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Maine State and Local Level Referrals
When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. You may also reference our national-level referrals list.
Please contact us with questions or corrections.
For reference, the local resources we list provide disaster recovery services in the categories noted below.

For reference, see the full list of disaster recovery service categories covered in the below local resource list.
These resources are provided solely for the information of individuals using this page. When you go to another website you are subject to its privacy policies. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.
Maine State and Local Level Referrals
Use the "Search" field to look for categories or types of assistance.
Category | Entity | Type of Assistance | Telephone Number |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Disability Resources - Maine | Information on state and public resources for citizens with disabilities. | 877-353-3771 |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Bureau of Rehabilitation Services | Information on state and public resources for citizens with disabilities who wish to return to work. | 207-623-6799 TTY Maine Relay 711 |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Disability Services - Deaf & Hard of Hearing Division | Counseling, training, communications devices, and interpreter services. | 207-623-7958 TTY: 207-623-7998 |
Aging Services | Maine Aging and Disability Services | This service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organization. | 207-287-9200 Hotline: 888-568-1112 Adult Protective Services: 800-624-8404 TTY Maine Relay 711 |
Aging Services | Southern Maine Agency on Aging | This service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organization. Information and referrals, services, counseling, education, and advocacy. Online directory for local offices. | Online directory for local offices 877-353-3771 TTY: 800-439-1789 |
Aging Services | 211 Maine | This service links those who need assistance with state and local resources. Online directory of services. | 2-1-1 Text zip code to 898-211 In-State and TTY: 866-811-5695 Out-of-State: 877-463-6207 |
Agricultural Aid | Maine State USDA Farm Service Agency | USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides emergency loans to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters, or quarantine. | 207-990-9140 800-432-7342 |
Agricultural Aid | Maine USDA Rural Development | USDA Rural Development provides low interest mortgages, guaranteed mortgages, 1% interest mortgages for seniors, loans for repairs and mortgage payment assistance for families living in rural areas. | 207-990-9160 TTY: 207-942-7331 Online directory for local offices |
Consumer Services | Maine Office of the Attorney General - Consumer Info | Information on price gouging and consumer complaint services. | 207-626-8849 In state: 800-436-2131 |
Contractors | Maine Office of the Attorney General - Consumer Info/Contractors | Consumer information on construction, home construction warnings, complaints and lawsuits. | 207-626-8849 In state: 800-436-2131 |
Contractors | Maine Professional and Financial Regulation | Contractor's license verification and consumer complaints services. | 207-624-8500 TTY: 711 |
Contractors | Plumbers, electricians, oil burner technicians, and installers of mobile and modular homes are licensed in Maine | ||
Crisis Counseling | Maine Suicide Crisis Hotline | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. Directory of crisis lines and mental health resources. | Emergency: 911 Hotline Referral: 888-568-1112 Online directory for local offices |
Crisis Counseling | Tri-County Mental Health Services | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. Serving Central and Western Maine. | Emergency: 911 888-304-4673 Crisis Line: 888-568-1112 |
Disaster Specific Information | Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) | State Emergency Management updates, notifications, plans and public guidance. | Web referral only: http://www.maine.gov/mema/ |
Disaster Unemployment Assistance | Maine Department of Labor - Unemployment Benefits | When Disaster Unemployment Assistance is activated, the agency will provide disaster information. This assistance provides weekly benefit payments to those out of work due to the disaster, including self-employed persons, farm and ranch owners, and others not covered under regular unemployment insurance programs. | 800-593-7660 |
Essential Needs | Maine Department of Health & Human Services | Application assistance for food assistance and services. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, and other state financial assistance. | 207-624-4168 800-442-6003 TTY Maine relay 711 |
Essential Needs | Maine Department of Health & Human Services: Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program | WIC is a nutrition program. Nutrition evaluation and monthly vouchers to receive free supplemental, highly nutritious foods such as cereal, cheese, milk, eggs, peanut butter and dried beans. | 207-287-3991 800-437-9300 In state TTY: 711 |
Family & Protective Services | Maine Child and Family Services | Individuals concerned with children at risk for abuse and neglect. | Emergency: 911 800-452-1999 207-624-7900 Crisis Hotline: 888-568-1112 TTY: 711 |
Family & Protective Services | Maine Adult Protective Services and Guardianship | Individuals concerned with possible elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. | Emergency: 911 800-624-8404 207-287-3492 out of state/after hrs TTY: 711 |
Financial Assistance | Maine Department of Health and Human Services: Families | Information on filing for state financial assistance including Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) and other emergency assistance programs.. | 207-287-3707 TTY Main Relay 711 |
Financial Assistance | U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Customer Service Center (SBA) | Low interest mortgages, personal property, and economic injury loans are available to homeowners, renters, and business owners affected by the disaster. | 800-659-2955 TTY: 800-877-8339 |
Health Care Services | Maine Department of Health & Human Services: Medicaid | Referrals to local state assisted medical facilities and information on how to apply for Medicaid. | 207-287-9200 Hotline: 888-568-1112 TTY Maine Relay 711 |
Information & Referral | State of Maine | Maine's Official State Website. Links to all State Departments and Agencies. | Web referral only: www.maine.gov |
Insurance | Maine Bureau of Insurance | General insurance information and fraud reporting services. | 207-624-8475 In state: 800-300-5000 TTY: 711 |
Legal Services | Maine State Bar Association - Lawyer Referral | Information and referrals to attorneys providing legal services to individuals affected by a disaster. | 800-860-1460 207-622-1460 |
Legal Services | Pine Tree Legal Assistance - State Legal Aid Look Up | Information and referrals to attorneys providing free and reduced fee legal services to individuals affected by a disaster. | Online links to programs |
Tax Preparation | Maine Revenue Services | State tax information assistance | 207-626-8475 General: 207-624-9784 |
Veterans Services | Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services | Information regarding veteran benefits including pensions, medical care, home loans, burial, and life insurance. | 207-430-6035 |
Vital Statistics | Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles | Duplicate drivers licenses, auto registrations and title services. | 207-624-9000 TTY: 711 |
Vital Statistics | Maine Office of Health Data & Program Mgmt - Maine Vital Records | Replacement birth/death/marriage certificates and other vital document services. | 207-287-3181 844-664-9491 |
Referrals Last Updated: May 2024