serving Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty counties. Volunteer and donation opportunities available. | 211, unable to verify the phone number. |
Essential Needs | United Way 211of the CSRA | Search online by zip code or city or category for services available. Serving Richmond, Columbia, Burke, Lincoln, Wilkes, Taliaferro, Glascock, and communities in Warren, Jefferson, Emanuel, Jenkins, and McDuffie counties. Services also extend to communities in three South Carolina counties including Aiken, Edgefield and McCormick. Volunteer and donation opportunities available. | 211, unable to verify phone number. 706-826-1495 |
Family & Protective Services | Georgia Division of Family & Children Services | Individuals concerned with children at risk for abuse and neglect. Listing for county Department of Social Services offices. | 855-422-4453 |
Family & Protective Services | Georgia Division of Aging Services | Individuals concerned with possible elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Listing for county Department of Social Services offices. | 866-552-4464 |
Financial Assistance | Georgia Division of Family and Children Services | Information on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) which is the monthly cash assistance program. Listing for county Department of Social Services offices. | 800-436-7442 877-423-4746 |
Financial Assistance | U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Customer Service Center (SBA) | Low interest mortgages, personal property, and economic injury loans are available to homeowners, renters, and business owners affected by the disaster. | 800-659-2955 TTY: 800-877-8339 |
Fraud | Office of the Attorney General | Online consumer complaint form, scam alerts, consumer education and protection. | 800-869-1123 |
Health Care Services | Georgia Department of Community Health: Medicaid | Georgia's Medicaid program by which the federal and state governments share the cost of providing medical care for needy persons who have low income. | 877-423-4746 |
Health Care Services | State of Georgia: PeachCare for Kids | Georgia's State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIPS) which provides free or low cost medical insurance for children. | 877-427-3224 |
Housing | Georgia HUD: Public and Indian Housing | Georgia HUD topics such as Homeownership, Rental Help, Homeless Resources, Housing Counselors, and contact information for local offices. | 800-225-5342 |
Housing | Georgia USDA Rural Development: Single Family Housing | USDA Rural Development provides low interest mortgages, guaranteed mortgages, 1% interest mortgages for seniors, loans for repairs and mortgage payment assistance for families living in rural areas. | 800-338-5975 TDD: 706-456-2034 |
Housing | Social Serve.com - Housing Resource Helpline | Socialserve.com is a non-profit organization that assists tenants and agencies in finding affordable housing for callers free of charge. Trained, bilingual call center specialists to find available housing. Online housing search available. | 877-428-8844 Relay: 711 |
Housing | Shelter Plus Care | Georgia Department of Community Affairs | The Shelter Plus Care (S+C) program provides permanent housing in connection with supportive services to persons who have a disability and are experiencing homelessness. | 888-858-6085, bad number, though it is on the website. |
Housing | Just People | Housing for people with limited income who are developmentally disabled, mentally ill or have a head injury who need a home, providing safe, friendly and affordable housing. | 770-441-1188 |
Housing | SOWEGAC Council on Aging | System of services that promote the well-being and independence of older and disabled Georgians, helping them achieve healthy and self-sufficient lives. SOWEGAC has RSVP Ramp Team that help to build accessibility ramps for those without the means to afford it themselves. | 800-282-6612 |
Housing | CaringWorks | CaringWorks is a nonprofit 501(c)3 agency working to end homelessness. We go beyond one-size-fits-all housing and services to provide care that is carefully tailored to each client, respecting their dignity and seeing their inherent potential for success. | 404-371-1230 |
Housing | Avita Community Partners | Avita Community Partners is a resource for individuals and families in northeast Georgia experiencing the disabling effects of mental illness, developmental disabilities, and addictive diseases. Our goal is to assist in the development of safe, stable, meaningful lives for all. One of their services is to assist with increased housing stability. | 800-525-8751 |
Housing | Walton Foundation for Independence | Richmond, Aiken, Edgefield, Columbia Counties. Walton Community Services, which offers 15 fully accessible independent living communities for persons with disabilities and for seniors. | 706-823-8584 |
Housing | Lawrenceville Handicapped Housing | Gwinnett County. Supportive housing for disabled persons, 40 accessible units and Project-Based rental assistance. | 770-806-8156 |
Identity Theft | Identity Theft Resource Center | The Victim Assistance Call Center provides no-cost case mitigation to victims and consumer education and awareness in the understanding of identity theft, data breaches, cyber security, scams/fraud and privacy issues. Provides Resource information | 888-400-5530 Live Chat available |
Identity Theft | Georgia Office of Attorney General | Online consumer complaint form, scam alerts, consumer topics, consumer education and protection. | 404-651-8600 800-869-1123 |
Insurance | Insurance | Georgia Department of Revenue | General insurance information, consumer services, and online Consumer Complaint portal. | 800-656-2298 404-656-2070 Consumer Complaint Portal |
Legal Services | Atlanta Legal Aid Society | Offering free civil legal aid for people with low income. Additional projects for Seniors, Disability Integration, Health law, Kinship Care, and the Home Defense Program for homeowners who are facing the loss of their homes. Serving Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Gwinnett, and Clayton counties. | Atlanta: 404-524-5811 Clayton County: 404-669-0233 Cobb County: 770-528-2565 DeKalb County: 404-377-0701 Gwinnett County: 678-376-4545 |
Legal Services | Georgia Legal Services | Attorneys offer free civil legal services for clients with low incomes in cases related to housing, consumer practices, school discipline and access to education, domestic and sexual violence, family law issues, public benefits like food stamps and disability, healthcare access, probate of wills and estates, farmworker rights, and more. | 800-498-9469 |
Roadside Assistance | 511 GA | 511 traffic information, traffic map application, construction, and hazard information. | 511, unable to verify phgone number. 877-694-2511 |
Tax Preparation | Georgia Dept of Revenue | State tax information for individuals and businesses, forms, property taxes, and estate tax. | 877-423-6711 |
Veterans Services | Georgia Department of Veterans Service | Information regarding veteran benefits including pensions, medical care, home loans, burial, and life insurance. | 404-656-2300 |
Vital Statistics | Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles: Driver Services | Online driver services, replacement drivers licenses, registrations, and auto titles. Directory of Customer Service Centers. | 678-413-8400 678-413-8500 678-413-8600 Chat available |
Vital Statistics | Georgia Department of Vital Statistics | Information on how to request replacement vital records, fees, and ordering information. | 404-679-4702 |
Referrals Last Updated: May 2024