FEMA Awards Central Florida Communities More Than $5.9 Million for Hurricane Irma Expenses

Release Date Release Number
NR 403
Release Date:
October 25, 2019

ORLANDO, Fla. - FEMA has approved $5,943,502 for the State of Florida to help numerous central Florida communities defray the costs of responding to and cleaning up from Hurricane Irma under FEMA's Public Assistance Program.

The grants consist of:

  •  $1,187,585 to reimburse the City of Apopka for the collection, reduction and disposal of debris throughout the city between Oct. 18 and Dec. 16, 2017 following the September 2017 storm. During that time period, city workers and contractors gathered and hauled away 85,009 cubic yards of vegetative debris.
  •  $2,612,978 to reimburse Brevard County for emergency evacuation and sheltering activities between Sept. 4 and Sept. 19, 2017. During that time period, city workers and contractors operated 22 total shelters, including four pet-friendly shelters and five special needs shelters. These shelters also provided meals, cots, animal containers and emergency supplies.
  •  $1,054,665 to reimburse Orange County for emergency supplies required by fire and rescue units to protect public safety and health throughout the county between Sept. 4 and Oct. 3, 2017. Supplies required included: chainsaws; communication devices; aerial mapping devices and worker meals to support the various crews responding to the storm.
  •  $1,088,274 to reimburse the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority for permanent repairs to restore Orlando International Airport terminal building 800 back to pre-disaster condition. Certain damaged components like canopies, 24 exterior grade ceiling fans, 12 communication antennae, ceiling tiles and entry doors were replaced or repaired.

Funding for this Public Assistance (PA) project is authorized under Sections 403 of the Robert T. Stafford Act for Florida to cover Hurricane Irma-related expenses, reimbursing eligible applicants for the cost of debris removal; life-saving emergency protective measures; and the repair, replacement or restoration of disaster-damaged facilities like buildings, roads and utilities.

FEMA's Public Assistance grant program is an essential source of funding for communities recovering from a federally declared disaster or emergency. The Florida Division of Emergency Management works with FEMA during all phases of the PA program and conducts final reviews of FEMA-approved projects.

Applicants work directly with FEMA to develop project worksheets and scopes of work. Following approvals by FEMA and FDEM, FEMA obligates funding for the project.

FEMA's Public Assistance program provides grants to state, tribal, and local governments, and certain types of private non-profit organizations including some houses of worship, so that communities can quickly respond to and recover from major disasters or emergencies.

The federal share for Public Assistance projects is not less than 75 percent of the eligible cost. The state determines how the non-federal share of the cost of a project (up to 25 percent) is split with the sub-recipients like local and county governments.

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