FEMA Awards Hazard Mitigation Grants to Marseilles and Ottawa

Release Date Release Number
Release Date:
March 27, 2018

CHICAGO – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released $1,200,000 in Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) funds to the City of Marseilles, Ill., for the construction of a floodwall and a pumping station to protect the city’s north wastewater treatment plant. FEMA has also released $1,184,250 in PDM funds to the City of Ottawa, Ill., for the construction of new sections and upgrades to existing sections of a floodwall/levee system protecting the Ottawa Township High School and adjacent neighbors in the City of Ottawa from floodwater damage.

“The Pre-Disaster Mitigation program enables communities to implement critical mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate the risk of loss of life and property,” said Janet M. Odeshoo, deputy regional administrator, FEMA Region V. “These flood reduction measures will protect critical facilities in these communities from flood damage, lessening the financial impact on individuals and the communities when future flooding occurs in these areas.”

“The projects made possible by these grants will enable Marseilles and Ottawa to reduce flood impacts to their communities and, as a result, better protect the health and safety of their citizens,” said William P. Robertson, acting director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.

PDM provides grants to state and local governments to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures.  The City of Marseilles will provide an additional $400,000 for their project, and the Ottawa High School will provide $394,750 in remaining funds for their project.


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