Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program Frequently Asked Questions

This page addresses frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the AFG, SAFER and Fire Prevention & Safety programs.

M&A costs are administrative expenses that are incurred during the administration of an AFG award. Applicants may apply for M&A costs if the costs are directly related to the implementation of the program for which they are applying. M&A costs and activities are directly related to the management and administration of the AFG award funds, such as financial management and monitoring.

Requests that are simple percentages of the award, without supporting justification or adequate documentation, will not be allowed or considered for an award. In addition, reimbursement for fees associated with hiring grants management services is now capped at $1,500. No more than 3% of the federal share of AFG funds awarded may be expended by the recipient for M&A for purposes associated with the AFG award.

M&A expenses should be based only on actual expenses or known contractual costs.

The total amount of funding a recipient may receive under an FP&S Program award is limited to a maximum federal share of $1.5 million set by §33(d)(2) of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, Pub. L. 93-498, as amended (15 U.S.C. § 2229(d)(2)). The maximum federal share of $1.5 million is the total that may be requested under all six projects (up to three projects in a grant application under the FP&S Activity and up to three projects in a grant application under the R&D Activity). For multi-year projects, applicants may divide the $1.5 million over the period of performance however they deem necessary.

Applicants applying under the R&D Activity, Early Career Investigator category are limited to a maximum federal share of $200,000 per project year.

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The principal investigator should assemble a research team with expertise to accomplish all parts of the proposed project. For example, fire service partners may have the ability to encourage firefighter participation in the project, or the ability to review and promote a program, product, or policy change based on project results. Other scientists or business experts may also be needed to accomplish the research aims. The proposed project, including partners and others, is evaluated for its ability to complete the proposed research in a timely manner and disseminate results relevant to improving firefighter safety, health, and well-being.

Technology and product development activities include a wide scope of projects that result in outcomes to enhance the safety or health of firefighters. Results may include new or improved equipment, new information useful for improving the safety of firefighting strategies and fire ground operations, or information about hazardous exposures. For example, firefighter safety can be improved through greater understanding of fire phenomena inside and outside structures or the development of products to enhance firefighter situational awareness and effectiveness. New products can be developed by application of new technologies or adapting existing products and technology to new uses. Technology and product development projects need to assess the ultimate practicality of deployment and use of the results by firefighters during actual firefighting operations. As the intention of the R&D Activity is to deliver outcomes that are likely to be implemented nationally by the fire service, inclusion of a cost-effectiveness analysis is encouraged.

Each project must include responses to the fire service evaluation criteria within text boxes in the FEMA GO application. Each project must also include one Narrative Statement and one Appendix document as attachments in the FEMA GO application. A clearly organized Narrative and Appendix is easier for reviewers to score and navigate.

The Narrative attachment must follow the science panel evaluation criteria listed within the NOFO. The first page of the Narrative must include an abstract of approximately 300 words that addresses purpose and aims, relevance, methods, and anticipated outcomes. All narrative text, including pertinent references and footnotes, must be in the Narrative. The contact information (e-mail address and telephone number) for the principal investigator must be provided on the first page of the Narrative. Tables and figures may be included in either the Narrative or the Appendix document.

The Appendix is limited to 25 pages per project. It may include, as appropriate, data collection instruments, additional tables and figures, illustrations, specifications for product designs, and letters of commitment and role descriptions from partners. Additionally, if the project is a resubmission, applicants may use the Appendix to address how they adapted the proposal to address reviewer concerns from a previous year.

A biosketch for the principal investigator and lead scientists, as well as other key research personnel listed in the budget, are to be included in the Appendix but are limited to a maximum of two pages per biosketch. Applicants are strongly encouraged to follow the biosketch sample provided in the NOFO. Early career investigator projects are required to have the mentor(s) signed letter of support and commitment in addition to their biosketch.

Last updated