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MONTGOMERY, Ala. FEMA disaster assistance provides grants to help eligible homeowners and renters with temporary housing, essential home repairs, personal property replacement, and essential disaster-related needs. But not all hurricane survivors who applied for assistance are eligible; others are eligible for some aid, but may still have unmet needs.

Where can these survivors turn for help? Who can they call? Where can they go?

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. Homeowners and renters of Baldwin, Escambia and Mobile counties with uninsured damage or losses from Hurricane Sally occurring September 14 – 16, 2020 have only two weeks left to register for disaster assistance.

The FEMA registration deadline is Nov. 19, 2020.

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. When disaster strikes, people come together to help. It has been no different in Alabama.

Many volunteers have already given their time, money and talent to help put Alabama back on its feet following Hurricane Sally. But as survivors of the storm move into the long and difficult recovery phase of this disaster, many more volunteers are needed.

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Alabama private nonprofit organizations, including houses of worship and other faith-based organizations, may be eligible to apply for federal assistance to help recover from damage suffered from Hurricane Sally.

FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) Program provides grants to certain kinds of nonprofits:

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Hurricane Sally survivors receiving Social Security payments or other government assistance have no cause for concern that FEMA disaster assistance might affect their benefits.

If you live in Baldwin, Escambia or Mobile county and have registered with FEMA for federal disaster assistance, you are in no danger of losing other federal benefits to which you are entitled.

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