Arizona: City of Buckeye Historic Downtown Storm Water Flood Mitigation Project

The city of Buckeye launches a thorough Storm Water Flooding Mitigation Improvement Project.

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Buckeye, Arizona: $4.57 million

Project Description

The historic downtown area of Buckeye experiences flooding every year. This occurs due to the loss of open irrigation ditches and farm fields that once gave protection from excess stormwater runoff. Many homes in the area lie below street level and often are affected by flooding.

This project will connect the drainage system to existing irrigation canals. It also plans to build a floodwater retention basin on a vacant lot. The project will also reduce and eliminate flooding problems; protect structures and streets from floodwater; enhance desert habitat; improve groundwater; restore riparian areas; and provide multi-use benefits during dry seasons.

The proposed drainage and retention basin system will offer protection for a 10-year storm event to divert floodwaters away from at-risk areas and improve road safety as well. It consists of two parts. The first involves storm drain construction; the second involves sewer relocations and other related work. The retention basins will have a maximum water depth of 7 feet. They will also meet design criteria established for a 10-year storm event. This project will provide strong mitigation against flooding to protect lives, properties, and transportation corridors.

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