Designated Areas: Disaster 4509

- English
- Español

Individual Assistance
Individuals and households in these designated counties are eligible to apply for financial and direct services. Apply for assistance, or learn more about the Individual Assistance program.
- Adams (County)
- Barnes (County)
- Benson (County)
- Billings (County)
- Bottineau (County)
- Bowman (County)
- Burke (County)
- Burleigh (County)
- Cass (County)
- Cavalier (County)
- Dickey (County)
- Divide (County)
- Dunn (County)
- Eddy (County)
- Emmons (County)
- Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
- Foster (County)
- Golden Valley (County)
- Grand Forks (County)
- Grant (County)
- Griggs (County)
- Hettinger (County)
- Kidder (County)
- LaMoure (County)
- Lake Traverse Sisseton Indian Reservation
- Logan (County)
- McHenry (County)
- McIntosh (County)
- McKenzie (County)
- McLean (County)
- Mercer (County)
- Morton (County)
- Mountrail (County)
- Nelson (County)
- Oliver (County)
- Pembina (County)
- Pierce (County)
- Ramsey (County)
- Ransom (County)
- Renville (County)
- Richland (County)
- Rolette (County)
- Sargent (County)
- Sheridan (County)
- Sioux (County)
- Slope (County)
- Spirit Lake Reservation
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North & South Dakota
- Stark (County)
- Steele (County)
- Stutsman (County)
- Towner (County)
- Traill (County)
- Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation
- Walsh (County)
- Ward (County)
- Wells (County)
- Williams (County)
Public Assistance
State, local, tribal and territorial governments and certain private-non-profit organizations in these designated counties are eligible for assistance for emergency work and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities. Learn more about the Public Assistance program.
- Adams (County)
- Barnes (County)
- Benson (County)
- Billings (County)
- Bottineau (County)
- Bowman (County)
- Burke (County)
- Burleigh (County)
- Cass (County)
- Cavalier (County)
- Dickey (County)
- Divide (County)
- Dunn (County)
- Eddy (County)
- Emmons (County)
- Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
- Foster (County)
- Golden Valley (County)
- Grand Forks (County)
- Grant (County)
- Griggs (County)
- Hettinger (County)
- Kidder (County)
- LaMoure (County)
- Lake Traverse Sisseton Indian Reservation
- Logan (County)
- McHenry (County)
- McIntosh (County)
- McKenzie (County)
- McLean (County)
- Mercer (County)
- Morton (County)
- Mountrail (County)
- Nelson (County)
- Oliver (County)
- Pembina (County)
- Pierce (County)
- Ramsey (County)
- Ransom (County)
- Renville (County)
- Richland (County)
- Rolette (County)
- Sargent (County)
- Sheridan (County)
- Sioux (County)
- Slope (County)
- Spirit Lake Reservation
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North & South Dakota
- Stark (County)
- Steele (County)
- Stutsman (County)
- Towner (County)
- Traill (County)
- Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation
- Walsh (County)
- Ward (County)
- Wells (County)
- Williams (County)
How a Disaster Gets Declared
The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act states in part that: "All requests for a declaration by the President that a major disaster exists shall be made by the governor of the affected state or territory, or by the tribal leader."
Visit our How a Disaster Gets Declared page for detailed information on the rules and procedures that guide the process, including:
- Requirements governors/leaders follow when submitting their request for a presidential disaster declaration.
- Authorities granting federally recognized Indian tribal governments the option to request a presidential emergency or major disaster declaration.
- How FEMA regional offices work with state or Indian tribal governments to conduct Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDAs).
- Factors that determine when individual assistance is made available.