Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards are dangerous and can be life-threatening to local communities and people who work in the area. Often there is little or no advance warning to prepare and evacuate to safety.
FEMA has programs and resources to help communities prepare for and understand the risks.
Get Started
Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness
Resources for communities located near U.S. Army chemical warfare agent stockpile sites to protect their residents.
Radiological Emergency Preparedness
Radiological emergency preparedness (REP) planning, training, exercise guidance and policies.
Tools Sponsered by the Office of Emerging Threats
Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) data sharing network, key planning factors, interactive web tools and regional support.
Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center (IMAAC)
Federal atmospheric dispersion modeling and hazard prediction products, including marketing materials.