Redeployment of the USS WASP and the USS OAK HILL

Release Date Release Number
R2 DR 4339-PR NR 033
Release Date:
October 26, 2017

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – As part of the broader planning effort to transition from hurricane response to hurricane recovery, FEMA and DoD have assessed the need for continuing the use of certain support assets currently assigned to the territories.  Together, they have determined, in consultation with the Governor of Puerto Rico, that some Defense Department assets are no longer needed.

The USS WASP and USS OAK HILL—two U.S. Navy ships—are some of the assets no longer needed.  They have provided great value to the overall response effort, contributing search and rescue capabilities that saved lives.  They are now proceeding on to their next mission in defense of our Nation. 

The WASP and OAK HILL’s principle contribution to the hurricane relief effort has been helicopter support.  FEMA and DoD have determined there are sufficient land-based helicopters and tilt rotor lift capabilities in the territories to continue helping the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands as they recover.

 VIEQUES, PUERTO RICO, UNITED STATES 09.30.2017 Photo by Seaman Jessica Dowell  Navy Media Content Services            Subscribe 287  170930-N-TJ319-301 VIEQUES, Puerto Rico (Sept. 30, 2017) Landing Craft Utility (LCU) 1656, assigned to the amphibious dock landing ship USS Oak Hill (LSD 51), prepares to offload vehicles on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico.

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