Columbus County at a Glance

Release Date Release Number
DR-4393-NC FS 183
Release Date:
May 1, 2019

Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Florence, Columbus County residents and local
governments have been approved for nearly $28.8 million in state and federal funds:
• Nearly $6.2 million in state and federal grants have gone to nearly 1,803 homeowners and
• As of March 26, 299 flood insurance claims have been filed. An estimated $14.1 million in
claims have been paid to date.
• More than $8.4 million in U.S. Small Business Administration low-interest disaster loans have
been approved for 268 homeowners and businesses.
• FEMA has provided more than $142,000 to the state to help local governments in Columbus
County with Hurricane Florence-related expenses.


Individual Assistance:

• From September to March, 74 displaced households received free hotel stays through the

Transitional Sheltering Assistance program.

• Columbus County has been approved for FEMA Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. Travel

trailers and manufactured housing units may be provided for eligible applicants.

          o As of April 23, 17 households are licensed in to temporary housing units, and 7

            households have successfully moved on to their permanent housing solution.


Public Assistance:
• Columbus County was approved for assistance to local governments for debris removal and
emergency protective measures on Sept. 17 and permanent work Oct. 12.
• As of April 23, 20 Requests for Public Assistance were received and 20 approved to date.
• An applicant briefing took place Oct. 18.

Last updated