Washington: Well Relocation and Emergency Water Construction

A vital economic and growing population hub builds vital water infrastructure in the face of multiple hazard risks.

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King County Water District, Washington: $2.17 Million


Sitting on the shore of Lake Washington near the Puget Sound, the city of Renton sits 11 miles south of downtown Seattle in King County. Renton is the 9th largest city in the state of Washington, primarily due to its proximity to the city of Seattle as well as it being the home of Boeing’s 737 manufacturing plant. Originally established for its high volume of salmon fisheries, the city now boasts a booming manufacturing and services economy.

Project Description

King County will be completing the project in two phases. The first one includes relocating the district's existing well field and water treatment plant and restoration to natural conditions. The second phase will construct a permanent intertie with the city of Renton, Washington, to be used in emergency situations such as seismic activity, flooding or tsunami. The district staff partnered with our Engineering and Hydrogeologist consultants to develop this mitigation action.

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