FEMA Approves $1 Million for Pasco County Sheriff’s Office Hurricane Irma Expenses

Release Date Release Number
Release Date:
September 26, 2018

ORLANDO, Fla. – FEMA has approved $1,004,542 for the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office to help cover Hurricane Irma-related expenses.


FEMA funds will reimburse the sheriff’s office for emergency response and protective measures taken during the 2017 storm. These activities included security for protection of life and safety of

residents; evacuation and sheltering at 22 locations; inspection of downed tree limbs and damaged power lines, and traffic control at impacted locations.


FEMA’s Public Assistance program is a cost-sharing program with FEMA reimbursing applicants no less than 75 percent of eligible costs and the remaining covered by a nonfederal source. FEMA approved 100 percent reimbursement of the total cost. The federal portion is paid directly to the state, which disburses funds to the agencies, local governments and nonprofit organizations that incurred costs.

The Public Assistance program is available in all 67 Florida counties through the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Irma. More than 1,000 government entities and nonprofits across Florida are seeking PA reimbursement for Hurricane Irma.

For more Hurricane Irma recovery information, visit www.FEMA.gov/IrmaFL.


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@FLSERT. You may also visit FEMA and the Division’s Facebook pages at Facebook.com/FEMA and Facebook.com/FloridaSERT.



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