Public and private entities post information that could be of help if you’re a survivor of West Virginia’s severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides of July 28-29, 2017. Visit the sites below for information, services and programs available.
Call 911 if you’re facing an immediate safety issue.
Clothing, Food, Shelter, etc.
2-1-1 is a single access point for resources like food, clothing, shelter, financial assistance and health resources. Visit
Situational awareness in West Virginia
The West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) contains links to disaster planning guides and situation updates at You can also get emergency news at the governor’s website at
Access FEMA’s website for the recent severe storms and floods at It has the latest news and information on the disaster in West Virginia. ‘Like’ the FEMA Facebook page and follow @FEMAregion3 on Twitter for disaster updates.
Visit for links to register and update your contact information, and for community resources, government directories and alerts. You may also call the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362. For those who use TTY call 800-462-7585. If you use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS), call 800-621-3362.
U.S. Small Business Administration
Low-interest disaster loans from the SBA are the largest source of federal disaster funding for businesses, private nonprofits, homeowners and renters. Learn more at If you are referred to SBA, apply for disaster loan assistance by Oct. 17.
Volunteers and Donations
Volunteer and donation opportunities are available at
County contact information
Your county leaders may be able to give information on how to dispose debris properly and provide information to assist your recovery. Get their contact information online at
Insurance contact information
Get a list of insurance companies, insurance information, forms and consumer services online at the West Virginia Department of Insurance at:
National Flood Insurance Program
Learn more about flood insurance at
Contact your insurance company to start a claim. Get your company’s contact information online. If you have flood insurance questions after you purchase a policy, call your insurance agent or visit
Food assistance
Visit to see a database of statewide food banks.
General health and welfare
The Department of Health and Human Resources has health information at
Search for “CDC” on Facebook and follow @CDCEmergency on Twitter for information from the Centers for Disease Control.
The hotline for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is 800-321-OSHA (6742).
Mental health services
For behavioral health referrals, outreach and other mental health services, including those for addiction, visit the West Virginia Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities at:
For child welfare services, family assistance and community resources, visit the West Virginia Bureau for Children and Families at: .
Senior citizens
West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services provides information on community-based programs and coordinates four Area Agencies on Aging in the state. Call 304-558-3317 or visit:
Persons with disabilities or access and functional needs
The West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council provides services, supports and other forms of assistance. To learn more,
Olmstead Coordinator, Olmstead Office
Vanessa VanGilder – State lead for Americans with Disabilities Act compliance and complaints
State Capitol Complex
Building 6, Room 817-B
Charleston, WV 25305
Phone: 304 558-3287
Toll Free: 866 761-4628
Fax: 304 558-1992
Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living -
Jan Derry, Executive Director
601-3 East Brockway Avenue
Suite A&B
Morgantown, WV 26501
Phone: 304 296-6091
Mountain State Centers for Independent Living -
Anne Weeks, President and Chief Executive Officer
821 Fourth Avenue
Huntington, WV 25701"
Phone: 304-525-3324
West Virginia Assistive Technology Systems is the designated lead agency that works to enhance the lives of all West Virginians with disabilities, including older West Virginians and families of people with disabilities. For more information, visit
Environmental health
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences provides documents and resources in English, Spanish and Vietnamese that address emergency preparedness in hurricane and flood situations. Links are at
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection posts fact sheets and information on environmental issues—especially helpful after a disaster. For more information, visit
The Environmental Protection Agency’s website,, has a section on water issues. Find “EPA” on Facebook, follow @EPAgov on Twitter or call 888-283-7626.
Legal services
Legal Aid of West Virginia is the state's primary provider of civil legal aid and advocacy services. For locations and services, visit