Fact Sheet: Other Needs Assistance

Release Date Release Number
Release Date:
September 18, 2017

Austin, Texas – Other Needs Assistance grants, funded on a cost-share basis by FEMA and the State of Texas to assist Hurricane Harvey survivors, can be used to repair or replace damaged personal property or to pay for disaster‐related necessary expenses and other serious needs.

These are necessities that help survivors prevent or overcome disaster‐related hardship, injury or adverse conditions.

  • The state provides these grants to repair or pay for:
    • Disaster‐related medical or dental costs.
    • Disaster‐related funeral and burial costs.
    • Clothing; household items (room furnishings, appliances); tools (specialized or protective clothing and equipment) required for your job; necessary educational materials (computers, school books, and supplies).
    • Fuels for primary heat source (heating oil, gas, firewood).
    • Disaster‐specified clean‐up items (wet/dry vacuum, air purifier and dehumidifier).
    • A vehicle damaged by the disaster.
    • Moving and storage expenses related to the disaster (moving and storing property to avoid additional disaster damage while disaster‐related repairs are being made to the home).
    • Other necessary expenses or serious needs as determined by the State and FEMA.
  • Texans who suffered damage or loss from Hurricane Harvey and were referred to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) may lose income-based state-administered grants if they don’t complete and submit the SBA loan application.
    • Some types of Other Needs Assistance—medical, dental and funeral expenses—are not SBA-dependent, and completing the loan application is not required.
    • The application is not required for survivors seeking temporary rental assistance.



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