FEMA, Mid-Atlantic States focus on Training in 2019

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Release Date:
October 30, 2019

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region III, in close coordination with our state partners, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, increased the number of trainings offered throughout the region in 2019. FEMA jointly hosted 38 state partner trainings this year covering a wide variety of topics including overviews of FEMA programs, volunteer and donations management, debris management, hazard mitigation, long-term recovery and sheltering. In total FEMA trained over 600 local and state emergency managers across Region III.

“Training is one of the key steady-state opportunities we have as an agency to build relationships and help our states prepare,” say MaryAnn Tierney, Regional Administrator. “It is a major priority to get our staff to the Mid-Atlantic communities and provide training to local and state emergency managers. Training helps build capabilities to ensure we are ready to respond when disaster strikes.”

Trainings hosted by FEMA and our state partners are jointly planned based on the request of each state. Trainings focused on individual assistance was the most requested, in total FEMA hosted 20 different trainings on supporting survivors after disasters. To support local officials, FEMA also hosted Procurement Disaster Assistance training across the region to ensure officials are trained on federal procurement laws and regulations to ensure federal funding is properly spend after a disaster.

FEMA plans to continue to host joint trainings throughout 2020 to ensure emergency managers continue to receive these critical opportunities to prepare before disasters. If any stakeholder is interested in participating in a future training, opportunities can be found on FEMA and our state partner’s websites listed below.

To learn more about individual preparedness and ways to get involved in your community visits www.ready.gov.

FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during and after disasters. FEMA Region III’s jurisdiction includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Learn more about FEMA Region III at www.FEMA.gov/region-iii. Stay informed of FEMA’s activities online: videos and podcasts are available at fema.gov/medialibrary and youtube.com/fema. Follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/femaregion3.


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