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Oklahoma Severe Storms, Straight-line Winds, Tornadoes, and Flooding


발생 기간: 5월 7, 2019 - 6월 9, 2019

선언일: 6월 1, 2019

지역 자원

지역 뉴스 및 미디어

행사, 기본 정보, 보도 자료 및 기타 멀티미디어 자료는 뉴스 및 미디어 페이지 를 확인하십시오.

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Registering for Disaster Assistance

Individuals and business owners who sustained losses in the designated area can begin applying for assistance.The designated counties for eligible applicants are Alfalfa, Canadian, Cherokee, Craig, Creek, Delaware, Garfield, Kay, Kingfisher, Le Flore, Logan, Mayes, Muskogee, Noble, Nowata, Okmulgee, Osage, Ottawa, Pawnee, Payne, Pottawatomie, Rogers, Sequoyah, Tulsa, Wagoner, Washington and Woods

Registration is available in the following ways:

  • Online at
  • Phone (800) 621-3362 (voice, 711/VRS-Video Relay Service) (TTY: (800)462-7585). Multilingual operators are available (press 2 for Spanish).
  • Via the FEMA app, available for Apple and Android mobile devices. To download visit:

Individual Assistance for homeowners and renters can include grants to help pay for temporary housing, home repairs and other serious disaster-related expenses not met by insurance or other assistance programs.

Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration are available to businesses, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners and renters to cover residential and business losses as a result of the disaster. Applicants can visit their nearest disaster recovery center for one-on-one assistance or apply online using SBA’s secure website at

In addition, applicants can get more information on SBA disaster assistance by calling SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955, by visiting, or by emailing Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing may call (800) 877-8339.

Find out more at Follow us on Twitter at and the FEMA Blog at

After You Apply for Assistance

SBA Disaster Loan Outreach Centers

Applicants can apply for a low-interest disaster loan at their nearest disaster recovery center or online using SBA’s secure website at

Survivors can get more information on SBA disaster assistance by calling SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955, by visiting, or emailing  Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing may call 800- 877-833.

American Sign Language Resources

Cleaning Up After a Disaster

Flood survivors do not need to wait for a visit from the Federal Emergency Management Agency or their insurance company to start cleaning up and make repairs. FEMA inspectors and insurance claims adjusters will be able to verify flood damage even after cleaning has begun. Learn more.

Flood Insurance Requirements for Recipients of Federal Disaster Assistance

When property owners receive financial assistance from the Federal Government following a Presidentially declared disaster, they may be required to purchase flood insurance coverage. Here is information for flood insurance requirements for recipients of federal disaster assistance.

Oklahoma Rumor Control 

  • Rumor: Renters can't apply for FEMA assistance
  • Rumor: Home inspectors ask applicants for their registration number or money
    • Fact: FEMA inspectors will never ask you for the unique nine digit registration number you were assigned when you applied; they will have it on file. Ask the inspector to confirm your registration number if you're suspicious of your home inspector. Also, FEMA inspectors will never ask you for money.
  • Rumor: Oklahoma residents can buy a flood insurance policy now, and it will cover the flood water damage caused by flooding from the severe weather in May/June
    • Fact: It typically takes 30 days from the date an NFIP policy is purchased for it to go into effect. Learn more about the waiting period, why you should have flood insurance, and how to buy it at


자금 지원 의무

개인 지원 금액
총 주택 지원(Housing Assistance, HA) - 승인 금액 $13,329,465.45
총 기타 필요 지원(Other Needs Assistance, ONA) - 승인 금액 $2,228,657.34
총 개인 및 가구 프로그램 승인 금액 $15,558,122.79
승인된 개인 지원 신청 건 2202
공적지원 금액
비상 근무(카테고리 A-B) - 의무 지급 $8,167,318.23
상시 근무(카테고리 C-G) - 의무 지급 $54,664,341.99
의무화된 공적 부조 지원금 총액 $66,914,034.94
재난 완화 지원 금액
위험 완화 보조금 프로그램(HMGP) - 의무 지급 $9,551,866.10