FACT SHEET: Recovery at a Glance – Franklin County

Release Date Release Number
Release Date:
October 18, 2019

As of Oct. 15, unless otherwise noted


Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Michael, Franklin County residents, local governments and private non-profits have received about $29.1 million in total federal funds:

  • 418 homeowners and renters have been approved for more than $1.8 million in federal grants through FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program.
  • As of Sept. 17, 804 flood insurance claims have been filed. An estimated $18.7 million in claims have been paid.
  • As of Oct. 1, nearly $7.6 million in U.S. Small Business Administration low-interest disaster loans have been approved for 130 homeowners and renters and 38 businesses.
  • FEMA has provided nearly $981,000 to the state to help local governments and private non-profits in Franklin County with Hurricane Michael-related expenses.

Housing Assistance:

  • 248 homeowners have been approved for basic housing repairs.
  • 233 homeowners and renters have been approved for rental assistance.
  • 155 survivors have not provided FEMA with the necessary information from their insurance settlements to complete their disaster assistance registration.

Public Assistance:

  • As part of the $981,000 provided to date to help local governments and private non-profits:
    • Nearly $127,000 was reimbursement for debris removal and more than $374,000 for emergency protective measures.



Last updated